Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Naturally, if you go in 5 vs 6, who would win?
Trance in that case is just a delay.

It delays your team’s deaths, however the opposing team is still vulnerable to all forms of damage until their Zen pops his.

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They still can heal themselves or have snipers get picks.

Naturally, if one team is effectively immortal and the other isn’t, who would win?


But their tanks are more vulnerable, since damage has less of an affect on a player’s aggressiveness while trans is up. Only the dps can find any impact during an opposing teams transcendence.

I can see where you’re coming from and rez would definitely be a powerful ultimate. But its supposed to be and needs to be as long as Lucio’s ult remains weak.

No team is naturally immortal, and they have to be in the trance to get all that healing.

*effectively immortal.

No team is naturally down a player either. How is that relevant?

Who in their right mind would not be within the range of Transcendence?

Oh, and the same could be said about Resurrect, which works with allies that cannot move because they’re dead.


A team can be down a player if that player leaves or is dead. I meant “naturally, IF there is a 5 vs 6”

They are similar ults in a way, but they are not the same.

And I meant:

Do you see the “if”?

If you cannot articulate such differences, how can you argue that one is more powerful than the other?


They serve a similar purpose: to keep the team alive.

Just remember:
Necromancers are just really late doctors.


That’s actually a good joke.

Can’t claim credit for that one, read it somewhere else.

No problem. I use other peoples joke all the time.


Earlier you seemed to be arguing that Resurrect would be too powerful. Are you still arguing for that, or did I misinterpret what you were getting at?

It is not in this version of Mercy. Was referring to hypothetical Mercy.

:face_with_monocle: I used to play overwatch for 6 hours a day approx … i’ve stopped playing the game in the past 2 weeks.

I contributed a tiny tiny bit haha


Same here. Played Overwatch about 10 hrs per week. Dropped the game once the patch hit.

I just really wish Blizzard would listen to the wider community rather than just the pros… They have their test servers they’ve talked about so why not try a few of our ideas? Could even put them out onto the PTR to see how people like it.


I dropped it before the patch hit cause im getting bored with the meta / addition of more stuns