Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

They corrected themselves. No worries.
I understand what it means.

The idea of Pacify is that it functions similarly to sleep dart, meaning it’s a hard to hit projectile that rewards you if you’re skilled enough to do it. You can’t argue against one and praise the other.

I would much rather have 3 people get rezzed because I would know that for the next 2-3 team fights I won’t have to worry about rez at all (4-5 if the team sends a harrasser to deal with her). Instead, as it is currently I know that the first pick my team gets in every. single. teamfight. will most likely be rezzed by Mercy. 1 man rez is oppressive and kills all momentum in team fights and outright denies the enemy a chance to push which is why Mercy has been a stable pick since the rework. It is fundamentally impossible to balance 1 man rez unless you make it completely useless.


In all fairness, sleeps can be woken up though

Yes but it is obviously optimal to either:

  1. not wake them up and maintain a numbers advantage
  2. only wake them up if you know you’ll be able to kill them immediately afterwards, again to maintain a numbers advantage

I know, just saying there are random people you play with in ranked so all things considered (i’ve played A LOT of ana on my alts and noticed dvas and long ranged always waking sleeps up even if its a nano ulting genji still ppl wake em up)

In comparison the dmg reduction projectile has no downsides like that

Nobody has given up on Mercy, Starlight. We have given up on the OW department of Blizzard.


Those ways to counter it would also be existent with the proposed Resurrect version. The fact that you can res more than just one player gets balanced by the need to charge it and to time it well because of that. It would be more balanced and less frustrating for everyone, solely because of the reduced regularity, the better ways to counter it and the more “skillful” approach.
Mercy’s only way to impact a fight is res currently, which is a very bad thing and it doesn’t even feel good for the user, teammate and the enemy (So for no one, if it’s balanced or not, it just feels much worse than Mass res).
This version changes that. It gives Mercy the so desperately needed burst Ult and makes her again more about healing then just resing all day.

It is good, but not too good considering the utility other sups have. You have to think about it that way. It’s not just fire and forget. It has a cast and a wind-down time. You can’t just use it 24/7 and expect much impact, on top of that the long CD makes it to an ability which needs to be timed well. On top of that you need tracking skills to even hit the ability.

Numbers and such still can change. It’s just a concept at the end of the day, but feedback is always welcome. I mean, we worked on that for a month… Anyway, The suggested rework as many ways for reasonable nerfs/buffs. That shouldn’t be a problem.

I mean she wouldn’t gain altitude, it just makes her movement a bit more fluid and reasonable, not much stronger.
And with the environmental kills… That doesn’t really matter if you ask me. Most of the time, Mercy would just fly back up anyway and if you knock more of her team away, she will most likely die as well with no team cover.

PS: Why not like that from the start? We worked on that so long to make everyone happy with Mercy.

But it has far more potential.


Fair point but I still think it’d be balanced since the person that gets hit by Pacify is able to remove themselves from the fight and still use all their abilities, just like how if you have the discord on you it’s best to back out and hide out of LoS for a bit until it disappears and applying the discord takes no skill whatsoever (not a criticism just an observation, I think discord is fine as it is).

So? There are already abilities that could cleanse Pacify…

This was the beauty of mass rez as an ult. You knew when it was used, and that it wouldn’t be up for a bit unless you were feeding, just like it is for any other ult.


Which currently include:

  • Stunning or killing Mercy while she is channeling Resurrect.

In contrast to:

  • Singling Mercy out and eliminating her using a flanker.
  • Forcing Mercy to move towards her team for protection before firing ultimates at said team.
  • Staggering enemy deaths in space and/or time.
  • Basic ultimate economy.

Can change a teamfight in that it actively discourages one.

Did you also test out Sleep Dart to see how much that ability reduces the damage output of a hero by?

Pacify is supposed to be punishing. If the damage reduction wasn’t noticeable, what reason would there be to justify having it?

The reason is literally stated in the part you quoted. And no, this modification really isn’t going to change anything in that category; it’s already next to impossible to get an environmental kill on a Mercy that has an hour of experience.


Mercy has drawbacks. She has no damage output and no burst/AoE healing capacity outside of her ultimate.

You said:

Which implies that you think it is OP.


Did anybody realize that mercy pickrate dropped about 2.1% ?

I’m expecting that pickrate to rebound once people get over the shock of Mercy’s 14th nerf. The same thing happened in January-May.


Yeah but in january, there was no ana buff (if you know what I mean :sweat_smile: )

People not liking to play ana and realizing mercy hasn’t changed much at all will rebound mercy’s pickrate yet again imo.

which will likely result in more butchering of mercys core kit as a result of this rework being broken.


I think a lot of people are picking up Ana because she’s a lot of fun, but a fair percentage of those players are not going to be able to play her at the required capacities of their tiers. Former Ana mains that felt forced to switch to Mercy are obviously going to be fine, but newcomers are probably going to be a bit shocked by how diveable and alone an Ana often is.

I dont think so this time T. She feels terrible in so many ways to play. They may finally gutted her entire kit to balance the rez.
The 17% has hit her with 17% less damage boost to because your using that time healing. Also rezzing 17% less because you cant leave your team unattended to rez because shes still filling people up.
I dont think shell rebound from this…

Yeah she feels bad to play even in low ranks. Not sure why they thought this was a good idea.

A big company doing such an unbelievably stupid balancing decision is very curious. They destroyed Mercy’s kit in order for the broken to hell Resurrect not compromise the game design.