Mercy now has the lowest support win rate above Gold rank

You completely missed the point to go on a wild tangant about yours, so here.

Clearly dive existed before the rework. Clearly dive stayed around a lot longer than most metas, because of mercy’s rework.

Dive existed before Mercy’s rework.
Dive persisted - and even became stronger, AFTER Mercy was nerfed in season 8.
Since the season 8 nerfs, Mercy lost a lot of impact and her pickrate fell.

Since other “Dive” Heroes didn’t lose impact along with Mercy, I put forward that you can’t really claim she is the reason dive persisted for such a long time. She wasn’t a key component to the success of dive.

Dive existed BEFORE Mercy’s rework, and persisted AFTER Mercy was nerfed.
Dive stopped being used in season 10 - AFTER nerfs to Tracer, DVa, and Zen (plus introduction of Brig).

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I’m still not on that side and don’t think her healing nerf was an issue. In basically every situation I lose, an extra 10 health wouldn’t have saved it. Many times with 60HPS, I would end the match with around 40% damage healed. Now mine is around 30-40% depending on focus fire and how well I’m personally doing. It stays mostly in the low 30% area, but that is what a healing nerf will do. But even still, that extra 10 healing wouldn’t have saved anything.

People are being over-dramatic to support an agenda.

good good the game is better

With 60 hp/sec, I had many, many situations where I was barely able to keep my team alive with little slivers of health bars by micro-managing my healing. With 50 hp/sec, I can’t do that. They just die. At least at my MMR, the difference between 60 hp/sec and 50 hp/sec seems to be the breakpoint between allies living or dying against incoming damage.

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If Titanium is saying this, I don’t know if I should continue to not care or actually be concerned…

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I’m a GM player, so healing doesn’t matter nearly as much for us, which is why Zen/Lucio was a thing and is spiking back up again after Mercy’s nerf. The healing isn’t the issue because healing is a lot more minuscule for us.

I won’t lie and say it hasn’t happened. Your exact scenario is what I do as well, many times, but in the same aspect, most time that 10 healing wasn’t going to save my target anyway.

On the contrary, healing in GM is absolutely essential. If you have low heals, you’re basically a dead team. That’s just my experience in GM though… I main Moira, Zen and Mercy.

I believe it depends on the team comp and coordination, mostly.

Exactly that. Mercy and Dva have a HUGE female playerbase and they will get picked often no matter what.

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But almost every team comp other than dive requires a main healer.

Mercy now has a niche. She can’t be used in every team comp while being extremely effective. I’m a Mercy main and hate it also, but she shouldn’t have been so useful in every situation to start with, which Mercy 1.0 wasn’t.

It’s actually really dependant what difficulty people play the game at.

It has a pretty big effect on higher ranked games, but very little effect on middle-lower ranked games.

It has been the opposite for me, weirdly enough. But I haven’t played 50HPS in comp yet, so I can’t really have a place to talk.

Well, Ana is higher picked than Mercy now in Diamond/Masters/GM.

As she should be! :smiley:

Both of you are correct. I’m a Masters player, but I end up playing with GM players pretty frequently since there’s so few at Masters+ that the game has to match them together.

Healing is incredibly important at every rank. However, high-tier players take cleaner engagements instead of drawing out the fight by trickling into skirmishes without the team. That is why Ana has always been more viable in high-tier play even beyond her aiming requirement. Her exact style of healing–high single-target burst–is ideal for saving individual allies who get called out as a focus target in organized play.

By contrast, Mercy’s healing is more widely useful in lower tier play with lots of trickling because it is low and constant. It can still be made to work in high-tier play with the help of shields, though, which is why she has remained relevant for so long before the latest unnecessary nerf. Reinhardt has a higher pick rate than even Mercy does, and his shield affords her the time she needs to get her healing done.

I would argue that Mercy with 60 hp/sec already was a bit of a niche pick among the healers. It just so happens that her niche role is something the other most-picked heroes need to synergize with. With the nerf to 50 hp/sec, Mercy is now bad at her own niche as the game’s only pure healer.


as opposed to what? the patch of mercy’s rework when she was even more broken? Yeah, I would hope dive got weaker at that point. Was dive in season 6 weaker than dive in season 4 though? Most certainly not. Dive in season 4-5 had lucio and zen as the healers. if the dive failed, that was it. The dive failed, your team died, and you reset because there wasn’t enough healing to go around. This is why triple tank was still ran, why pharmercy was still ran and why widow comps were still ran.

Season 6, Mercy replaced lucio and gave dive the healing it needed to dive, and if the dive doesn’t instantly get a kill it didn’t matter because you had the healing to continue a team fight. Mercy’s rework effectively took away dive’s weakness, and made dive and dive hero’s the only team comp worth playing for 4 more seasons. It took a hero like brigitte to shake things up for good.

I mean, you can throw around the stats all you want. Even in those stats you can clearly see in season 6, lucio falls off and mercy is the go to healer. And then dive hero’s straight on till season 9.

Lucio’s fall had nothing to do with Mercy and everything to do with the fact that his aura radius was nerfed into the ground. Before that change, he was actually able to reach all of the dive heroes with it even when they outran him. Since that change, he has only been viable in deathball comps.

You realize he was still played after his radius nerf, right?