Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Don’t agree. Moving on.

Maybe you should elaborate on your opinion.
Because this

Is nothing but wast.


I don’t believe that we should remove Valk.
And that they never will

And as you can see most other people here believe otherwise.

Yes, I can see that.

What a constructive post! Holy geezers I can see the effort and research and datamining done into coming up with this glorious post! We should definitely take such constructive criticism into thoughtful consideration!


Wow, way to mock people on the forums. This is why you guys aren’t taken seriously and then are ignored.
No wonder these are called spam posts. They are.


Can we please stop giving Aida what he wants (derail the thread)?


The only spam here are yours they provide no constructive merit and only serve to antagonize people for wanting something.

if you don’t wanna be “mocked” make better posts.


You came here to say nothing productive at all except “lalala no this no good me no like” without any constructive reasoning behind it whatsoever. I feel mocked by your lack of effort or creativity.
No wonder you aint taken seriously when all you can come up with is “nope … moving on” I mean please what you posted has even more traits of spam than anything else posted in here.

Simple advice: Don’t like it? Leave


Titanium’s eloquence and analysis on team fights continues to amaze me. Thank you for not giving up on Mercy the way that I have. I can only hope that someone from Blizzard with the authority to suggest changes can read this post and finally understand what the problems with her kit are. An unengaging E ability paired with an unengaging Ultimate are just not good game design, no matter how stubborn the developers are being about it.


Guys imagine if Mercy was reverted to have her Mass Res back but with fixes such as line of sight, team mates behind shields cant be affected by res etc. and her E ability to be a mini valk of 5 secs with the extra ability to knock back enemies around her. Wow imagine she would be such a fun champ to play and res is perfectly balanced, as its earnable again! with LOS changes so she cant rez behind walls. Wow.

Saddly all this can only exist in a alternate universe since blizzards gives no damns to such constructive feedback many mercy players have given them, and its going to be a year since our mercy died :<


I said that I didn’t agree and I was “moving on”.
I feel mocked for actually being mocked.
I like your use of “aint” to show your mockery of me.

Any way that makes rez be able to “rez” multiple people is an idea that I dislike. Rez is (very unpopular opinion) balanced due to multiple ways to counter it. Mercy can even get stunned out of using rez. She is also standing still for 1.75 seconds (or barely moving), so you can kill her with say a sniper or stun her with shield bash or other CC abilities. I think that 1 person rez can change a team fight but not as drastically as let’s say a 3-man rez.
The “pacify” ability that is mentioned seems very strong in certain situations, say Mercy affects a Tracer. If it involves damage reduced per bullet, Tracer does 4 damage per bullet. I tested out in a custom game, and I realized how much damage is taken away. If this were to be in the game, the damage reduction value should be lower (Imo).
Why would you want Angelic Descent not to lose altitude in the first second of being airborne? Is it for it being even harder to kill Mercy with environmental kills?

Um… ok?

Now you can denounce everything I say and there will be absolutely no reason to respond. Have a nice day.

There you go, you could come up with some reasoning. Good job!


1 man rez every 30 seconds is always going to be more powerful than a 3 man rez every 1 and a half-2 minutes (not to mention there’s no way you’d be in a situation where 3 people are dead every single time you have rez unless you’re holding on to rez which is a bad strat). Yes there are ways to counter it but, like Titanium mentioned in the post, there is only one line of thought you have before rezzing: is it safe to rez right now or will I die/get CCd out of rez? Only a dumbass would attempt to rez someone while there are enemies around. Plus, in the proposed change Mercy would have a cast time while rezzing, making it possible to interrupt before she is able to get it off. Y’know, the exact reason you argued that current rez is balanced.

Yes, Pacify would be a strong ability but it would also be a skill shot, meaning the Mercy player is able to miss. Why do you think a 4 second minor damage reduction is OP but a similar ability, Ana’s sleep dart, that has a 100% damage reduction because the hit target is literally just laying there immobile for 6 whole seconds and not contributing to the fight is fine?

Have a nice day


Great. Now a bit more than just looking at less than 1% of the thread.

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Ana has drawbacks. She has no mobility and she can’t rez. The sleep dart is a small projectile that is easy to miss. You get rewarded for landing the sleep dart at all. +And I said the ability would be strong not OP.

When you are in a team fight, would you rather have 1 person rezzed, or multiple people rezzed at once? I would take the second option if I could have it.

Who would want to look at the whole thread and respond to most of the replies

Okay maybe i worded that wrong. I mean the OP.

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Mercy’s drawbacks would be she would be the lowest overall damage hero in the game and she’d again be a single target healer. (also her movement is tied to her teammates so if they are badly positioned by extension that spot would be bad for you to fly to.)

I think he means op