Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Ok, now I’m worried…

I meant a little lower (not enough context). An ability can be strong but not overpowered. I thought Mercy needed the nerf because her healing was strong, even though I thought that it wasn’t overpowered.
The ability would require minor tweaks for it being more “suitable” for all characters.

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Unfortunately, echo chambers always come with exclusivity. Doesn’t matter who you are or what you do if it doesn’t match up with their mentality you’re isolated.
I encourage you to look past the people who only see one perspective though, the more voices we have the more we can refine the suggestions.

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Rez is fine in that the cool down restarts if you succeed in killing Mercy or stunning her. There are times when an ally becomes “unrezzable” where it is too dangerous to rez an ally, most of the time because of the enemy team being able to kill you.

I want an explanation of how it actively discourages team fights (rez now).

Ana has no mobility, much less a 2-second cool down ability. She doesn’t have a passive ability that heals herself. She has damage boost (basically) as an ultimate but stronger. (Im just saying Ana has drawbacks, and Mercy does too but the drawbacks differ)
You can have allies that wake up the enemy but not killing them because it happens quite frequently.

Can you explain to me why Mercy deserves this ability? I myself don’t understand and to me it just doesn’t fit with the rest of her kit.

Have a good day. I’ll browse other threads.

It’s stated many times in the OP.

Comparing drawbacks of two heroes is one thing. Comparing the drawbacks of two abilities is another thing entirely. The two comparisons are not relevant to each other. Using weakness X on hero Y as a reason why ability A on hero B should do C, can be easily countered by weakness D on hero A.

You either compare the abilities, or you compare the heroes. Comparing an ability to a hero’s weakness is meaningless.

No ally in their right might would be shooting at a slept target without a plan to kill said target.

Although there are a lot of people that are never in their right minds, so…

  • Mercy players have requested an E ability for a long time (a REAL E ability, not an ultimate on a cooldown). This meets that requirement.
  • It deals no damage and reduces an enemy’s damage output, fitting her pacifist theme in lore.
  • It allows new players, who aren’t good at aiming, to start off with a hero that isn’t aim-dependent while also giving them something that allows them to practice aiming skills. It keeps Mercy as a hero with a low skill floor, but allows for the player to grow more and improve mechanically by getting used to hitscan attacks.
  • It unlocks playmaking potential for Mercy outside of her ultimate, something that Mercy’s 1.x versions lacked.

Huh. Interesting thoughts on pacify.
On to rez…
Well the rez is only used on one ally, as opposed to multiple at once, which discourages a team fight a lot more, even if it requires ult charge.
That’s my view.

If there is more than one player down, chances are that a battle is already being fought. Not engaging at that point isn’t really an option; the teams are already engaged.

Of course, the proposed Resurrect could still be used to solo-rez an ally, but it isn’t available nearly as often. The fastest a player could charge Resurrect via healing is 31 seconds, and the player obviously isn’t going to be constantly healing for that period of time in application.


Well, a good Mercy can still get it fairly fast, right?

Correct, just like any other hero.

According to the averages at the time (if we ignore usage delay), Transcendence and Nano-Boost charged faster than Resurrect back during Mercy’s 1.x versions. Tactical Visor, Rocket Barrage, and Dragonblade also charged faster on average.


And old rez had the power to negate all of those ultimates, as if those ults were useless.

The same could be said about Transcendence.

On top of that, a single one of those ultimates could also be used to negate a Resurrection.


Trance does not counter things such as Deadeye, or even Widow and Hanzo headshots.

But it still counters more than any other defensive ult. Trans is way more powerful.


Resurrect is even easier to counter with Deadeye than Transcendence is. With Resurrect, the lock on starts before players are even able to move, making them easy kills for the McCree as soon as they become vulnerable; they have no time to move behind cover/barriers. With Transcendence, the team can still find cover or utilize barriers.

Transcendence maintains momentum. Resurrect loses that momentum and leaves a team vulnerable post-Resurrection.


Trance most of the time keeps people alive.
Rez brings people back to life.

The result is the same, save for the loss of momentum and additional vulnerabilities with Resurrect.


Rez brings momentum to the team that gets rezzed.

Resurrect allows the team to start gaining momentum again, starting from zero. The enemy team still has the momentum, as they are still in formation.

Transcendence never loses that momentum.


But if you are at a man disadvantage and use Trance, it basically is a waste because you end up dying along with your team.

Assuming that trans achieves nothing and your team can’t apply any pressure when high burst damage is the only thing that can kill them. Trans allows your team to start applying pressure where initially they were on the backfoot, rez equalises.