Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

You managed to imagine my tone from writing? :grinning:

I don’t mean to insult / offend anyone but you choosing to get offended by something you perceive as offensive is entirely your own responsibility I’m afraid.

And that’s your opinion. One that is not shared by many many people. Mass Rez is literally the most unhealthy mechanic ever introduced in a tactical FPS. The overwhelming majority of the community wanted it gone, the Pros wanted it gone, the Devs wanted it gone. You can call it condescending but Mass Rez isn’t coming back and that’s a good thing.

I’m sorry but there’s plenty of other equally easy heroes to pick up. This statement is incredibly baffling considering Overwatch is about the easiest FPS out there. Not to mention, the core gameplay of Mercy is virtually the same.

Sorry but discussions in a echo chamber where people repeat the same things despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary is not my thing. Hence, why I stay away from this thread until I got summoned by a person discussing a 1+ month old post of mine.

Now I’m going to retire again. Don’t want to offend anybody and it’s clear to me that having a different opinion in this thread = oppression / being condescending.

Have a good day.

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Amazing, how you don’t even hear yourself and the implications that you put in your post. But go ahead and retire. Good riddance, no?


Would advice to give it a shot, at least. Even though enforced 2/2/2 is likely to remove some fun in the process.


Well I’ll give it a shot and see how it goes

Hmm seems no one’s playing custom game modes at the moment so looks like I’ll need to wait till later. Kinda funny in a way, stop playing for 7 months and then when I come back no one else is playing :stuck_out_tongue:

Whenever you’re running out of arguments, better resort to personal attacks and insults, right ?

Damn I probably can’t do anything against that kind of argumention.

Ryan, you seriously need to calm down on the toxicity.
The only thing you’ve achieved so far with this discourse has been making a fool of yourself.

People aren’t wrong for wanting their favorite hero to be fun again and pushing for changes. Just stop already.


I wasn’t running out of arguments, I was simply tired of repeating the same things over and over, as I sure you are as well. But yes, it was childish to resort to personal attacks and insults, especially in the forums which are supposed to be a place of discussion.

Sorry for any offense, I was in a very heated emotional state and resorted to spiteful comments rather than logical debate.

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I never understood why they ever put the updated balance version of heroes into the modes designed around the old kit/balance of the heroes. Look at how OP Molten Core is and how underwhelming her current rez is compared to using the Rez Mechanic everyone can use.

Mass Rez should have been left there for Uprising at the very least.
Old Torb should have been left there for Uprising at the very least.

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Blizzard have little concerns about balance in arcade. New resurrect mechanic was added, due to higher difficulties of Uprising becoming impossible to complete with E-resurrect/Valkyrie.

Old arcade resurrect required teammate to stop doing anything else to revive fallen ally.

Edit: Corrected some of my awful grammar

I’m sorry, I decided to take a break from the forums for reasons that are none of your business. When I came back and saw your post, I was striked to see how irrelevant it was to the topic discussed, which is why I replied to it.
I don’t know how that should be a problem unless your opinion changed from last month -which I believe isn’t the case here, and would be somewhat weird.
Nevertheless, if for whatever reason you’d like me to not answer to your old posts, feel free to let me know and I’ll stop.

Except it’s not.
I don’t understand what was the purpose of saying that. You’re only loosing in credibility.

Probably. I think she’s rather balanced in her current state. However, this is not what people from this thread are concerned about.

Coming from someone who constantly says that fun is subjective in order to discredit people who want changes to Mercy, the fact that you say “Mercy is fun” is just laughable. You’re not making yourself look smart by claiming fun is subjective then saying the exact opposite.

Fair enough. If you have nothing more to say, no one is holding you back.

I am not spamming the forums. I don’t know where you get that from. I have been literally absent from the forums for a whole month.

Now, FYI I have been using the workshop trying to reproduce mass rez. I have done that for maybe a few hours. Then I eventually stopped because there is just no point.
The workshop feature is, in my honest opinion, incredibly lacking.

I don’t live in an English speaking country, and half the options in the workshop are (rather poorly) translated, while the other half is left untranslated, which makes it a pain to look for an option since I don’t know whether or not it is translated.
There’s no way to easily modify an ability. You have to set up a lot of annoying things to do that.
Changing durations of transformation ultimates is a pain, especially for Mercy since there is no option for that, unlike literally every other transformation ultimate.

If anything the workshop looks unfinished in my opinion.

As far as I know, people are still experimenting with it, and no ideal version of the old Resurrect has been found yet.

Although the workshop opens a lot of new possibilities each one cooler than the last, in my eyes it has close to no point. The workshop is restricted to custom games. Guess what ? I don’t play custom games.
The last time I’ve played Arcade was during the Ana Bastet challenge, because I liked the skin and it was the only way to get it.
I’m not interested by quickplay either. I can’t find any sort of enjoyment in that gamemode. In my experience, most people will just pick a specific hero and go to do whatever they decided they would do before the game. Be it landing a flying headshot as widow, hiting X players with Y ultimate, getting play of the game by all means, spawncamping X player, …
I don’t find that fun and as a consequence, I don’t find the whole gamemode fun.

I’m not that much interested by any gamemode that isn’t competitive. And as fun as having mass rez back and playable may seem, I am not going to play exclusively custom games.

So yeah thanks for your not so constructive advice.


:grinning: I’ve never inquired your reasons nor cared that you left the forums mate or even asked. I’m confused.

There isn’t any credibility to be lost. Mass Rez is gone, was an unhealthy mechanic, it isn’t coming back and virtually everyone agrees that Mercy is viable and balanced currently. This isn’t an opinion, this is a fact.

We don’t change or balance heroes around subjective opinions that have no logic in them. We balance them around facts and numbers.

Precisely my point, the whole reason for this thread is Mercy isn’t fun because she actually is viable and no one disputes that. Your fun doesn’t trump my fun or anyone else for that matter. So we can safely eliminate that reason as a legitimate one and the argument is pretty much done since no one disputes Mercy’s viability.

I don’t follow you on a day to day basis. It’s literally 5-6 people who are constantly saying the same thing again and again.

Good thing there’s people out there who actually understand how to use the Workshop. Don’t blame the tool for your own lack of skill I’m afraid.

Now I would appreciate if you stop replying to me. I’m not interested in a debate, this topic stopped being of relevance 2 years ago. I leave you to enjoy talking among the few others here that want to continue to beat this dead horse so to speak even more.

Have a good day.

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Actual point of workshop is taking off Blizzard’s employees tasks like creating new heroes, and putting them on players.

Why do whole internal testing, etc. to come up with kit for hero, when players will do it themselves, if you throw them bunch of abilities/ultimates and then pick more popular ideas?

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Even if they don’t take the hero ideas, taking the game mode ideas takes a lot off their plate, even though the plate was pretty bare in the first place.

Look at the gun game mode, easily becoming a crowd favourite and easily something they could rip from the game browser and place it into the arcade.

They won’t even have to do much code work because they can take it from the fans, adjust it to what they feel is balanced and just add a model.

Honestly, I would be more excited for this if the content drought and bad balancing decisions were not as terrible as they are.


As well as the Halloween one. After-all, the Witch in it is able to use Mass Rez. Seems a bit double standard to me. But that’s just me I guess.


No double standard here at all.

One is a player character absolutely requiring balance, while the other is an opponent requiring no balance whatsoever

It’s one event, where I really wish for Junkenstein and his team to win :wink:


A player who does not attempt to win is considered to be throwing, which is gameplay sabotage and eligible to be reported

No offense, but once again you missed the point.
Is Sarcasm not in your vocabulary? That is why he had the Wink emoji.


The act of saying “no offense” does not then mean no offense will be taken

I stand by the statement I made

Megs, the statement that you made is missing the point. Saying something without meaning it literally is something that’s done all the time for purposes of humor and satire.

Cleo made a joke and it flew over your head. That’s what Rose was trying to tell you.


While I understand what you are saying here, I dont believe that to be the case