Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Since I leave having to fight myself as last resort action, I hate playing them. And since I will be hunted anyway, may as well pick support with flying.

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x power and y power and z power actually do something…imo, this sounds like a promo to play other supports

They require to be in the action, which is a big “no”.

well, this is a fast paced action game…

Enjoyed old Torbjorn and Symmetra for same reason: no action for me. Both also provided team support.

Yet I enjoy mobility, but mainly to avoid action: explosions, bullets and screams around me? Time to get out of this place. Action looks best from safe distance.

And best form of action isn’t manifested in high damage, but in it’s opposite, like shield generator, for example. It’s always great to set up the stage for other team to fail, without even being seen. Like Symmetra says, order overcomes chaos.


Hmm, from what I’ve seen done by French OW World Cup members and streamers, the immortality field is used mostly to protect the Winston/DVa during their dives. The incremental changes that Ryan said the devs are contemplating (55 HPS + burst heal on Mercy reload vs. full 60 HPS revert) makes more sense because it encourages battle Mercy behavior – additional buffs to damage boost rounds up the buff package to enable Mercy to be more aware of offensive opportunities, while preserving her current role of reversing picks in sniper vs. sniper compositions.

I think Mercy resurrect for the backline Widow and Zenyatta will still be essential when running dive-widow compositions – if Baptiste finds its way in dive compositions, it’ll probably be to make initiating dives stronger as compared to reactive dives (aka dive by Winston+DVa after the enemy team started their dive).

Note that in my previous comment, I feel that the greatest strength in your rework is that it allows 411 to brawl with 33 when Mercy’s ultimate is up: this part is huge because 411 is a kiting composition that is meant to poke at range until it gets a pick – it is not meant to brawl at all. If they DO force 222 (which they might if the OWL viewership dips down too much), it’s difficult to see how this all shakes out if ever they do force 222 in OWL, CP and QP – I can only see a big upside to your proposed rework in 411, not so much in 222 (unless it’s a PharMercy-222).

From what I’ve read in Ryan’s posts, they want all heroes (all supports included) to be in the thick of things. So get ready for more Mercy shooting and reloads for lots of burst heals. :man_shrugging:

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Then it’s time for me to pick Widowmaker and observe action through scope. Not role I favor, but best of what’s left.

Or to play that kind of Torbjorn, that never uses ult and makes turrets appear in random spots. Since fast action bores me beyond anything, both in OWL and in game itself.


But that is the catch, it is on tanks. Tanks can take a burst hit long enough for AOE heals stacked up to do the job.


Yet some people believe, that 60 hps on one target is something really powerful. When you need hero, that is designed to tank damage, for that healing to work - it’s not very good healing.


That, or you need smaller targets that know how to evade damage, which still makes that healing underwhelming unless you are in higher tiers.


There are players, that can survive for a while with Zenyatta’s healing orb(30 hps). Surprised no one claims his healing to be powerful - more range than Mercy, no distinct beam leading back to you, and you still can use other abilities for other teammates.

Hope that Mercy will get ability to manage both damage boost and healing beams independently.


After a full week of trying and at least 20 hours, I finally got the uprising legendary (the one with torb, tracer. rein and Mercy) and even managed to land in the top 500 on the leaderboard. All the Mercy had to say in the end was I felt so useless. It kinda made me sad that she was right considering all other main healers would have been able to do more in a game mode that was designed around her.


:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Oh behave. Imho, just be able to be honest with yourself and defend yourself mindfully. My approval is worthless, I have no idea what I approve of 99% of the time. Life gets wild.

Life’s about exploring. Can’t be helped. I can relate to this. Regardless if I agree or disagree with the conclusion, I love and appreciate the intent.

1:1-5 is what, inherent, encourages the “hide and rez” style of gameplay so many (the devs included) have wanted to eliminate and remove. There will always be an incentive to hold onto the Q to rez more people. To, essentially, allow team mates to die.

Having rez operate in a way where 1 button press results in 1 person to be rezzed. A 1:1 type mechanic. That hide and rez sort of behavior is for all intents and purposes removed.

1 button press resulting in 1 person being rezzed is logical. The 1:1-5, where 1 button press can result in anything from 1-5 people being rezzed, that lead to too many problematic behaviors. Useless in coordinated settings and OP in lower tiers.

Therefore, unless you convince me otherwise, I don’t see myself accepting any sort of 1:1-5 mechanic.

Yeah totally agree. People started playing incredibly poorly after the rework expecting Mercy rezzes. It was crazy.

I like your “rez for a price” approach. Howver, I realize the devs are wanting to keep Mercy simple and accessible, and they might be unwilling to experiment in this direction.

Furthermore, the balance implications are quite extreme.

That said, you have presented like a very thoughtful and considerate compromise and it was really nice to see. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:

I still have to respond to everything after this ^

I’ll try to do this tomorrow. Apologies if I’m late, life is busy lmao.

I really appreciate how you approach this topic. I wish more people would be as considerate and open minded as you’ve been. I hope I respond fully to everything you said. Sorry for not doing so in one go but I’m tired af. Please forgive! :sweat_smile:

Even in higher tiers, players would want to avoid unnecessary risk. And dodging is exactly that: you can dodge 99% of shots, and that one time you didn’t dodge can be instant kill.

Guess it’s why Goats became dominant: sooner or later you will be hit, and you better be able to survive it. Throw in AoE healing, that doesn’t require either side to do anything beyond sticking together, and “human factor” mistakes are mostly removed.

This doesn’t address any of the issues raised in this thread.
It’s a rather pitiful attempt at belittling people here.

Hello !
Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I’m finally back after a rather long break from the forums.

I must admit that I’m pleasantly surprised by your essay answer.

Considering people’s argumentation in favor of a rework/revert, I think you hit the nail on the head here

I can only speak for myself, but I believe a lot of people feel like me regarding mass rez.
As you said, it’s something I know. It’s something I know to be fun, engaging (considering how I used it aka not hide and rez) and rewarding. It used to be what Valkyrie fails to be, and thus cannot replace. I know mass rez worked. Granted, it wasn’t perfect, but the problems did not justify getting rid of it in my opinion.

This might surprise you, but I don’t see that as a major problem.
It’s what made rez situationnal therefore not overpowered. It played a part in balancing the power of the ability.

Moreover, one could argue that a lot (if not all) ultimates are virtually restricted by the players’ perception of their value.

Take Zarya’s Graviton surge for instance. Randomly throwing it when there are no ennemies nearby serves no purpose. It would simply have no effect other than loosing ultimate charge. Reinhardt’s Earthshatter is virtually powerless as long as the opposing team has a barrier to hide behind. Lucio’s sound barrier would be wasted if used at spawn or after a teamkill.
Granted, these restrictions aren’t as hard as old res’ restriction, but I think you can get my point. An ult being somehow restricted isn’t necessarily problematic unless the conditions are nearly impossible to meet, which was not the case for Resurrect.

In my point of view, that’s rather good. Encouraging supports to survive is a good idea as they are the ones who allow the team to sustain and keep fighting.
And when a specific support is virtually able to revive the whole team, it seems pretty obvious that said support us going to be a priority on the kill list.

As long as there’s no abuse of it, I think it’s perfectly fair.

But obviously, there were abuses of it, we all know that.

I fully agree with that.
However I believe that hide and rez takes its source in the sr system that used to inflate the gains of people who were abusing it.

I don’t understand what you mean when you say that “it’ll be good for you” but not for other people. Why exactly do you think that ?
If adding any of the tweaks you stated gets rid of the hide and rez playstyle, how would that not be good enough ?

I strongly disagree here. E-rez does not work well imo.
From the user point of view, it’s sluggish and breaks the fluidity that is naturally present in Mercy’s kit. It feels more like a gamble rather than a real play as you put your survival in the hands of everyone else but yourself.
From the allies perspective, it’s frustrating. It forces tanks to try to protect the Mercy. It gives the rezes ally the illusion that they can get back in the fight, only for them to realise that they will stay dead if the Mercy players is interrupted while casting.
From the ennemies point of view, it makes Mercy an insanely important target for an instant. It forces the whole team to quickly react or accept one pick to be reversed.

It doesn’t play well regarding first picks. It forces Mercy to react to the first pick if she doesn’t want her ennemies to push forward and engage a fight. It doesn’t reward a team for getting a pick by giving them an opportunity to start a fight.

That’s what I could expect from an ultimate, yet it does all of that as an E-ability. It does too much for an E-ability.

Yes, that’s huge. That’s so huge that it can compete with an ultimate in terms of power. That’s not what I would call a good design personally.

The “set of problems” you are mentionning here is purely hypothetical. You can’t know how and what the problems will consist of. You can’t know whether or not these problems will even exist.
That’s not a very comfortable position to argue against this hypothetic E-ability.

There is. It did operate in a viable way. Every Mercy main who reached top 500 with it is a living proof of it.

As I said above, your reply got me surprised. I don’t feel like you have a closed opinion at all now, and I’m happy to see a very constructive post coming from someone who disagrees with me and is open to debate.


Nice to see this thread is still going. Speaking of Mercy’s current state, is it worth playing again using the mass rez Mercy stuff I’m hearing is in the workshop?

I’m kinda on the fence as on the one hand it’s mass rez and I love that a lot and have been missing it for years. On the other it’d mean I’m actively playing OW again and I don’t know if it’d be fun enough to justify increasing this game’s active user accounts even by 1 given how awful the devs have treated Mercy players who despise Valk.

Wow, you decided to address something I said a month ago. :grinning: This thread is literally the same 5 people who keep saying the same thing. Mercy is viable, balanced and fun. It’s been 2 years, mass rez is gone and good riddance. Literally, got nothing more to say on this topic because the topic has been beaten to death on a sub-atomic level. Mass Rez isn’t coming back, that’s crystal clear. It’s been two years.

With all due respect - here’s an actual constructive advice for you:

Instead of spamming the forums with the same thing that clearly isn’t coming back, use the workshop and recreate Mercy with Mass Rez and have fun in your modified custom games with the rest of the peeps who want this unhealthy ultimate back. More power to you.

It’s a win-win for everybody. You get what you want, we continue to play a balanced game and enjoy new Mercy.

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I actually cannot fathom how condescending this post is. You can’t say “with all due respect” and then continue with an aggravating tone. That’s counter-intuitive.

I once advocated for a Mercy revert or rework, but I don’t care anymore. It’s clear that Blizzard cares less about toxic playstyles and more about taking her kit in a different direction. If they cared about balance and retaining a hero’s identify, they would have nerfed Mass Rez and given her an E ability to compensate, but they didn’t.

Wanna hear my two cents? We didn’t need this rework. We needed more heroes. This is why the Mercy rework went down so poorly. People who spent time on Mercy and remained loyal to her did not have the transferable skills for other heroes, and the lack of choices meant that there wasn’t a hero that could “replace” her.