Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Hey, Cleo! Just to be clear, is this a joke?


Just to be clear, Cleopatra’s response will not change my stance on this specific item

Why not? If it really was a joke, it means she never suggested throwing in the first place. Which would make the assertion “throwing games is wrong” technically correct but irrelevant and derailing to the conversation.

I am frustrated at how often I have seen dialogues get derailed in that manner. Not only to Cleo, but with nearly everyone trying to hold a conversation about Mercy.


I dont find it irrelevant.

I understand despite my disagreement why you feel differently

It is irrelevant to the topic at hand: in this case, Mercy.

By responding to a post talking about Mercy’s state with a reply about the ethics of throwing, it derails the conversation to the ethics of throwing.

Please just take jokes for what they are instead of taking them out of context and responding to them as though they were literal.


Again, I do not see the matter as irrelevant - and I really have nothing further to add at this time

Yes, it was a joke :woman_shrugging:
As in my opinion, Junkenstein isn’t “bad guy” in that story.


I have to be honest here… Mercy unbalanced and balenced in the same time.By unbalenced i mean the ressurect ability and by balanced the rest of her kit. Now we all agree that ressurect is a powerful ability but it cannot be removed from the game because is Mercy’s signature move and that would damage hero’s reputation. Now she is balanced because of her general kit.Her healing isnt crazy at only 50 hp/sec and the fact the she can kinda fly is pretty good.Also the ult is a pretty ok one because it boost’s mercy’s healing.


Personally, I find resurrect to be well balanced in its current state

TFW my 9 year old sister who has never experienced Mass Rez Mercy just told me that she thinks Mercy’s ultimate is dumb because it is mostly her doing what she can already do with unlimited ammo.

Yikes when an actual 9 year old doesn’t even find your ultimate ability engaging.


But it doesn’t make necessary quality jump. It doesn’t change situation from “teammate is dying” to “teammate will live” with rare exceptions.

As for how powerful resurrect is: it’s only as powerful, as teammate you bring back. You can’t make it more powerful, using strength in numbers, like Mercy used to be able to.


The ultimates healing rate makes it 60. 60 HPS makes her only as good as she was before except she can heal multiple people which undermines what it supposed to make her skillful.

Juggling and prioritization is supposed to be what justifies her lack of aim.
Only having a pistol with 20 bullets for self defense that can be rather hard to hit, is what justifies her mobility but to justify having high mobility as support it relies on her team.
Making her so dependent on her own team for survival and having a kit that tries to deter you from using your pistol as much, enforces an idea that she is a character that wants to make her team succeed.

So by making her reliant on one source of unchanging healing but having that single source be reliable is important and makes her feel more active in her role.
Valkyrie goes against this idea and instead makes her playstyle less engaging because it can do all the stuff YOU (the player) are meant to be doing. This is bad character design.

When you further realize that it gives her mobility that she controls, it defies the basic concept that allows her to be a mobile, team reliant but reliable support. You add on top of that, the infinite ammo that goes against the idea that she should only be using her pistol when necessary.

Valkyrie defies the basic rules of Mercy’s core character design.
Valkyrie gives Mercy the power to play completely independently in a way that is selfish.
Valkyrie does things that you are supposed to do as the player.
Valkyrie removes most of the basic but extreme challenges that you are supposed to deal with when playing Mercy, which is survival. Seeing the battlefield, looking and understanding the positioning of all the players and components of the game and being able to plan ways to react.

Valkyrie is a poorly designed ultimate for the kind of character kit Mercy is designed with.

Now let me just quickly talk about Mass Rez:

Whilst Mass Rez has its issues for players, it wasn’t all negative and there are important things that we can learn and take from it.

  1. Mass Rez was Mercy’s only ability at the time that could be acted upon by just her existence, but it still was designed to make a team succeed. This is really important.

It sticks to her core design. She plays to make her team mates succeed.
But, it gives a player who normally does not get to have shining moments unless using a pistol, to actually shine. Her kit at it’s core is designed for a player to be satisfied with their own work but every player still needs something that gives them a visible WOW moment. For Ana, it doesn’t come from her ultimate even though it is visible and gets her a lot of praise when it impacts the fight well or saves a life, but in Ana can influence the fight easily with Nade and Dart and she can do this much more frequently, in fact it could be considered all game when her cooldowns are relatively small.

The only way a player can truly be satisfied with their OWN impact on Valkyrie beyond the feels they have with the base kit, it by adding getting kills on top of the act of being able to do what you could already do in an easier way. Even then getting the kills are easier because there is no management of bullets.

Everything about Valkyrie defies Mercy’s core design philosophies.

That is a problem.

And Single Rez just adds to the issue.
It can be powerful, but it only really feels like it feels value at higher levels where every rez can make a difference. Suddenly at low levels where every blue moon there is finally someone worth of a Rez or finally is someone who can make a difference on that fight. Too often it is easier to say I won’t even attempt to risk this Rez because the reward of me living and healing is greater than the attempt to keep our numbers together because that person won’t make much of a difference anyway.
Or, I won’t rez the main tank because I don’t actually have a team that will back me up to secure this.

The team work it takes to make Mercy work now after every nerf and change is one that makes her power level weaker in lower ranks because people don’t know how to communicate or use team work properly or at all.

People don’t want Mass Rez back and that’s okay, but Valkyrie cannot stay.


…Is there a TLDR version of this? :sweat_smile:

Makes a wholesome Mercy thread

Revertmercys and (former) Aria Rose cultists:

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You guys really can’t let that go, can you? At least they moved on.

This is true, I think Valkyrie should be remade to big-main small-chains. That way, she still has AOE healing, but the healing on the main beam is much more powerful rather than the healing on the chain beam. Same goes for damage boost.

This is overly exaggerated. Does Mercy taking out Widowmaker is a selfish thing to do? Other healers can deal damage to support their team why Mercy can’t?

Valkyrie still do this things actually, just better (well, depends on the player).

Valkyrie also do this too. But unlike mass-rez, Valkyrie gives impact in a more constant and consistent behavior which sticks with Mercy’s core design while Mass-rez is a burst bundle of impact.

While it’s from your view, here’s from mine. Valkyrie is neither an offensive ultimate nor a defensive one. It is an incredibly versatile ultimate that can be used at any time with it’s incredibly long duration. That is what makes Valkyrie powerful.

It also gives Mercy a better survivability, it’s important because Mercy existing in a battle is already a powerful thing and Valkyrie helps her survive better.

The infinite ammo is a complementary ability to her flight. This way, Mercy can reach towards a certain area that where her team can’t but she can and Mercy can kill that someone that her team is having a hard time to eliminate. This doesn’t go against her core design, that pistol is there for a reason.

Maybe Valkyrie didn’t have the ability to bring your whole team from the dead. But it can certainly decides who are going to die and who are going to live.

(At least there are some part of Mercy 1.0 that still exist unlike someone {look at Symmetra}).

Other healers don’t take away their healing, while dealing damage.

Impact was always about burst. Over time small advantage works, only if teams are in stalemate, and one small push will be enough. But that’s all it’s good for.

Valkyrie can decide, if Mercy will live or die. As for teammates, not so much.


I beg to differ, all the main healers can’t deal damage while healing unlike the off-healers. It’s just that the other main healers has an ability that can damage and heal or healing that last over time. Mercy didn’t have it, but she has GA that can close the range for her to heal her teammates. And the weapon switch is not that long.

Well, it’s not my fault you can’t play Mercy that good. I can do it, why can’t you?

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Makes me laugh, honestly. Valkyrie provides consistent, small advantage over 15 s. All other support ults provide medium to high advantage over 6-8 s, which allows them to work better.

If you have team, that can work with smaller advantage other longer time, then good luck to you. But usually they would prefer burst effect, as time is limited.


Not all of them, sadly…