Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

He’s never going to stop. His modus operandi is to derail any enlightening discussion on Mercy on every thread. In this other thread, he derailed other forum users expounding on Mercy as a pacifist, Mercy being an off-healer, and he derailed them with his usual boring trivial non-answers. And he never quits.

Right now, the hot-topic among the Mercy community is the damage boost change – some are calling it a neutral change, others think it’s a nerf. And even that topic he actively derails with his non-answers.

Suggestion: just give him a cookie. Or better yet, just ignore him, since he doesn’t really address anything new in his posts anyway.


There are terms that are generally/widely considered inflammatory, such as racist words

I won’t state any of these here as that’d violate the forums rules, but I am sure anyone reading this is well aware of several such terms

Anti-mercy is not one of those terms, and there is nothing inflammatory about its definition.

If an individual decides that a given term is inflammatory to them, tho in truth it usnt an inflammatory term, I don’t see how that changes things for a user of that term except in business or real world relationships…

For me, it simply delineates the difference between two groups of people, and that difference is not an inflaming one, like race, religion, etc

More words, no substance.


I see plenty of substance on that statement

From hereon I am going to treat it as an inflammatory term whenever I see it, and take action accordingly.


Here, have a cookie.

It has more words, that’s for sure.

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I suppose anyone can decide that any word or phrase, even when it is innocuous to others, is inflammatory and take action accordingly

I suppose the only recourse in such a world is for no one to ever say or write any words or phrases, given some individual may find them inflammatory

And if I’m the only one that finds it inflammatory then nothing will happen, so in this particular case I think it’s a self-regulatory system.

That being the case, I suppose the right to define a simple innocuous term versus the right to decide an innocuous term is inflammatory should be tested.

I do not know whether you are in or part of the anti-Mercy faction yourself, but my inclusion of the term in this sentence should suffice whether you are or are not

More ad hominems, more trivialities. What’s your position on the recent patch notes?


There were no ad hominems in the statement being referenced here, nor any trivialities

Whatever makes you sleep at night, dude. Also, notice how you keep avoiding any issue about Mercy and the patch notes? The usual trivialities from you.


I have responded to statements made that were/are about me. I do not consider such statements to be trivial, and I think most folks would feel the same

So? The substantive posts are about Mercy, not about you and me. It becomes about you when you pull it down to that level, which you often do because of your trivialities and non answers.


Each recent post made by you in this thread that quotes me has included a statement about me.

The overall thread itself is not about me, but this piece of the thread is largely about me due entirely to each successive post by you including statements about me

I have nothing further to add in this regard at this time

Good, because faced with your own reflection (me stooping down to your level), there really is nothing to add for the both of us. If you took a position vis-a-vis the patch, it wouldn’t be a pointless convo.

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I do know that mercy is not unarmed. Caduceus blaster can do a lot of damage, but imagine if she is in a 1v1 against tracer or reaper or genji. She doesn’t have their mobility or damage. She can 1v1 other supports and several other dps or tanks. But the dps kits is more combat oriented (of course) than her kit. I’m not saying that she’s a bad fighter (because she’s not, i solo kill a reaper once using mercy) but the dps flanker definitely had more advantage than mercy.


You were not the one who claimed Mercy was unarmed

Sorry, i thought you meant me. I misunderstood it.

Np dude…