Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Not going to happen. I leave that man bunny with healing grenade launcher to you.

not likely since the issues still persist and our concerns about mercy still seem to be ignored.

baptiste will only serve to make mercy in her state even more obsolete.

that would be the people who want her to remain in such a bad state, not those of us who want her to be a better made character overall since her rework was very clearly rushed.


No ult is simply just a button press unlike mass rez that you could use behind cover, it’s not about ult economy which btw doesn’t mean what you think it means, ult economy is about using ults with effective time and positioning, what Mercy did with her ult alone was stall and butcher any sort of ult economy or you’d be at risk of simply messing up your ult usage

Mercy didn’t outplay no one, Mercy hid, let her team die and then she proceeded to swoop in and “outplay” with the press of a button, it’s ver VERY different from a Dva ult that you need to shoot and direct in unpredictable ways or face utter failure

Baptiste doesn’t erase bad teammates either because the area of inmortality field is somewhat small, I’ve seen people die countless times on the ptr just because they step outside of it or because they over estimate the duration of the drone, try again

No, You are a hater of current Mercy therefore you’re a hater of the only Mercy available for the player base, therefore Mercy Hater, you cannot cover this fact with your thumb as you try to cover everything else

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I dub this thread “The place where people continue to hate each other endlessly” with the subtitle “People are not going to change their mind no matter how much you argue”…

I really do wish there was a forum filter so people could filter out Mercy threads. The forums would be so much more peaceful without Mercy haters, Anti-Mercy haters, Mercy not-carers, Forum-Mercy haters, Mercy she’s-finers, etc. mixing in one place. At this point the segregation of of forum population is probably preferable over what we have now.

Tho as human beings I can see where the devs would not ever want to address such a toxic and entitled group as the anti-Mercy faction, they havent ignored you folks at all

I have provided my definition of the term anti-mercy as I use it many times in many threads across these forums.

It is clear, unambiguous, concise, and nothing like what is described in the statement quoted above

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I hadn’t come across this term until now and it makes so much sense, it’s also far from pejorative and incredibly descriptive, thanks man!

Factually coughs if people have to ask what you mean by it, and if people keep misinterpreting it, then it is not unambiguous.


It’s ad hominems this time, on top of the usual trivialities and non-answers.

P.S. I’m referring to the person you are responding to, Qwazi. I’m with you on this one.

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And in regards to the discussion… Well, I’m as much at fault as many others who are posting about Mercy. I suppose a lot of people are just addicted to argumentation… but it really is utterly pointless from a “generating results” perspective. None of these discussions will have any impact what so ever on any changes to Mercy in the future, and I am very doubtful that Mercy will ever receive any significant changes again.

So, the only value these threads provide is argumentation for those who enjoy such things.

Did you hear about the changes to damage boost? It’s on cast and not on hit. Animetic thinks it’s another nerf. What do you think?

laughs I’d respond with “I really couldn’t care less” but Megadodo would probably respond with a “Factually, you could care less since you cared enough to respond”… So I’ll just answer with “It’s a change in playstyle but will probably make just a minor difference, and since I no longer play the game I’m not overly concerned”.

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I don’t see that as the case.

There are many terms folks don’t know the meaning of and must then turn to a definition to learn.

A definition can be clear and/or concise and/or unabiguous, or not. I find that the definition I use is all of these things

There have been no ad hominems from me that I am aware of at this time

Then you are wrong, because the very definition of Unambiguous is “not open to more than one interpretation”, and since people have interpreted it in different ways it is clearly not unambiguous. Besides, I find the terminology “anti-Mercy players” to be rather inflammatory and even with your explanation I interpret it much differently to how you describe it… so it is NOT unambiguous, and you are wrong.

The change requires Mercy to actively do voice comms for her damage boost, and since Animetic does not do voice comms, I feel it’s a big nerf for Animetic’s playstyle.

At the rate things are going, the main healer designation belongs to Ana, Moira and the incoming new hero Baptiste. I’m not really surprised you don’t play OW anymore, Animetic is playing a LOT of beat sabre these days. I hope she does her comp placements soon.

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I will stand with my existing statement that the definition is clear, concise, and unambiguous

I do not see it as inflammatory either, it simply delineates two groups of folks

Your usual non-answer again.


I don’t view my statement as a non answer

Here, have a cookie.
20 characters

sigh Well, I suppose I can’t stop you from pulling a bag over your head and yelling “Bingo, bingo, bingo, bingo” until everyone leaves either…

And now that I have enlightened you that I do, and I’m pretty sure there are others that do too, then perhaps you should stop using it.