Mercy's ultimate

thats why i added Etc at the end lol

I think there are a large number of pro mercy folks who are speaking out against the anti-Mercy stuff, not just me.

Quest, EOW, Undertone, Ravenna, Ryan, Healer, Grey…and many many others, too many to name. I don’t see it as just me, so for me that meme falls flat

From a previous discussion we’ve had regarding this terminology…

Judging by the responses you’ve received on this thread alone I would say there may be others who interpret that terminology as inflammatory. I really do think you should stop using it… Meanwhile I will take appropriate action…

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Um… what is appropriate action?

That is not what I wrote though. I wrote:

That means something very different from what you wrote. I am not saying that you are pushing an agenda for the purpose of polarizing the community, I am saying that it is a consequence of people continuing to push for Mass-rez to come back when I think Blizzard made it pretty clear that they won’t put it back.

I understand your position without agreeing with it

There is a very slippery slope here, where anyone can arbitrarily select an inoffensive word, declare it to be offensive, and proceed to action. If enough people move enough words from the inoffensive bucket to the offensive bucket, we will begin to see inability to communicate effectively or at all

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The vague threat of taking “appropriate action” to a very congenial poster just because they use a benign word that you do not like is not very conducive to discussion and further derails anything productive. Surely you recognize this?


Well, generally I agree with this, but “anti-Mercy” is a loaded word. Typically words containing “anti” risk becoming loaded. And since most people don’t bother reading up on your definition of the word I think they are naturally going to assume you mean it offensively and in an inflammatory way. I do not know how many angry replies you need to see until you accept that people will interpret it as something inflammatory…

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Well, Megadodo and I have been over this in detail in another thread (that one is also quoted from my post and you can see the full history there). While perhaps not super relevant for this thread, I do intend to point it out as I find the word demeaning to people who currently do not enjoy the current state of Mercy.

Anti terrorist
Anti cancer
Anti inflammatory
Antilock brakes

Anti Mercy = against Mercy, which they are not, even though it is in your opinion that they are. There are different iterations of Mercy. Anti-currentMercy would be a much more accurate term.

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And you know full well I could give you an extensive list of words which do become loaded with anti in it, though giving such a list would likely get me flagged and banned.

But I have seen your explanation of “Anti-Mercy” and I find it offensive and inflammatory.

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And as I have said, this can become a very slippery slope very quickly

But again, I understand your position without agreeing with it

May I recommend spending 10 seconds more to write out “people currently not satisfied with Mercy” (or something similar which captures what you wish to say), which would completely avoid people finding a term you coined as inflammatory or derogatory.

I have noted your recommendation

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The problem with that is, no person should be expected to changer how they speak or write to accommodate an unreasonable position. It’s not inflammatory and certainly not derogatory and such a request should not be considered.

It’s ok to be anti-mercy and request changes just like it’s ok to be pro-mercy and enjoy her as she is or enjoy having one on your team as is. Neither position is inflammatory or offensive.

Deciding a benign word is offensive and then suggesting the people using that word cease to do so is simply not rational or reasonable.


If several people find a term offensive and if you are told they find it offensive, would you not avoid using the term to avoid spreading toxicity? What is so wrong with helping someone avoid misunderstanding and being perceived as being toxic?

I have told Megadodo how I interpret the word, and I keep seeing evidence that several other people take offense too. If the term requires explanation then it is ambiguous and that too is dangerous on forums…

Being told that I’m anti-Mercy for not liking Valkyrie (and I don’t want Mass-rez back either) is being told I do not care for Mercy, that I don’t want a Mercy that I wish to play. It is a loaded term that attempts to invalidate my opinions. But I do care about Mercy, but I don’t care for Valkyrie.


I don’t see that as the core issue. I agree with your statements, but I think that the issue is that the term is not a technical term, but one that a forum poster invented. Using it, only encourages other to continue making up terms and eventually pin the opposition as anti Mercy. One could easily say the current “pro mercy” or whatever group is actually Ant Mercy and you would just have to deal with that, by your own reasoning. When the term is newly invented by the person arguing, it causes confusion.

I understand the position some folks have chosen to take on this matter

I don’t agree with the position, but again, do understand how said folks have chosen to interpret it

I have no problem with these same folks choosing to use the term to mean the opposite of what i mean, though some might see this as hypocritical

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I think what you say here is fairly accurate to a degree. You are correct, it’s not a technical term, however the forum poster you’re referring to was not the one who invented it (and I don’t mean in the literal sense of inventing a word).

In a thread (possibly one of the ones we’re currently talking in, maybe one long buried) several other posters repeatedly accused him of being anti-mercy, at which point he explained he was actually arguing from a pro-mercy position as he had an overall positive attitude towards the hero, her current kit and current performance and explained, quite reasonably, that their position was anti-mercy.

He didn’t invent the word nor bring its use to these forums, he simply explained that, by definition, he was not the anti-mercy person they were accusing him of being.