Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Minjoo still gave a valid answer. Mercy’s most powerful kit is her mobility and her e-rez, not her pistol, with the caveat that it comes into play when she’s doing Valkyrie. It’s no wonder that gold Mercies get 2+ kills in certain situations (i.e. devolved fights, when there are casualties on both sides).


I’ve been told I have a PTSD because of that.
Haters gonna hate

I mean, everyone here has PTSD over something in this game.

For me, I still break out in a cold sweat seeing an enemy Roadhog in the backline.

And then there’s the panic mode I enter when seeing a Tracer blinking stright towards me.

And the urge to scream that I have to surpress if I hear angry japanese right behind me.

Feeling helpless is never fun. But that doesn’t always mean the only solution is to delete the un-fun thing. There’s always the option of switching heroes or tactics, and if that doesn’t work the “un-fun thing” can be adjusted to have more counterplay options.

When I hear people complaining about mass rez, the thing I see them complaining about most is the lack of counterplay. And I’m not sorry, but that doesn’t mean that mass rez needed to be deleted from the game. It meant that it needed more counterplay.


Well, the good news is that, if nothing else, Geoff did acknowledge that there is some unhappiness with Mercy and that they may be buffing her Damage Boost in some fashion. Which… still a case of them missing the mark of what’s really frustrating people, but it’s better than nothing



Didn’t she have mass Rez from before the release of the game? That’s a pretty early point in a games lifecycle to lose the hardcore fans…

Yep it sure pissed off a lot of people, and the response of dumping everyone’s complaints in a number of ginormous trash can sure didn’t help…

Is it dead? I mean I don’t play anymore, probably due to very different reasons than yourself but I know people that do and they haven’t complained about insane search times…



My PTSD isn’t caused by enemy team. It’s caused by my own.

Finding enemy in the backline gives me “here we go again” feeling.

I can see that. But idk. …
I have changed my views on some things about mercy with influences from this thread. :woman_shrugging:t5: I guess it just depends on what you even come to the forums for to begin with


I find it laughable that you believe that is something easily done.
Like you can do that frequently.

And even if you do succeed, your team has likely fallen apart from losing that key player and you would have just revived your tank into a losing fight likely to be killed again.

It’s clear your game sense about Mercy is very little.


the only thing clear here is how much of a coward you are when playing Mercy, I won’t say it’s not risky but it is perfectly doable almost every single time unless the enemy sets up a camping ground around corpses, again, just because you choose to play like trash doesn’t mean the mechanics aren’t in place for you to go for bold plays, no wonder you feel her kit is boring if you play like that, she’s not boring, YOU are boring

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Almost every single time? Er no, more like every single time you’re dead. You’re right, if the enemy team camps a dead body, you can’t resurrect – but every player in high enough tiers will camp that body for that cheeky resurrect.

Like what Jayne says in this video –

“He’s dead. Don’t make 1 dead person 2 dead people.”

(viewing Zen vod reviews coz I’m starting to dig Zen these days)


To be fair, they don’t have to camp it - if they spot Mercy flying over their heads, it would take them turning around and firing few times. She clearly has no business to be in your backline, regardless from her intentions. Especially if she uses GA to fly there, as it means possible resurrect opportunity.

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Hello there!
Dont mind me I am just here to say that I still want changes for Mercy. Because her ultimate and e-rez are super terrible in my opinion. The game could also get other improvements but I dont want to overstrain the indie devs.
Thats it have a nice day bye!


if they camp the body and the body is on a disadvantegeous position for them then you are literally making them move by simply existing, their movement is predictable and tied to a small area if your team isn’t taking advantage of that then the rank where you’re playing isn’t all that high

Look, I’m not saying it’s a perfect strategy but it’s no where impossible to pull off and it’s actually particularly effective

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Dude, you’re right in the sense that it isn’t impossible, and I actually give you props for looking around so that you are aware of the enemy team – supports especially in low tiers tunnel vision on their own team, in the same way DPS players tunnel vision on the enemy team.

Like what Jayne said further in the video – as support, you are more important. And whether you can resurrect or not isn’t up to you, it’s up to the rest of the team to peel for you.

I just came from a game where I did a pick against an enemy team, and made it two because I killed the enemy Mercy trying to resurrect my first kill. Previous to that in another game, I had to aggressively peel for my Mercy trying to resurrect our McRee against an enemy Tracer and an enemy Doomfist – quick dynamite and coach gun in that situation saved her (she was kind enough to request peels at the start of the game, so I did). Aside: it was quick play, I never DPS in competitive matches.

When I decided to play Mercy on this account, I decided to play ultra-conservatively without ult, and aggressively with ult, and I stopped at 70% win rate in that season I took Mercy seriously, my highest win rate across all my accounts (I didn’t bother trying to rank up more because I didn’t want to learn how to consistently crouch-super-jump).

You’re free to do what you want in your tier, just be prepared to unlearn it the higher you go.


Thought of adjusting resurrect like Tracer’s pulse bomb:

  • has radius of 5 m, resurrecting all teammates in range;
  • has maximum resurrect health of 300 hp, if multiple teammates are resurrected;

If you resurrect multiple players, tanks will receive only 300 hp, which has to be healed back to full later on.

Together with making it an ult and making Valkyrie into E ability, of course.


You have a “megathread” to throw all the s***posts you’ve made about the subject. You can see the amount of new-made accounts across the first hundreds of pages. That’s self explanatory. If you want to “call me out” at least know the subject from the source and not only the last month of cleans throat and smiles “feedback”…

That might be a good source ALSO why most people think revert mercy is a terrible idea. In the amount of posts calling trash to devs inside that megathread you might find what you looking for.


Everything I’ve said is pretty much justified, and if you want to quote everything I say like a doctor, you should give a read on those 21k of posts. I did.

Still want more reasons to say anything related to changing Mercy is a bad idea? Not only for the hero but for the community itself?

Me personally? How many have I made 0_o
(Genuinely not sure what point your trying to make here…)

So how do you recognize a new account… Is it by the number of forum posts? Inspired by your example of rigorous research I randomly picked two people with single/double digit posts and they were both diamond (weirdly, maybe they’re decayed gm) with a thousand+ games won. Perhaps the large number of new forum goers were brought out by the jarring change.

Again… what? Before last months feedback? Are you referring to one of the several megathreads of many thousands of posts? 0_o

Most people? Again, source…?

Most threads have posts calling the devs trash. There are even threads devoted to it, not just random posts. These tend to crop up after significant balance updates to every hero…

The sheer volume of posts from customers that blizzard dumped into the trash was pretty remarkeable though.

Your first source is a link to a feedback trash forum. A step above a link to google I guess. Unless you mean the hate post is from Tom?

Your second piece of evidence is a link to nothing?

Assuming that something stuffed up when you tried to put the appropriate link in, are you suggesting that 2 hate posts is reflective of something? To make the sort of broad generalizations your tossing out I would expect some pretty serious surveys+stats…

Just 21k? Did you go back to… 2017 I think was the first one.

We appreciate your feedback, as it will assist us and provide insight on improving your Overwatch experience. - Tom Powers
Funny guy.

I dunno if I’ve seen one yet. Just a whole lot of references to all the people incredibly upset people =\ brings back memories.


The fact every reply you do is a doctor A4 nobody asked for, when I just said the reason of the first post you replied. Like, if you have zero knowledge of what I’m talking about and you’re not that people, don’t try to reply and pay the intelectual.

If you have no ideia what the thread is, what are you really doing here? lol
You’d know if you played at that time, I can assure you that.
Go away of my mentions please.

I have made resurrects from right above the enemy team, but usually that only happens in quickplay or in games where an enemy is really blind, dumb and dysfunctional. Furthermore, I have gone for cheeky resurrects by waiting, it also happens that a lot of time spent waiting for that Rez is usually time spent not supporting your team unless you have another way to reach that corpse while still being with your team but then going to that rez becomes tougher because you have to move out of position.
In a game with players who actually have eyes, i wouldn’t dare make the risks I do, which are far riskier than what you are describing, simply because people who have good game sense wouldn’t let me get away with it, so why risk it?

So I repeat, your game sense on her is bad if you think it is something easily done on a regular basis or something to do frequently, especially when most topics about Mercy are taken from a competitive stand point. How she performs in competitive is what people mainly judge off of and in competitive people are more serious and pay more attention, therefore the risk is even greater and often not worth it because the enemy will more likely notice you because they are in a more serious and focused mind set.

I am a very risky Mercy, if one person is camping a body after they killed them, I will go in and kill them myself and get the rez.
I will sneaky rez, or revive from right in the sky above the enemy. Hell I have done so in the middle of the enemy.
But many of those are rare because I judge the situation and see that the risk of death is far greater than the reward of one person being revived.

If you haven’t realised people in this game HAVE RANGE. They don’t need to set up a camping ground to stop you, they can focus fire you from far away, etc.
And as mentioned, time wasted on a Rez like that on a tank will still have a chance at being a waste because without the key tank, your team is likely already dead by the time you get them up, so you just lost your team and revived a tank into death with you following straight after unless you decide to run in which case it is still a waste because he could have just ran back from spawn and likely made it back if you were focusing on supporting your team. Unless you can revive the tank near immediately so no ground is lost, it is already too late unless you can hold your team up through waiting for the tank to get back.

  • Mercy does not have the capability to hold a team together through the amount of damage that now exists in the game to hold a point while the tank gets back. She has nothing that can help her succeed with this. Nothing to increase healing, nothing to negate some damage, nothing lower the enemies damage.

And Rez isn’t necessarily the part that is boring on her kit to me, while it infuriates me that the thought process of resurrect has been dumbed down, it’s Valkyrie that is boring. By design, it makes things easier on an already mechanically easy hero which is boring.