Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I do not find that post to be an attempt to divert the topic.

In my opinion, support ultimates can be game changing but are not explicitly intended as such.

I personally am glad that each support ultimates operates in a different fashion, which some having a very short duration effect with more power per unit of time and some lasting longer and having less power per unit of time.

I appreciate the diversity

Every ultimate in the game is supposed to be game changing. That’s why they are called ultimates.


I have seen professional teams only winning after swapping Mercy out. I have also seen that many times now in my games as well.
Can you still succeed with Mercy? On ladder sure. But only if the enemy has Mercy too, your team is providing their abilities to help res every 30s and i really me every time you can or the enemy team just ignores you the entire time.
As soon as both team are overall equally good Mercy becomes a extremly bad choice.

So you have to like the old Mercy more and i really don’t want to put words in your mouth, but you are just confirming that to me with that statement.
Implying that you like Valkyrie (in it’s entirety) means that you like healing/dmg management, resing and from time to time going aggressive with her gun. Not to forget the movement.

That being said… Old Mercy had all of those things as well. Only with a way more reasonable and higher difficulty, far more strategy involved and overall being way better balanced/polished.

Makes me question why players prefer a handholding, easy mode which also looks and sounds just bad.


With apologies, I am afraid that I dont understand how the word “ultimate” is directly connected to “game changing”, though I do consider Valkyrie to be game changing

I am glad we have different ultimates that do different things

It is certainly possible to play Mercy poorly - I’d argue that it is easier to play any character poorly than to play them well

Succeed, carry,and dominate - all are possible with Mercy in her current state, regardless of what you teammates and/or opposing team do

Factually, one does not “have” to like the old Mercy more, and personally - I don’t

I find the current version of Mercy to be the best version, given that this did not seem to be fully clarified in my previous statement(s)

As further clarification, I find the current version of Valkyre to be far superior to any version of mass rez, and I am very thankful mass rez is no longer in the game

Definition 1-c from merriam-webster.com for the word ultimate is “the best or most extreme of its kind”.

It stands to reason that an ultimate ability would be either extremely powerful or unique. Either way an ability like that would logically be game changing if successful.

Ultimates doing different things is good. HOWEVER there shouldn’t be any ultimates that can be closely compared to basic abilities in both mechanics and power.

Edit: In that vein, Resurrect deserves the title of Ultimate way more than Valkyrie. Can you name another hero who can bring back a dead teammate? Can you name another hero who can AoE heal? Fly? AoE damage boost?


Factually, Resurrect is not Mercy’s ultimate. Valkyrie is.

Factually, he said it deserved to be not that it is.

Your interpretation lacks once more.


You do realize that has absolutely nothing to do with what I said… right?

I am well aware that Valkyrie is her ultimate.


Let’s try coming at this from a different angle.

Remember, definition of the WORD (not the Overwatch Mechanic) ultimate is “the best or most extreme of its kind”.

Resurrect fits this description as there exists no other way to bring a dead teammate back into the fight. It is the best ability of its kind because it is the only one of its kind.

Let’s extend this logic to Valkyrie. One more time for the sake of discussion, consider ONLY the definition of the word ultimate. Valkyrie can in general do 4ish things. AoE healing, AoE damage boost, flight, dive and kill enemies.
Is Valkyrie the best AoE heal in the game? No, transcendence exists.
Is Valkyrie the best AoE damage boost in the game? No, supercharger exists.
Is Valkyrie the best flight in the game. Debatable, Pharah exists.
Is Valkyrie the best way to dive and kill your enemies? Not really, I’d say both Dragon Blade and Pulse Bomb are better at that.

After going through that, going off of JUST the definition and NOT where it is on her kit, Valkyrie is not deserving of being referred to as “ultimate”. It flat out does not fit the definition of the word.


In my opinion, it does

This is a judgement call - there is no ruler we can hold up against all ultimates to objectively - this ones the biggest/best - or even a measure that says above this line it is an ultimate and below this line it isnt (or shouldnt be)

In my opinion, Widows ult is the weakest; I expressed this, and many others told me it is among the strongest

judgement can and does vary

Answer these questions then.

Is Valkyrie the best AoE heal in the game?
Is Valkyrie the best AoE damage boost in the game?
Is Valkyrie the best flight in the game?
Is Valkyrie the best way to dive and kill your enemies?
Is there another use of Valkyrie that I’ve forgotten about?


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

I’m not sure to understand you. What do you mean by “other examples of Mass Rez being used successfully” ?

Again, the way other games are designed shouldn’t impact how Overwatch should be designed.
I don’t mind whether or not mass rez exists in other games. I’m interested in Overwatch, not those games.

I think the uniqueness of an ability is a great basis for it to exist in Overwatch. Every ability is unique and that’s what makes the game enjoyable.
Sorry to ask, but what gameplay elements were you refering to ?

Sr exploit*

I’m confused. I don’t understand what you are refering to here.

That’s not what I was talking about.

Pretty much every ultimate has that potential.

Why is there suddenly a double standart ?

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I… Don’t know what that has to do with the quote you made but, okay.

It doesn’t change the fact that any hero in an equal team environment would be a better choice as Mercy.

Yeah no. Not really.
I would still like to know the reason why you think that.

Cool, it’s just very unreasonable.

Raises the question, why that? I have yet to see a clear reasoning from you, why you think that.


Honestly, this. Idk who decided that providing feedback is unreasonable . It’s a product. It’s a service. If you’re unhappy, you have a right to say so. Blizzard can listen, or not but you can leave as.many comment cards as you want.

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The only version of Valkyrie that I would even consider being an ultimate…is

Valkyrie 1.0

Best AOE Heal in the Game? Hi Transcendence.

Best AOE Damage Boost in the Game? Hey Orisa! Supercharger doing great!

Best Flight in the Game? For 15 seconds, but Pharah has us beat.

Best way to dive and kill enemies? Winston, D.va…blah blah blah

Another usage? Yeah, getting back to point quickly to contest it.


I was trying to get Megadodo to answer that, because if the answer is no across the board, it does not fit the DEFINITION of the word ultimate. Language and meaning is crazy important and shocker, players expect an ultimate to BE ultimate.

Hammond’s everything is probably better for that use case.

Enough with that anti-Mercy label.
There’s no anti-Mercy faction. There’s no Mercy cult.
I find this extremely misleading and upsetting to be label as “anti”. This promotes a toxic “us vs them” mindset that I would rather avoid.

Ad personam.
Such a very dishonest way to dismiss one’s arguments.

Yes the evidence shows otherwise.
Please link your sources that support this claim.

Btw, I’m still waiting for your answer to this post. If you don’t wish to answer, that’s your choice, I’ll just assume you can’t refute my points.


I very much doubt you’ll receive any kind of refutation, only further denialism with only-tangentially-related facts and rehashed opinions. This guy is a troll.


Yeah, I’m kind of not sure if I want to go through with this English teacher thing because… I’m pretty convinced that they’re a troll, so it would be a waste of both my teacher’s time and… Pretty much everyone else’s.