Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I can remember quite a few times when you answered to a criticism by restating the supposed fact, or by saying something among the lines of “I believe what I said was correct”.
“It is a fact because I believe it to be a fact”

If you lead the horse to water, and the horse doesn’t want to drink even though it has not drunk since a fair amount of time, will you question the sanity of the water and try to find another spot, or simply let the horse die ?

I do not find this answer to be related to the part of my post that you quoted, as my point was more about how an anecdotal experience that matches a statement does not make this statement valid or factual.

Here is the quote

Nonetheless, I’d like to address it.

“To the best of my knowledge, my statements have been either purely facts…”

And that is a problem, if I may give my opinion on it.
Your will to be so factual hinders and disturbs the dialogue by derailing it towards an uninteresting, unrelated and unnecessary argument on semantics.

I’ve said numerous times that current rez makes Mercy immobile.
I perfectly know that this is factually false. However, the loss in movement speed is so harsh that it might as well be true, there would be little to no difference in my opinion. As such, I accept to be factually wrong by exagerating a bit in order to portray better my passionate disdain for this ability.

“…or have factually lined up with my experience”

Here is a statement from you in this thread.

Mass rez incentivized a healer to not heal her team

And there is the answer you brought up to support the previous claim.

Factually, I saw Mercys choosing to withhold healing happen, many times

Acording to these quotes “mass rez incentivized a healer to not heal her team [because] factually, I saw Mercys choosing to withhold healing happen, many times”

The above assertions are in correlation with one another. However, “I saw it happen” is an anecdotal claim and does not warrant the former assertion to be true.
I’ll say it again:

I agree with that, and that’s fine.
However participating in the conversation by trying to answer every question one asks you will give more credit to your arguments.

For example, if I make a thread to say “I don’t like current Mercy; I think we should go back to mass rez Mercy” but also never answer when someone asks me why I don’t enjoy current Mercy, most people will probably stop taking me seriously and may even start labelling me as a troll and flag me.

I’m not saying you are in a similar situation, or that you must answer each and every question one ever asks, but that further explainations of your reasoning are welcome and will help other people understanding your point of view by opening the dialogue.

I personally highely recommend giving again links and/or explainations to someone who is asking for them. In my oponion, doing so shows a will to cooperate.

So let me get this straight:
“Mass rez was unhealthy because I saw bad people using the ability in an unintended way”

Which is not only an anecdotal claim (“I saw it happen”), but also completely absurd. Were you expecting anything else from low level players ?

I would be glad to be proved wrong in your following posts.

Allow me to jump into that discussion with an analogy.

Someone is playing heads or tails and after a fair amount of tries, they notice that an overwhelming amount of coins landed on tails.
Surprised by this outcome, they conclude that the coin was rigged.

Is this reaction valid ? I’ll let you build your opinion before explaining.

As you should know, the odds of the coin landing on tails are of a half (0.5, or 50% if you prefer) for each toss. Statistically, after a fair amount of tries, the odds are that half of the coins will land on tails, and the other half will land on heads.
But technically, if this experiment is reproduced by hundreds of people, it is not impossible that a few of them have witnessed that a majority (or even all) of the coins land on either of the sides without the coin being rigged.

In this analogy, the coin represents the use of mass rez, the statistics are the ones Titanium explained some posts ago, the hundreds of heads and tails players are the Overwatch community, and the initial player is you: Megadodo.