Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

So, DPS like it because it doesn’t undo their “Sick Kills” an this is supposed to make us happy?

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he he heee, I saw what you did there :smiley_cat:

Totally agree with what you have said here. Just thought it was cute that you put in an “Avatar the last Airbender” quote.


Clarification: For a very large portion of the current playerbase, playing Mercy is considered to be fun, engaging, and effective.

Yeah, not so much… Yes, she can still do her basics, but she can no longer solo heal her team when 5 people insta-lock DPS. It takes longer to heal up a tank, an her Ult is lackluster in comparison to other Healers Ults save Ana’s, which has good healing/anti-healing grenades which out-power/out-heal Mercy.

If a characters playerbase has dropped significantly, that means the character is less fun. She has 50% less players now as Titanium pointed out.

Of that population, there are still people playing her that dislike her current state (I am one of those). So if she lost half of her player base and there are still a players playing her that dislike her current state, that means she would have a greater number of people who dislike her current state than do like her current state.

That would mean there is a stronger backing to have her changed into something the greater number of people interested in her would prefer.


This was true before the rework took place the first time, what makes you certain the same won’t happen again XD

Hey there, friends. I will try to keep up with this relatively regularly but I’m busy af IRL so forgive me if I’m a few days off.

That said again, I really do hope I manage to address everything of note that was said in response to me. Here we go…

Due to the difference between killing someone and bringing them back from the dead. Pretty much all abilities in the game revolve the concept of either killing someone else, or preventing someone from kill you/a team mate. Nothing deals with after someone has died. Only Rez does.

That is why, in my opinion, we can’t really compare the Rez action to a kill action. There are so many things that go into a successful kill, there are also so many things that go into successfully preventing one, and then there is a tug of war between those 2 forces. One someone dies however, nothing can then interact with it. Other than Rez.

This is why a 1:1-5 damage mechanic is okay, and that is what all DPS ults are. They are not kill mechanics, they are damage mechanics. Damage can be combated in all the various ways available to this unique game. If damage is strong enough, it results in a kill.

Rez has none of those elements. It’s a bring back from the dead mechanic. The only thing to interact with dead people, and thus completely void of any sort of back and forth on a purely mechanic sense.

You can however create environments where the rez is useless. That is what a lot of the counter play regarding Mass Rez and arguments in its defense came down to. Was creating an environment where it didn’t matter. That’s another consideration, something that could easily be seen as problematic.

Can. And most often don’t. Most often don’t even come close. Because it’s a damaging mechanic. You don’t havee any sort of ult that insta kills regardless of LOS, barriers, etc, etc, everyone within a 15m radius. You can’t just fly past the differences, you can’t sweep them under the rug. They are fact. They are fundamental.

False equivalency is what I’d label this line of thought. You’re operating and thinking under the assumption that a kill is = to a rez. They are not equal. At all. They are so very different.

Even with all those ults, and Mass Rez being instant cast, no LOS restrictions, and she gets invuln on Q press… Even then… I consider it a trash ult. Because it can only be used on dead team mates. Dead team mates are not something I want happening. I’m actively avoiding through every means possible the situation in which Rez should be used. Mass Rez then is just a whole other layer on top of it.

Again. I consider Mass Rez a terrible ult.

That’s a terrible unfair comparison. That’s false equivalency. You can have an ult that deals mad DMG, let’s look at Dragonblade right? That’s what, 120 dmg a swipe? And you dash all around and combo etc.

Then you have Trans, that’s 300 hps. So long as the person under it’s effect doesn’t take more than 200 hp worth of dmg in a s, they’ll live. If they take more, they die. Then you nano the Genjiblade, add in all the combos, etc, etc, and you get this back and forth play.

Rez has none of that. They either rez, or they don’t. Period. Nothing can interact in a resisting way with that. As nothing applies to dead players like it does.

Vast difference there. You simply can’t point at DPS ults and think that is a reasonable justification for Mass Rez. The way they interact with the game is COMPLETELY different. It’s like light travelling at light speed, unhindered, compared to trying to propel a car forward where wind resistence, power output, etc, etc, all these factors come into play that result in how fast that car goes.

You can’t make these comparisons as simply as so many seem to try and make them.

That’s fine, like… You’re free to want what you want. I’d rather not. So I guess it cancels each other out and there’s no point in really bringing up feelings that much.

Huh? Switching from staff to pistol sacrifices heals and damage boosting abilities. That is a huge sacrifice. I don’t sacrifice anything as Tracer in order to use pulse bomb. Oh I guess maybe like a half second toss animation and stuff? OMFG a .5s! That’s huge!

I’ve needed the added bonus of Valk quite a lot tbh. It has helped me tremendously a lot of times.

I feel like you’re approaching this from a very specific, individual, and subjective point of view. One with a particular specific, individual, and subjective experience in mind. I’m not saying that’s wrong, just know I have the very same of all that, and it is different from yours. Clearly.


Seems excessive but hey, fair I guess. I can understand people possibly feeling that way.

Prior to the GA tech, I’d say it was worst than it is now. That difference in good vs great. A reason for that is Mass Rez wasn’t allowed to be some self expressive and definitive feat or action in coordinated settings. In coordinated settings, the enemy team will just not allow that to happen. The game doesn’t work like that. Widow picks someone coming out of spawn you reset. You make sure you’re at full power when you push.

Mass Rez doesn’t belong there. It’s just… Trash lol.

I know in uncoordinated settings it definitely had some moments and stuff. And that’s also where hide and rez was becoming a thing. It wasn’t just SR exploit. It won games.

I honestly don’t see what it matters if the base kit is deemed “mechanically easier” or not. Again these seems like an imposition of feelings onto the subject. You got your feels, I got mine. I’d rather not go through the trenches of hammering that out.

Again… We’re going to have to differ on this. I’m not saying Mercy has this great skill ceiling and etc etc etc. Yes, personally, I’d love more skill expression in Mercy’s kit. I can see when someones using that kit fully, having truly mastered it, compared to someone that thinks “yo I’m going to press Q, hold space bar and fly to the skybox while holding M1 on my Rein cuz lulz spectator mode.”

That’s stupid simple stuff, and may work in some settings, in others, it’s a no go at all. Just difference in experience, again I see no point in diving deep into this.

Mass Rez is unnecessary for anything said here. Again, see no reason for Mass Rez.


Just a player like you man. I ain’t here to white knight the devs. I’m all for tweaking Valk.

I know there were options of Rezzing less than 4-5, only 1-3, or only 1, or whatever. I know that. Thus why hide and rez was a viable decision in a lot of games. Gaming that system. It won games. In coordinated settings, you weren’t allowed the opportunity to hide and rez and you would lose trying it.

Mass Rez was a trash ult.

I know people wanted mid fight and all that. E abilities yadda yadda. I know, that’s fine. Doesn’t erase all the problems with Mass Rez as not just an ult but a mechanic in this game. I see no reason for Mass Rez. At all. Other than to appease some vocal minorities or whatever. You gotta remember, Mass Rez was hated a lot too. If I gotta care about how you felt about it, I gotta care about how all the rest felt about it. Just how it is.

No. We wouldn’t have. Cuz you don’t get away with that noise in pro play. You are killed. The fight has already been won/lost. Even if you rez you all just get erased again. You know, all the stuff people use as how to “counterplay” mass rez. That stuff was done, and Mass Rez was useless. More useless than all the other ults, as terrible as they may be, that affect ALIVE PLAYERS. You can easily have already lost the fight at the moment the first person drops. Mass Rez’s application in these kinds of settings is minimal.

Was I talking about ladder? No.

Cool. That some sort of humble brag or something?

Finally. Progress.

What? Mass Rez was definitely part of the problem. Sure, adding mid fight and all that would have helped her a lot. That’s great for pro. You’re the one that brought up ladder. So how’s Mass Rez as it was, invuln and all that, with some mid fight ability, going to play out outside of like T500?


Mass Rez WAS a problem.

Doesn’t mean rez should act that way. Let’s just go crazy with the rezzes, and crazy with the one shots, and it’s all good cuz OW is different, right?

Nah man.

All of those operate in a fundamentally different way with the game and the players within it than Rez does. Refer to above. Thus we can’t just be like “WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS!!!”

What aboutism, false equivalencies. Like surely you guys can see this right? These arguments have been terrible.

Balanced and problematic are different things, friend. What are you basing your conclusion of “balanced” off of? Pick and win rates? What about Hanzo’s scatter arrow then? What are you considering as problematic? If it has anomalous pick and win rates? Again, why scatter arrow then?

You can’t assume your definitions of “balance” and “problematic” are somehow universally agreed upon. They aren’t. Clearly.

The vocal forum Mercy mains that haven’t been able to let go of Mass Rez since the rework will stop complaining and start buying lootboxes? Wow, what a win. Might as well do it then, right?

Nah, this stuff doesn’t factor in at all when I consider my position on this topic.

In your opinion. You have no way of saying that as factually as you did. Plz. Pure speculation.

After the rework, yes. I can agree with this.

Pure speculation with little reason to. That’s a LUL from me. No way to know how 1.x would play out, let alone being confident enough to say it’d “work out extremely well.” Come on now.

You didn’t point out much man… Tbh…

No, it wasn’t. My my, you seem quite sure of yourself to come across as so "matter of fact"ly. I don’t think you’re in a position to imho, tbh.

Yeah no. There’s more than that. The tactic did win games. Not at all levels obviously, as I’ve pointed out PAINFULLY. But it did. Dismissive approach. You have no way of just dismissing the head and rez element taking place as just “an SR exploit.”

That’s a line of arguing symptomatic of Mercy echo chambering. Hide and rez was real.

No. It didn’t. Maybe once you hit the highest of tiers when people you know… Stopped that stuff from happening. You can’t just broad stroke like that. Mercy echo chamber stuff.

I can’t put in the work needed to unravel all this stuff tbh.

I’d be down to see your presentation of the stats. At the very least I’m sure it’ll be entertaining.

It’s on both of us really. I 'm trying to understand your position, but it’s just so… Out there and weak from my POV. Just how it is. I hate it too, I wish I could like see where you’re coming from, but it just screams such mad bias on my end. Unfortunate.

Link the links, post the graphs. I’m down for seeing your view on the stats. I’m aware of what the stats were btw, like… I know what I’m talking about. So please, just present it well. I’m fully willing to admit I’m wrong, I’d be super shocked to find out I was.

Yeah, it was.

Based on what? Like… That’s just your experience my friend. I played Mercy a LOT in a LOT of different settings throughout this whole ordeal. I’m not really interested in measuring out our differences in experience.

A mechanic that essentially allows and requires your team mates to die is pretty contradictory to Mercy’s kit, character design, and game play, in my opinion.

You’re gonna have to expound on this.

Not always. It’d be ridiculous to try to argue that was the only reality of it. Not to say it wasn’t at times a bad way to play or, or that it wasn’t at times heavily punished. It was. It still won games though. It still worked and in certain situations, like Mid Ladder, it worked very well.

Meanwhile, coordinated settings, it was a trash ult used to bring up Pharah as you weren’t given a chance to do much else with it without getting rolled and feeding ult charge. Cuz you know… People be paying attention to that ult economy. You just feed the enemy charge off a poor Mass Rez… Terrible play. Better of having just reset instead of tempt that noise.

Yes. I feel that you are VERY biased tbh. Just saying.

Yes. And I have done the same. Crazy, right? I still say you’re biased.

I wouldn’t expect any.

My reluctance to go deep diving into things I find irrelevant or pointless has no affect on my level of bias. Just how it is.

Iunno man. A lot of what you say comes across as subjective af to me. Might have to agree to disagree on this one. And yeah I know you liked it.

Nah it really doesn’t. At least not to me. I honestly had hoped for more. I think I adequately addressed what you said. You seem incredibly biased on this subject, I totally question your methodology of approach, I find it to be founded on false equivalence and false premise.

And… Yeah I think that sums it up. Look forward to your response. I truly hope I am wrong and look forward to being shown that.

Where is evidence coming from here, friendo? Are you saying that there is a successful example of Mass Rez out there it’s just yet to be discovered yet? Sure, that’s fair. Anything’s possible I guess.

I mean example of Mass Rez in other games where it doesn’t interact with the game in a problematic way. Basically, I’m looking for things to explore to try and find a version of Mass Rez that adequately address the numerous problems I feel it has. So far, I have seen none.

I haven’t said they should. You are strawmanning me hard here. I’m looking for reference. I’m looking for things to take into consideration, thus why I’m asking for examples of Mass Rez in other games. This is also because so often a defense of not just Mass Rez but Rez in general is that “well other games have it.” I’d like to understand that line of thought more. If you don’t have that line of thought, then why focus so much on this particular thing?

A basis, yes. Not a justification.

Fair… ish. We could argue over what qualifies as “unique.”

The 1:1-5 mechanic, the way that it can incentivize allowing team mates to die. That it requires team mates to be dead and you alive to be of any use. That you can find at times you don’t have an opportune time to do it, and Mass Rez is a lackluster af ult in those settings. Etc. Refer to all the noise I’ve said above. That stuff. This post alone has tons on it.

Again you can refer to above. I don’t believe this POV at all. Seems just a position taken conveniently in an attempt to support a faulty point of view.

Nah. No other ultimate has the potential of bringing up to 5 people back from the dead.

There is no double standard.

There. I think that covers it all for this cycle. Cya guys soon!

You are doing the same on the base kit, except it is harder and takes more skill.
When you press Q, Valkyrie makes this easier across the board and therefore less of a difficult choice.

And I have never needed it.
Everything I do on base Mercy, I didn’t need some infant hand holding that Valk gives. It’s only real advantage is that it helps a Mercy secure more kills, even though you are already good enough and that shouldn’t be your main focus.

I guess now that it is the only way you have 60 it is supposed to be good, but it isn’t because when you ult, there is someone else who can have a competing ult that even if it doesn’t do much, it still can’t save anyone because 60 could never do that anyway.

Have you never watched people play a character that you know you play far better, especially because you get yelled at by people for killing them and still completing your main directive and getting yelled at for being good at that too?
EG. Getting told by Widow to F Off by and find someone else to bully whilst also being told to stop managing to get to every person I try to kill and still doing your job getting 30-45% healing done, with 6-10 rezzes in a match and doing more of that with the base kit than with Valkyrie.

I very rarely see Mercy’s at my level perform even a quarter as well as me and I can recognize when there is one that relies on Valk and one that is good in their own right.

When every person can press Q on Mercy and the only thing that really separates them in skill level when using it, is if they can shoot the gun during it, then that shows just how little Mercy’s kit is balanced.

Using the pistol is one thing, a great Mercy is fantastic with it but never needed Valkyrie to use it. A great Mercy is fantastic with the pistol during Valk but a good Mercy is made better at shooting with Valk that the skill difference is minimal. A bad Mercy doesn’t shoot at all.

At this rate, it isn’t a support ult.
It’s a test to make another flying DPS.

She had no midfight potential.
That’s it. But E Rez isn’t an option for mid-fight potential. Bringing back someone every 30 seconds is ridiculously strong! You do nothing to earn this extremely unique and powerful tool.
Bringing back 1-5 people as something you spent time earning was a balancing feature that just need more limitations. And as you said, it wasn’t great in coordinated play but that has more to do with having more skilled players, Mercy’s viability went down the higher you went, but was that a bad thing?

She is an entry level hero who had no E ability to give her something for the midfight. Giving her something to add skill could have made her better and Mass Rez would have kept being used as a tempo rez at high ranks. Giving limitations to it like earning each individual rez for the mass rez would have been a huge balancing feature. Preventing it from being casted through a wall would have helped lower ranks.

There was plenty that could have been attempted.
Valkyrie has been nerfed, chopped and changed, along with E Rez more than enough to know that it is clearly broken. It will always feel to strong or too weak because it makes the mechanically easy character’s life easier which isn’t balanced.

Having the less powerful GA showed more skill of a player, knowing you could only go so far meant more careful planning.

Knowing where you could land and what you may land in was hugely expressive.

GA Slingboost in my opinion is too good and wasn’t necessary to have as much access to it as we do. But it still manages to show the difference between bad, good and great because the latter can both make a Mercy look like she is flying all the time.

Although, making people feel like the old Mercy was flying wasn’t that hard either and considering the ability was worse than, there is more skill expression there.

Pistol moments were fewer and therefore more crucial.

Healing was stagnant and therefore your Mass Rez choices more crucial.

I have never had a moment where I went “Wow Valkyrie is going to be so crucial to this next fight.” because every fight that Valkyrie works on is something I could still manage with her base kit, I just choose not to because I know Valkyrie will just make it EZPZ.

And Hide and Rez winning games? HAHAHA THAT IS FUNNY AS.

I had enemy Mercy’s hide and rez and you know what didn’t happen, them winning games.

Their teams were always rezzed into absolute garbage and my team would mop the floor with them.

My team, I either tempo’d or saved for a moment where I knew my team would be safe and I was still out in the open or in cover ready to jump out and use it and the difference in effectiveness was noticed. And not just by my team, my enemy would notice the difference. Where their team was easily rolled over again, my team were much better off and I was able to make the right healing calls to give them time to group up and push back. There is a difference, and hide and rez wasn’t a game winner, it was an amateur play that got many teams killed over and over again and ults didn’t even need to be used.

And the stats of Mercy’s with 30% win rates climbing is evidence that Hide and Rez did nothing to help the team because that means the poor strategy caused more losses than wins.

Why is it so hard to grasp that a character who is already mechanically easy shouldn’t be made even easier? That is not balanced.

I play Mercy because she is reliable and when I heal I like to be just that. The simple act of beam lock on makes her mechanically easy (braindead to some close minded people), but she is given a lot of limitations compared to her fellow supports that make it reasonable for her to be a certain way and many of those limitations provide her with challenges unique to her that makes her fair in play.

Valkyrie makes her easier and takes away these limitations that make her balanced as a mechanically easy hero in a very FPS/Aim Orientated environment.

So it really matters that they don’t make her all around easier when she is already mechanically easy in this game.

But a bad Mercy can still get away with pressing Q and going to the skybox for a ridiculously long time before that stops working.

And the skill expression between good and great is very minimal and Q doesn’t do anything to help show that difference, it still comes down to the base kit.


Well, it’s an ult. Would you rather Tracer’s pulse bomb? I’ll trade you free flight, unlimited ammo for 15s, and you can have pulse bomb. Think of the plays you could make with pulse bomb…

Just saying… It’s all perspective. I don’t see why it’s necessary for an ult to be hard or take the same skill as say the rest of Tracers kit. Or Mercys. Or whoevers.

I don’t see this as a huge point in my consideration of Mass Rez vs Valk or anything like that. Now, I’m all for changing tf out of Valk. I’m just saying, no need for Mass Rez.

That’s hard to believe tbh, for me… I guess it could happen, but I find it hard to believe that you haven’t had moments in a game where Valk would make a difference… I’m compelled to assume this is exaggeration tbh.

This seems extreme. What do we gain from trying to make Valk out to be this HORRIBLE AFFRONT TO OUR GODDESS type approach? It just seems too much.

And chained healing. And chained damage boost, which is slept on around this forum it seems, and potential pistol play, and unparalleled mobility in a game where people complain endlessly about flanker mobility.

Again, no reason to make it out like to be unrealistically terrible.

Ult countering isn’t Mercy’s game anymore. Now we can talk about her having ult countering sort of capability, but I don’t think we should really. I never really agreed or made up my mind on the -10hps nerf tbh. That said, I do think Mercy’s ult should resemble Coal more than it would Trans or SB.

Yes. Many many heroes as well.

I’m glad that you’re able to spot the differences between a good Mercy and a bad one.

It is, and I’m all for tweaking it. Again, like all of this has nothing to do with Mass Rez. I’m all for adjusting Valk and such. Just not a return to the 1:1-5.

And Mass Rez wasn’t allowed to be used in ways outside of bringing up 1 person. If you bring up 2, that’s cool, but not planned, as you would have burned it for the 1 anyways.

You can then give her some E ability, but her ult is still that gimped in that setting. That’s not how an ult should be.

It didn’t though. Even as lacking in limitations and conditions as it was, it was still bad! When no ult should be bad really. That’s not even getting into all the hide and rez stuff. What use do I have for a worst version of the same ult I used to bring up Pharah when she got dropped?

When it comes to those low win rate Mercies all the examples I have seen is in regards to a GM account maintaining GM with a terrible WR. There was nothing about the climbs, but it’s safe to say you’d climb hard if you were capable of maintaining GM with that WR.

You still needed to win games in order to climb. It still won games. And as you went further down the ladder, the more games it could potentially win. The higher you climbed, the less.

It wasn’t purely SR exploit.

It’s an ult, yo. Why should it be that hard? Especially for an entry level character?

Like I said, all for raising skill ceiling, increasing skill expression, etc. All for adjusting Valk. Mass Rez doesn’t factor into any of that.

I wouldn’t say it’s “very” minimal. But like I said, all for increasing skill expression. Mass Rez not necessary at all for that.

Both Mercy and Tracer are examples of heroes with decent regular kits and mediocre ults. Ofc you would prefer Mercy’s ult over Tracer’s ult on Tracer, because it would be OP on Tracer’s regular kit. The comparison is flippant, friend-o.

In OWL, the most prevalent use of Valk is securing what is considered an already won fight due to having first pick, and the other is to temporarily be DPS when Mercy’s team is 1-man DPS down.

In the first case, on first pick against the enemy, the Mercy team with a 1-man advantage has a disadvantage in ult economy, so the rationale is to use Valk to secure what is basically a won fight 2 out of 3 times, and pursue the enemy to get ult parity or even an advantage. In the latter case, Mercy pressures the enemy DPS (more often than not the sniper) in order to get a kill and re-establish parity in terms of number of players between ally and enemy team.

In summary, recent stats in OWL indicates that Valk ult usage wins roughly 55% of the time – a decent figure that is dead average among heroes played in OWL.

Here’s the kicker – do you think Mercy mains likes going battle Mercy? The way Neptuno does in OWL?

Another question – does Valk feel important when it’s used to secure a won fight and to address ult economy disadvantage?

Good to know, that it wasn’t just my imagination.:relieved:

Are you actually implying that ults can be switched around that easy to characters?

Ults while powerful, are balanced around a characters kit.

Ana, Widow, Tracer are already loaded in their base kit enough that their ults are easy to use and only have power when used right but the right time is more flexible because it is supposed to be a softer moment for these very high skill characters.

Implying you could just switch out Tracer’s pulse bomb to Mercy shows a very ignorant perspective on ult balancing.

Mercy is already not mechanically intensive. She is fairly low skill in the mechanical department and her skill floor is only as high as a players ability to cope with her vulnerabilities and limitations in harder circumstances. She has the potential tp be the most vulnerable support because her ability to fight back is weaker and so being steps ahead is so important, just like any other support but other supports have stronger ways to cope under these circumstances. Although I feel Ana deserves to heal herself for each shot she hits (not a lot mind you, but then she can combo with her own nade to increase healing done to herself). Coping with Mercy’s ability to fight back and play mind games was huge especially because of that zero midfight where it all came down to how she used Resurrect. As you got higher, sure it was tempo but that timing and mind games and thought was everything. Your management of the base kit was so important and skill defining.

Valkyrie does nothing to let her shine because it’s easy mode base kit. An ultimate for a player whose kit is not loaded enough to give them potential for big plays regularly is given a more loaded ultimate. Except Mercy, Orisa and Sym imo.

I didn’t need it before Mass Rez and I don’t need it now because any fight I was clutching on the base kit, I can still manage albeit it is more of a challenge and usually my team sustains more damage than would be optimal because 50 heals is not sustainable in the state of the game to perform as a main healer. By the time you actually need an ultimate, Valkyrie doesn’t do anything to help. Like oh what’s that, a Moira ult, I guess I can pop it now be because we need to compete with this push and oh her team isn’t taking any damage even if I damage boost because she heals faster and her extra damage with her teams damage and that is above 60 healing so that’s cool my ult is useless even against one support ult that is supposed be of similar skill level to mine but this is the only chance I have to use it, ah guess I should just shoot now because at least I can heal whoever is left after this is all over and maybe get some kills to salvage this train wreck.

Except this isn’t an insult to Mercy, it is an insult to her players. To act like her players are unable to manage what we did previously on her base kit to end up with what Valkyrie is, says a lot about the dev team. We already know Jeff doesn’t think Mercy’s are skillful.

Chained healing - Takes skill away and yet still perform sub par because it isn’t ult worthy.

Chained damage boost - I am sure it could be useful if my team wasn’t dead and why don’t we ask Orisa how good multiple damage beams are… oh wait they are still suck and she even effects herself with it.

Mobility - ah yes the mobility that we already have a more challenging version to do which is more fun the the slow hover we have. When you have to GA or shoot to make that unparalleled mobility exciting, when you could just GA and shoot, is it really oh so fantastic and wonderful instead of just boring and a mobility and game sense crutch?

I don’t have to make it out like Valkyrie is terrible because it is.

As I said, you can’t even counter a weak ult like a decent flipping Moira and her team pushing in on a Coal.

Like people out here calling her ult a tempo ult and saying that is the point of Mercy’s ult now, so should that not be a fairly equal fight for two people of similar skill levels? Oh wait but Mercy isn’t allowed to be valuable beyond one rez, so her ult can just be something to make her easier and like just make her heal better for a basic fight that she didn’t even need to ult for.

In its lifetime, it had a more balanced position in the game. It was never OP, it just had issues, so the best thing to do is to look at why this is? Why is this ult that people constantly whine about as being “sooo powerful” despite not actually ever performing that far above anyone else in the game and kept her in a fairly balanced win rate at most levels. Like it clearly wasn’t that strong, bringing back four or more was rare and not actually that impactful because all that time she had no midfight capacity to save them like Ana or Moira just on their base kits, she could wait and bring them back and that was to make up for what she couldn’t do which balanced her.

At my level I never burned for 1, because I didn’t have to. I often went for twos or threes bevause they kept the pace of the fight and it was often decided on ults. If my off support went down, I wanted the back becausd they had the saving ult we needed.

And yet even when bad and wanting to add more limitations to play against, many people prefer the ult that is worse to use and easy to counter and negate because it was exciting and challenging to do right and Valkyrie does not offer that at all.

And E rez is just a dumbed down version of mass rez and thus so much less satisfying to use.

It is about balance. Plain and simple.
The actual act of pressing Q is not difficult on any character.
But as long as the characters base kit is loaded, like the examples I mentioned, their ults are designed as easy and sometimed low impact but it takes minimal skill and more thought to maximise the potential.

Other characters who have an average or fairly lower impact kit tend to have powerful ults with a lot of thought to absolutely obliterate with that damage. To have the high impact moment that some characters get consistently, in a small moment damage is high and the risk can be high and just as easily sabotaged when prepared for.

Mercy is low impact base kit with a low impact ult where her challenges have been lessened which makes using the ult less rewarding especially with what she is expected to contend with.

Considering your earlier comments on ultimate balancing, I don’t think you have much of a leg to stand on here.


I dont think any of this makes me certain.

I am hopeful no further changes are made to Mercy

I dont think thats the only reason why Mercy might get played less

Actually, yes, many of us do have fun playing Mercy at the present time

The ignorance on part of the developers in thinking that they were addressing the concerns of any sizable portion of the Mercy main community with these buffs was an embarrassment to us all.

I mean, we literally saw more backlash from those buffs coming from the Mercy community than gratitude. You’d think that maybe, just maybe, the developers would take the hint.

Defending those who are playing dumb doesn’t help your cause.

Well, that would bring you closer to doing what the community has been asking for than where the developers currently are. You’d be eliminating one avenue through which you could totally miss the point, thus making it more difficult to totally miss the point.

You’d make a better game developer than the entire OW development team, apparently.


I respectfully disagree.


The fact that there was backlash at all after getting two significant buffs was an embarrassment to any reasonable person who has ever played this game

I was like the reaction of a badly spoiled, entitled 4 year old who wailed uncontrollably after getting wonderful presents at Christmas yet not the exact/precise thing they asked for.

It will be a wonder if the developers ever listen to the anti-Mercy faction again after that disgraceful display

Surely Blizzard isn’t petty and childish as that.


Our experience differs.