Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Because if a group is proposing a change (or set of changes) said group should agree on what said change is

Thats fine. I guess you are not part of the reworkmercy thing, then, but advocating for a undefined (possibly defined elsewhere, sorry I dont know of these) set of changes independently?

I consider the current state of Mercy to not be broken, and also given how recent reworks have gone, consider it likely in the extreme that she will be broken following a rework.

The only thing I tried to do in the #bigmainlittlechain thread, if indeed that is what you are speaking of (you didnt confirm it, so I remain unsure) was to open discussion of the idea. There was some discussion and to a large extend, some consensus as well

For those reading this thread but are curious about that thread here is a link

Rework in this context means new powers, new animations, and the like. #bigmainlittlechain is purely numerical change, partly buff and party nerf, and as such is not a rework

I think you completely missed the point of that post.


I dont think I missed the point at all

Says who? Why are gamers merely given their feedback be expected to come up the fixes for issues literal professional game designers are paid to find and fix?

No, those who give feedback on Mercy give voice to suggestions, we don’t have to agree on anything and nor will we ever, nor will Symmetra mains, or Dva mains, or those who think one-tricking is bannable, or that Battle Mercy is throwing.

The point is gamers rarely agree on anything, expecting those who want Mercy improved to agree is setting up a impossible bar to reach just because you don’t want to see anything done.

I want Mercy to be reworked because I believe she has significant design issues. I don’t recall the “rework Mercy” movement to be so limited that it doesn’t include my take, nor have I signed a document saying I support everything whoever supports it says or does.

Didn’t say it was broken.

If your take is “it could be worst” then nothing will ever be fixed.

Says who? Is there a previously agreed upon Overwatch dictionary I’m not aware of?

I dont understand the question.

This is generically true - if a group wants x changed, they should define what those changes are

Tho I of course do not agree, thats fine, but…

…I’d personally say that if someone told me “x has significant design issues” that I would think it a fair summary to then say that said someone things “x is broken”

My take it that she is not broken now, and I believe in not fixing that which aint broken. Further, I believe that making changes given the recent history of such changes will almost certainly result in her being broken

Says Blizzard

I’m gonna need a source for that.

Your interpretation lacks, as usual. Overwatch has a whole has significant issues. Doesn’t mean it’s broken. Mercy has significant design issues, doesn’t mean she’s broken. Sym has issues, she isn’t broken either.

No, it’s called feedback, the point is to take in diverging and multiple opinions, not the opposite. We are not a political party fighting for a singular bill to pass congress, we just consumers giving our take about a product.

As you pointed out, it’s Blizzard property to do as they wish, so it’s also their job to take on the feedback and figure it out the best way forward - not ours.


And yet… Her QP play rate is 50% lower since her rework and you are almost always doomed if you have a Mercy on your team, while the other team doesn’t have her.

And engaging… I know that is more just and opinion. Still you can very comfortably say that this would make the old version of Mercy (1.x) for everyone way more engaging, because you also had more stuff to do than just her base kit 24/7.


I have seen a skillful Mercy player not only carry her team, but dominate

I believe having a Mercy on your team constitutes an advantage, not a disadvantage

I would not say such a thing, comfortably or not.

I find Valkyrie to be much more engaging in her current state than she was prior to the rework

Fair enough, Valkyrie 1.0 was a very good spot for Mercy. The increased fire-rate helped, the resurrection charge was great, instant rez was great. Valkyrie 1.0 was a great spot for Mercy.

Until the fire nation atta- wait…wrong script sorry.

A h e m

Until the devs nerfed her into slow rez, low firerate, and a plethora of groundpounding nerfs.

But to say Valkyrie as of now, is a good ultimate…is a false statement for me and many others.


Fair enough - in any judgement-based determination, it is equally valid for one person to say x is awesome while another says x sucks

There are a large number of people who feel Valkyrie is awesome, just as there are a large number of people who feel the opposite

I count myself as being in the former group

Valkyrie 1.0 in my opinion, was one if not the best thing to happen to Mercy.

Mass Resurrect was niche, but Valkyrie provided a great deal of effort to the team.
You can argue that they both did, but I just prefer Valkyrie 1.0 to Mass Resurrect, but prefer both of them to Valkyrie “2.0”


In my opinion, the current version of Valkyrie is well balanced

In my opinion, the original version of Valkyrie was overpowered

Support Ultimates are designed to be some of the most powerful in the game.

Rally and Sound Barrier can push a team straight through any mostly choke point

Coalescence’s healing output is insane.

Transcendence heals 300 hp/s, enough to outheal almost every ability in the game.

Nano can turn any damage dealer into a full fledged team wiper in seconds.

Valkyrie? Well…it’s essentially… “i heal moar.”

Old Valkyrie: “I give quick rezzes, I fly, I give lots of healing and damage boosting, and let’s give you some amped up firepower and resurrections too!”


Interesting, perhaps only to me: the figurehead of the reworkmercy deal has deleted her twitter account for the second time in less than 30 days

No… you definitely did miss the point.


Stop trying to divert the topic.


In my opinion, there is a quite a lot of overstating and just a little bit of understating in the full text of the post I quoted in part

I leave it to the individual reader to determine which is which

I dont believe I have made any attempts to divert the topic

I have already stated my opinion on this particular question, and have nothing further to add to it

Well here is an attempt for you.

In my opinion

Support Ultimates are meant to be game changing. A well timed Transcendence can negate a dragonstrike, dragonblade, or a wombo combo of any type.