Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Normally it better to make buff to a character rather than nerf after nerf

Whats worse is the buff literally puts her back to where she was before for her Valk, while her primary healing gets nerfed. Legit there are people acting like this is a blessing where we already have gone through 60hps Valkyrie.


As I have told people they would either buff/tweak res or Valkyrie and any buff made to Valkyrie is in fact superficial

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I am gonna be a bit of an oddball here but I think they can mess with Mercy all they want AS LONG THEY DON’T EVER TOUCH THE CURRENT STATE OF GUARDIAN ANGEL.

Seriously Blizzard don’t touch that ability ever, is honestly the most fun part of Mercy.

As for the Valkyrie and Rez dilemma, one thing I was suggesting even before the rework happened is that people always hide as Mercy because there is no way to keep yourself alive back in the day. I always suggested to give Mercy a double jump or flight as an “E” ability to fix the issue to have more active Mercy’s on the field without the fear of getting dived.

But then a PopularStreamerwhoIcantmention decided to whine on a game they lost and soon the sheep of the community followed the Shepard. This is what caused the “Mercy is always hiding Blizz nerf her” mentality. BUT HEY said streamer played Mercy once and got destroyed by all the dive so shrugs

Edit: I should also mention that Mercy is currently viable AS LONG AS YOU ARE GETTING VALUE OUT OF YOUR RESURRECT if you dont just change to Moira or Ana lol

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And as long as it’s superficial strength, it still will be terrible.

Since we still can’t properly heal, getting out of sight to resurrect someone is more acceptable now. Obviously it means leaving team without your healing, but Blizzard clearly doesn’t want Mercy to heal. Sorry, teammates, you are on your own, pick other healer or learn to survive with no healing.

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I’m sorry if I upset anyone before, I was just annoyed because I think Mercy is more skill-based than people say she is. While I think the current version of Mercy on the PTR is balanced, I recently thought of some ideas to change Mercy that would make her more impactful and fun to play.


No offense taken - I’m sorry myself if I came across as rude before. The thing is, over the course of the last year, whenever a Mercy nerf went live, non-Mercy players would be all over the forums and claim that she’d take way more skill to play now and everyone who was complaining was just afraid they’d end up in Bronze where they belonged, among other nice things.
Long story short, I am yet to see anything good coming from a discussion including the phrase “it takes more skill now” which is why I am somewhat allergic to that statement, and I believe the same might be the case for some of the other ladies and gents on here.


Same to you, friend. But it sounds like we all want the same thing :heart:


I think we all can agree we all want Mercy to be better.

Its just the way to implement it is what divides us on the issue.


Brightens my day to see this kind of positivity


I see you totally missed the point of both that quote and the OP.

…You do realize that the OP was created before the healing nerf went live, right?

Going back to a problematic state doesn’t make those problems that were present before just disappear.


Statistically, over half of the people who mained Mercy prior to the rework no longer main her, if we isolate the situation down to Mercy’s fun factor (reflected in Quickplay).

Even if we assume that everyone who still plays Mercy is happy with her current state, that’s still an unacceptable loss.


Going by that logic, if you play her, you can’t say she’s fun. :rofl:


You clearly haven’t read my recent posts. I think Mercy is balanced as she is on the PTR, but I have ideas to change Mercy that I think would overall make her a better hero and more fun in my opinion.

Why can’t I say she is fun? I main Mercy and I still play her now.

You don’t have to main a hero to find them fun. You ignore that some Mercy mains may have switched to Moira after she was released (or Ana now Mercy isn’t a must pick), but still play Mercy and think she is fun. Please don’t use the unfun argument, it’s completely subjective.

You make it seem like you think I’m stupid. I don’t have to agree with you. My opinion is just as valid as yours. The PTR buffs to Mercy were exactly what I previously wanted. I said “the tables have turned” because Blizzard agreed with me and not you.

I’ve read (most of) the op and I don’t agree with most of what you said. The op is your opinion, even facts or evidence you tried to use were misleading and subjective. For example, you argued that Mass rez was more complex and skill-based than solo rez because there were more “combinations”. How can simply resurrecting more than one ally take any more thought or skill than just one? Mercy still has to think when the best time to use rez is, and now she has to think if it is safe and ask teammates for help a lot more than before.

Other than allies being close enough together to be resurrected, all of these variables and questions still apply to current Mercy in some way. Mercy still has to think about all the things she previously had to with mass rez and more. Wouldn’t this mean rez requires more thought to use now?
This is just one example of something you said that I don’t agree with. This is another thing I don’t agree with:

How can you say a massive part of Valkyrie has no “realistic use” and then use it to argue Mercy is “too easy”? Flying and being hard to kill for 15 seconds is more useful than 2 seconds of invulnerability. You say yourself: “Who should I try to finish off with my pistol while taking advantage of the invulnerability frames?”. While in Valkyrie you have to worry about Widowmaker, Mcree, Soldier. During invulnerability, you have to worry about nothing because nothing can kill you. Why are you ok with “taking advantage” of invulnerability but not Valkyrie?

It’s more likely that you agree with Blizzard, and not the other way around (unless your last name is Kaplan, and your first name begins with the letter “J”). And using this as an argument against a community that disagrees with Blizzard and knows explicitly WHY and HOW they disagree is disingenuous of you, at the very least.

Of course you can say she’s fun, just as much as others can say she’s unfun.

But the crux of the arguments against you is that she’s easy-mode now as compared to pre-Valk Mercy, and it was demonstrated in so many other posts that your response was – “you’re mean, I’m not!”. :wink:

And lastly, Titanium is on point in saying this –

This is one way to interpret Mercy’s pick rate as reflected in Overbuff. I think it’s reasonable to conclude that “pick rates in QP reflects fun factor, while pick rates in CP reflects meta”. Do you have anything to refute this assertion?


I’ll say it again, the “unfun” argument is invalid and subjective. My point was that people who play a hero can say if they find them fun to play. Titanium hasn’t played in a year, Overwatch has changed a lot since then, so shouldn’t be able to say Mercy is unfun or unbalanced.

If Mercy is so unfun and has a low pick rate, why do I still see many people play Mercy on my teams and on enemy teams? (Especially in quickplay, which by what you said, indicates fun)

Allegedly. We can’t tell if they have or not, since we haven’t been stalking them.


allegedly :eyes: lol


This is an assumption you made. I don’t agree with many things Blizzard have done. It isn’t likely or unlikely that Blizzard agreed with me; it’s a fact. I previously wanted Mercy to have 60hps during Valkyrie, and they gave her exactly that.

I said it’s a reasonable assertion. I’m more inclined to think that it’s indicative of Mercy’s fanbase, which is still substantive, and that’s also a reasonable assertion.

Also, Overbuff statistics is objective, while your personal experience is subjective. :smile:

Did you whisper on JK’s ear in a personal meeting with him? Are you one of those pros/streamers who can discord with Blizz staff on a regular basis? Continually asserting that “Blizzard agreed with me; it’s fact” means those things.

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