Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Yep, you should see my spreadsheet… It is true that the system tries to balance that, also it assumes that because you are good, you alone can make up the power difference…

Problem is… Comp is a team game unlike ffa

I can’t stop myself from imagining this as one of those toddler leashes:


The metaphor of Mercy being a single mom would be complete… :rofl:

Cant help but think of all the trolling we can do… would be like mei 2.0


Mei didn’t lose her ice wall either, which is very annoying for teammates, they can’t even break it. In case of Mercy, teammate can press interaction button to release themselves.

Will be something like this:
Helping hand
Mercy fires thin rope from her suit, that allows her to pull teammate closer, or even lift one up in the air. Teammate can press interact to cut rope and release themselves at any moment.
Сooldown: 8 s. Mechanics are similar with Roadhog.

Well then… This happened to me today:

I literally haven’t seen anything like that for ages.


Sounds fun but not really Mercy, maybe someone else that can manipulate positioning, a new hero perhaps

Not going to lie. I would love to see this ability in the future on a diffrent hero. It’s not really Mercy.

But picture a Bastion from above. Oh how wonderful it would be

Healing is nice, but you better get patient out of danger before trying to heal.
It fits her theme, as tool to rescue people from drowning in water.

An ability that moves a teammate from one spot to another, that can get them out of danger, and requires them to accept the ability before it works on them…

I think we just re-invented Symmetra’s new teleporter.

Except, you know. Reliable.

It doesn’t require them to accept it. Unless they press interact to release themselves, Mercy is free to move them. It requires them to decline it, if they don’t want to be moved.

Even if teammate is stunned and unable to move, you still will be able to pull one out of trouble. You can even move teammate, after one is hit by sleep dart, acting as soft counter to Ana.

For extra convenience, ability can be divided in two stages: initial use only launches rope, second use moves teammate. On top of giving teammate more options to decline it, it gives Mercy option to use it as safety rope, if teammate is going for risky play.

I vote nay. This screams abuse, especially with the receiving party having to opt-out of being dragged all over the place.


They are not weightless either: dragging teammate with you would really slow down your GA and make you fall from sky faster.

For ability, that can be used as trolling, it has noticeable downsides for whoever uses it.

Just to explain my reasons: if I am playing as Mei, and our player wants to charge in towards certain death, I will be that Mei placing ice wall in front of that teammate. Stupidity is not a right, as Moira says, so as player with better view on situation, you have that responsibility to prevent teammates from going on a suicidal quests.

I just wanted you to quote your reply. You came in and said…

Right after you spent time in another thread bragging about how you “dismantled” my arguments, proceeding to get mad when someone put the post where I could see it.

When called out on it, we see these kinds of replies:

A outright false claim backed with nothing except for your past insistence that it’s happening. A claim used to justify ignoring us when things are not moving in the direction you want them to and belittling us while our backs are turned.

You then say this, when… it literally doesn’t fall under the definition of trolling.

You then continue with this:

Which is simply unnecessary. If you didn’t want to make jabs at myself or other people in this thread and truly wanted to avoid an argument, you would have simply said “I’m not willing to have this debate”, and you would have muted the thread, never to reply. You probably wouldn’t have even replied to my post in the first place.

That’s not what you did, was it?

Will do…

It’s not an opinion. It’s a simple process of elimination reinforced by the mechanics of Resurrect.

  • Mercy’s healing remained the same, statistically, meaning that Valkyrie really didn’t do much to influence that.
  • Mercy’s damage amplified was up by about 200, but her damage dealt was down by 100. That’s a net gain of 100 additional damage dealt/game, which is hardly worth mentioning.
  • Mercy’s GA received a buff that came with a nerf; additional mobility but with a longer effective cooldown. This nerfed it about as much as it buffed the ability, as the angel-hop was already semi-functional prior to the rework.

That leaves Resurrect, and I’ve thoroughly explained how that is different in the OP.

A hero can have an overpowered ability and still be garbage-tier. Just look at pre-rework Hanzo. Scatter Arrow was overpowered, but Hanzo was worse off than Symmetra at the time.

You also might notice that Mercy never required any nerfs to her base kit to make room for a single ability before the rework. Mercy was D-tier, and she had Resurrect.

Suddenly, Resurrect is so powerful that we need to nerf Mercy’s healing output by 17% to make room for it in her kit. Can’t help but wonder why that might be.

The balance section, which as far as I can tell is the only part of that section you read, is an argument based upon logic; I show how it is different and objectively more powerful than Resurrect as an ultimate ever was. If you’re going to dismiss something as an opinion, you might want to address the supporting arguments.

Oh, and that would be “whole”. :wink:

As for the rest of the Resurrect section, that’s just simply taking the obvious (a standstill on a basic ability is contradictory to a mobility-based hero’s design, losing control of you hero through self-inflicted penalties doesn’t feel good, earning something feels better than receiving it through participation awards, a scarce and valuable resource that was gained through aggressive play incentives an aggressive and engaging playstyle, having your most powerful ability on a static 30 second cooldown feels pretty terrible, Resurrect is now numerically less complicated than it used to be, Resurrect now has an optimal time of usage) and connecting them to make a picture that is already clear to the people involved in this fight that much clearer to the general public.

That… doesn’t change the meaning of the “We tried to move Resurrection to a secondary ability, and the ability, right now, in current Overwatch, isn’t playing out as a secondary ability; it’s playing out like another ultimate ability”.

Adding “in combination with Valkyrie” doesn’t change the fact that he just said that Resurrect is playing out like an ultimate ability.

So had I left in the last bit, not only would the meaning be the same, but I would have also included a chunk of text that was irrelevant to the subject of that section. An ultimate as an ultimate isn’t problematic. An ultimate as a basic ability is.

Called it.

Because balance was not our primary concern. Had you read the entirety of the OP, you would see that I address that quote head-on among many others in the “The Recent and Previous Developments” section.

…And that’s it. No more quotes in that post from my thread.

You literally took two short quotes from the very first subsection (1/10th of the post at best and non-foundational to the other 9 subsections) and wrote a few sentences about each that are were: A) unsupported, B) not necessarily untrue but inconclusive in regards to the post, C) already shot down in the very post your are trying to shoot down, or D) outright and blatantly false.

You then proceeded to bring up a… what I am assuming was supposed to “new” argument that had already been addressed in the post you are arguing against, showing that you haven’t even read the OP in its entirety.

I love the irony here.

Indeed it is.

My apologies.

“I ban bait”.

I’m not sure if I’m interpreting that correctly, because it seems like a bit of a weird assertion to make at this time.

“Ban”, as in remove from the forums?
“Bait” as in…?

If it’s high-quality bait…

I typically let it slide. If it’s low quality bait…

I’ll go ahead and report it.

There aren’t many bait threads around though, so there aren’t really any of them to judge. All the good bait posters got banned. :confused:



Come here!
I don’t think so.

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Yes, I 100% agree. I play a game with it in it and would never put this ability in OW.

I am the one who asked you to do it. :woman_shrugging:


You have to, though, or teammate will keep rushing in and dying, and blaming YOU for not healing fast enough to sustain concentrated firepower of 6 enemy players.

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You don’t HAVE to have this ability.

How else you suggest to cure stupidity? It’s not a right, according to Moira.

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You can’t play for the entire team. They have to do their job. It’s been this way since OW launched.

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