Survey about Supports

I don’t think google has defined a term clearly and simply delineating those who want Mercy changed from those who do not

I respectfully disagree

I can’t think of anything else to add

It has defined “anti”.

“Anti” Mercy means to be opposed to or against Mercy. This is clear and concise. You cannot change the English language on a whim to suit your needs, Mega.


Leave Megadodo alone at this point. Mega is hard stuck on their definition and nothing is going to change that.
Move on. :sweat:

I just can’t fathom why one wouldn’t just simply use another term, after consistently being told it’s confusing and makes very little sense.


Here, a summary of the definition weirdness in another thread: Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State - #11160 by True0Neutral-1564

I don’t see that I have done so

Well, then you are beyond clueless my dude.


As always. He method is dealing with disagreements make me think more is going on with them.

They don’t deal with people very well. I just leave them be when they get like this.


I’ll help you.

As per the definition for Anti as provided by google.

Your definition.

We can clearly see, that they do not align. Your definition is different than the standard everyone else is using.


If a stadium full of flat earthers shouted at me that the earth is flat, this would not change my view that the earth is roughly spherical

We dont agree

I understand that, and have no issue with it

If you’re not for Mercy in her current state then it’s not that big of a logical leap to label them “anti Mercy” insofar as Mercy is encompassing said current state. You guys don’t have to like his definition, I certainly don’t, but he’s not using flawed logic and it’s entertaining as heck watching you guys try to prove that.


Here we go again, using your false equivalencies. Here let me help you out here, you ARE a flat earther, in a stadium full of people just trying to tell you the earth in fact is not flat, but that you should just stop calling it flat earth all together. You’re free to believe it’s flat. Just stop blurting it out like vomit.


The hilarious bit here, is that you’re the flat earther in this scenario.


As a clarification, I am not a flat-earther…I am well aware of the fact that the earth is roughly spherical


Flawed, twisted, and patently ridiculous, is the logic.

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I was just using your same logic my dude

Quite the contrary…I am aware that the earth is roughly spherical

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I don’t see the similarity