Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

Not meant to offend anyone btw


The statement of (gist, not a quote) “just because one says x doesnt make it so” runs both ways

I stand by what I said.

If one chooses not to accept it, thats one’s perogative - the horse can only be led to water, drinking is the horse’s decision

This question has to do with the statement quoted in the post where the question was asked

I can see why you think that way. Valkyrie relies more on the duration of it. I saw it powerful for that. The impact isn’t the same as any other ult, but it’s constant and flexible. That’s why I think it’s powerful.

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You’re correct. It does go both ways. You not choosing to accept the flaws in your arguing is something you can also call the horse’s decision.

Explain please.

How does my feelings on profile shaming influence you ignoring Minjoo?

I only meant the insult for the second part, not when I use salty. I mean, what do you expect me to do when I saw my favorite character is insulted. I will feel upset and offended.

On another note you seem to enjoy this drama.

There’s really nothing to explain, as I see it

There is a statement that is quoted

There is a question that is asked in response to said statement

Okay, so we now agree that you shamed people and Megadodo ignored it.

Because at no point did I say that calling people “salty” was the only shaming.

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As I see it, I have no reason to answer a question that has nothing to do with you ignoring Minjoo’s shaming (whom you agree with, according to all the likes) but calling out the shaming of someone else.

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imo, salty isnt an insulting term…so I wouldnt worry about it

if a given forum member says that Mercy is trash (or whatever) any other forum member, yourself most certainly included, is allowed to reply with statements that oppose such a position if they deem fit

Cool. Do note, I’m not necessarily trying to change your point of view and I doubt I’d be able to anyway. I’m merely trying to get you to understand mine.

Looking broader now, during the Rework, the devs completely flipped the script on Mercy’s ultimate. Mass Resurrect was a nearly zero duration burst of massive impact that required very specific circumstances to get value out of. Valkyrie is nearly the longest ultimate in the game with no burst of impact to speak of that is useful pretty much at any time.

Can you see why some former Mercy mains would get upset over such a radical and abrupt change?


And insulting Mercy’s kit is uncalled for. You could said it in a nicer way like fire brand. This person shares his/her opinion in a much nicer way.

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One need never answer another’s question on these forums

There is no requirement to do so stated in the forum rules

I remain unclear as to whether profile shaming is being approved of in this thread, but thats ok…there is no requirement that I obtain such clarification.

BTW, this was also you:


Can you then also see why existing Mercy mains who are happy with her in her current state would be opposed to folks who advocate reworking or reverting her?

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I honestly don’t believe you here.

You could have been much more respectful when responding. You could also have decided to leave this thread.
I don’t think the way you reacted was justified, no matter how upset you were.

I wouldn’t call that a drama, but whatever.
Yes, I find this quite amusing. But I don’t really see how the way I perceive what happens here is relevant to this thread.

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After this came out. I feel like this is an insult and I feel offended by this, therefore I reply it rather a bit aggressively.

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Not sure why you are asking me that since you are well aware of the fact that I like your compromise rework and have one of my own :stuck_out_tongue:.

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So to summarize, you saw “Valkyrie can’t decide if teammates will live or die” as an insult, but apparently not “salty”.

We’ve already crossed this bridge, so I’ll just leave it at that.


The way I reacted do seems a bit childish. I apologize for that. I can’t really decides how other will interact or react at me, but I do can decides how I will react. For that I’m sorry.

I seriously don’t, but let’s leave it at that.

Nothing big actually, just confirming what I have been guessing.

Fair enough :slightly_smiling_face: