It’s stupid and there are tons of threads about this. It’s not enjoyable, it’s not fun. It’s stupid.
Since people can’t read, I’ll add certain points of this thread to the main post.
If people join Arcade to get lootboxes, which is only obtainable by winning, and there are people who join Arcade only to mess around which may directly lead to a loss for their team… Then it is just not a match. It does not work together.
People join COMPETITIVE gamemodes, to play COMPETITIVELY. And people join ARCADE gamemodes to play for fun because it’s ARCADE.
That’s why it’s an issue, people are trying to play competitively in a arcade gamemode. It does not go hand-in-hand.
I don’t know how I can make this any more clearer… As Arcade is today, I play to win the lootboxes. The lootbox system in Arcade would be great if people actually played Arcade to win. But that is not the reality. I can understand why someone would join Arcade to play for fun and mess around, because it’s literally called Arcade. And to further your understanding, Arcade defines as “ an amusement center having coin-operated games”. So, obviously people join Arcade for their amusement. So, to satisfy all parts involved, including people in your situation, it would be much better if Lootboxes obtained from Arcade was re-designed. If Lootboxes were received by just playing a certain amount of games, then it would satisfy people like you who just wanna play the game for its content. It would satisfy people like me who just want the weekly lootboxes. It would satisfy people who just wanna get away from Competitive and play a casual game of Arcade. It would satisfy basically everyone.
1v1 Mystery Hero - This Gamemode is most beneficial if you’re a DPS main, especially the Heroes that get really overpowered once you’ve mastered them. If you mainly play Support or Tank, then you’re screwed. So, this is RNG with favor to the DPS mains. Mei’s Snowball Offensive - I’ve never been able to play this game without some weird lag issues. Usually it’s when you and an enemy player shoot each other at the same time, but one of you lives. And sometimes even if you shoot each other at the exact same time, only one of you have the time to go into Cryo-Freeze, somehow. Like I said, a bunch of delay lag issues in this gamemode making it very difficult to play. Yeti Hunter - I don’t remember Yeti having an ultimate in this gamemode the first time it was introduced. But apparently the Yeti can go into rampage without eating the pieces of meat. At the start of this gamemode being put into the game this year, the Yeti would most of the time win very easily. But now this week it feels like the Yeti have become really weak. The ultimate charge feels a lot slower. Was there nerfs to the Yeti without being in the patch notes? 8 Players FFA - Any FFA in Overwatch is more like a gamemode with most kill assists. You can play Moira and send out Orbs and kill steal a lot of kills. And this is why people play Heroes like Widow, Doomfist and Hanzo, and whatever Hero may do a lot of damage in one hit. So they are more certain to actually get the kills. Genji is also a good Hero to kill steal with, you just dash thru low HP heroes, whether you got them down to that or not. Point being, this gamemode is just first to kill steal the most, and since Overwatch got so many different abilities, it’s really unbalanced. Mystery Heroes - A very RNG gamemode. It speaks for itself, you can’t really bring skill into this and win. Having two of a certain Hero can be really overpowered. Like having two Mercy, one can revive the other. And then the other Mercy revives another player. That’s 2 revives. This was quickly removed when this was normal for 1 Mercy. So I think it’s fair to say this is something Blizzard agrees on.
Now, I don’t mean to say these are bad. I’m just saying this is nothing you can just go into, play well and win. It’s too RNG and unbalanced/unfair. That is why I’m saying it’s not wise to have weekly lootbox rewards for winning these gamemodes, because you literally have to just be lucky most of the times.
Because there are two kinds of people who play Arcade, some to play it as Arcade and some to win the lootboxes. These two does not mix. Therefore one of these type of people cannot have fun.
Please, we all know the only difference between opinion and fact on the forums is that if it’s an opinion I have it’s a fact and if it’s anyone else’s, it’s an opinion. Duh /s
It is still poorly designed. Objectively. A for fun mode that does not even count stats half the time should not be creating a greater incentive to win than competitive. So you can suck on that, homie.
There are probably far more “kinds” of people who play arcade than you think.
I play arcade for the boxes… or to practice heroes I would otherwise get yelled at for in the “main game” … or to play events … or to practice aim/soloing.
Maybe state YOUR problem instead of using “This is stupid” as your point.
I think we need to keep rewards that aren’t SR out of comp, but daily challenges could be fun, win a round a a support or tank, get X kills with y hero or whatever could get people out of there normal heroes trying other things.
Competitive incentives are rankings, status profile pics, and points for gold weapons. The kind of person who enjoys competitive would likely desire those far more than a couple extra boxes… Homie.
I’m not talking about lootboxes from leveling, I am talking about lootboxes as reward from Arcade. Which was clearly stated in the title.
You can probably list all kinds of people for anything. I am talking about the people I’ve seen playing Arcade. A lot of people claim Arcade is just a game “for fun”, because it’s literally “Arcade”. While I play Arcade mostly to get the weekly lootboxes which is only obtainable from winning.
So no, this is not just an issue for me, this is an issue for literally everyone trying to obtain these lootboxes.
It is not really reflective of the state of mode despite the fact that they tried, fam. Reality > intention. Which is not to say arcade has tons of people trying to win. The issue is you get people trying to “have fun” by “pretending” to be mentally challenged while your enemies are after those dank lootboxes. Unless they on your team. In that case, bon appetite. Enjoy a lootbox that you could literally throw for. It is just a mess and that is why most people report that it is torture doing those weekly boxes. That is hardly subjective. Glad you enjoy it in the same way that I enjoy smashing my head into a break wall. I am sure that both of us have skewed ideas of fun, however. Just a sensation.
I understood what you were talking about. Yes the 9 wins for 3 boxes. I got it. Why assume anything else since you can earn boxes for XP in every single other mode and that wouldn’t be exclusive to arcade and therefore why even bother discussing it since you have alternatives.
It’s very demonstrably NOT an issue for “everyone” since I’m one of those people who wants the extra boxes… yet I still enjoy arcade game modes.
If you are ONLY playing arcade for the boxes, yet you’re not having fun then don’t do it? Its’ 3 boxes. One session worth of just xp grinding. THere’s nothing special about them other than you get one every 3 wins. Contents the same and everything.
What about the 3 extra boxes for people who play arcade is a problem? You want them to be moved to another mode? What’s your fix?
Slow down edgelord. Don’t assume you know what I enjoy please. You really can’t “throw” for the boxes, hence the “win” condition. If you check out mentally you’re very very likely not to win since most arcades require more personal investment in a particular skill, character knowledge (MH) , aim and tactics (DM) , or mobility (CTF).
I get you don’t like it, but as I said before. Yeah I do enjoy it and I wonder how you assume I don’t. I enjoy most arcade modes and I’m sure others do too. We also likely enjoy the extra boxes for winning.
If you still enjoy having your time wasted by players who are not playing Arcade for the lootboxes, then that is completely up to you. But just because you find that fun, does not mean everyone else does.
If people join Arcade to get lootboxes, which is only obtainable by winning, and there are people who join Arcade only to mess around which may directly lead to a loss for their team… Then it is just not a match. It does not work together.
I’m certain that anything other than what we got now would be a much better alternative. Such as obtaining the lootboxes by doing something, maybe playing a specific role, healing a specific amount, getting a specific amount of kills. Or getting lootboxes by just playing Arcade matches, even if you lose. There are plenty of threads regarding this with all kind of alternatives.
Its a little bit unfair for those who don’t enjoy arcade, though. Like, Mystery DM- it’s an awfully unbalanced mode and it just annoys me. It’s all RNG, with 5 enemy Moira’s and you as a lowly Sombra.
It’s unfun for a lot of people, yet it’s the only place you get rewarded for winning 9 games. It just sucks as I, and many others, don’t enjoy any of the modes there.
I’m most definitely wasting my time, I’m playing a game. I enjoy the game though. A concept many disgruntled players on this forum seem to have trouble grasping. I play this game because I enjoy the characters and gameplay and I understand winning and losing are as inconsequential as being top 500. Nobody is gonna care in the grand scheme of things.
Getting all bent out of shape because you lost a couple matches or didn’t get the “optimal” amount of lootboxes is a little silly.
People join ALL modes “just to mess around”. It’s a video game.
I see challenges presented all the time as an example of a better method… except now you’ll have people in ALL modes focusing on just ONE thing. “Sorry man, you got no health pool I need 25k healing in one match!”.