Why have you guys not realised yet that Lootbox reward in Arcade is stupid?

I’ve counted exactly one thread about this. It is this one.


I was not assuminfg. You literally stated you had fun. Rofl… I can see why that mode appeals to you, now.

Oh, I see, you thought that my sarcasm that you read as sarcasm was somehow parallel to your opinion that I literally do not care about. K.

Why? Cause they can’t get the 3 boxes a week? from one of several rotating modes? How is this unfair? I dislike mystery DM too, keeps giving me mercy. So I don’t play. I play MH or TDM or Mayhem.

3 Boxes, it’s nice but it’s not like a huge disadvantage or loss not to get them. Don’t like the mode don’t play.

You get rewarded for winning games in all modes, in competitive you get rewarded comp points. Only mode you get rewarded for winning consecutive games as well. Unfair?

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I belive that there is more of topics like “this mode is bad in arcade” than “lootbox in arcade is bad”. Buw what ever


You obviously care if you are spending time responding.

I’m relatively sure I actually enjoy playing. I also am relatively sure that the expression "smashing my head into a " ,well you did say “break wall” but I’m gonna hope you meant brick because that’s the only word that makes sense, is a universal expression for a repetitive unenjoyable experience.


Becuase arcade is the only mode where you get extra loot boxes. It rewards those who play arcade in addition to the normal amount of XP they recieve. It doesn’t really matter that it’s only 3.

Competitive is different, the competitive points are exclusive to the competitive mode. Loot boxes are not. But even so, people advocate change for the Golden Gun System

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You get more XP in comp. Is that unfair?


Longer games = more XP

Fun Fact: it’s more XP per game, less XP per hour. QP and Arcade will level you faster.


Nah, I cared about the first post and your misconception. Not your feelings on the mode. My point is that it is inherently poorly designed. That has nothing to do with either of our personal opinions. You pulled the subjectivity card out and I crammed it back up whatever orifice.

Yes, yes, yes. You told me quite a bit about your love of arcade. I get that. That was not my point and honestly, I am scared to clarify because 3 posts deep, I can only assume English is not your first language. And that is fine. But I am tired of running into the “brick” wall, yeah, that better for you, sweetheart?

So the incentive to have more players in a game mode should be taken away so that ONLY people who play arcades for the sake of arcades are playing, thereby raising the queue time and encouraging people just to stay in their “mode”.

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… Then you are exactly the issue of this game. People join COMPETITIVE gamemodes, to play COMPETITIVELY. And people join ARCADE gamemodes to play for fun because it’s ARCADE.

That’s why it’s an issue, people are trying to play competitively in a arcade gamemode. It does not go hand-in-hand.

I don’t see why you are trying to counter-argue something that doesn’t even seem to matter to you? While it obviously does to people like me? You said yourself that you play the game for lootboxes, but also to practice or play events. So if the lootboxes do change in a way that it is more satisfying for players like me, it would still be enjoyable for you?

So why are you here?

How about you actually look next time you comment some bs?

Arcade: Lootboxes (My own old thread that was lost in the spam of threads lol)
Arcade Lootboxes
Trying to get arcade lootboxes is worse than pulling teeth
Move the Arcade lootboxes to QP
Arcade lootboxes should be for games played, not games won
Arcade lootbox change

Do I need to continue?


Using the right word in a phrase? Yes, very important for anyone’s comprehension.

Weirdly aggressive.

You care so little yet you respond AGAIN for clarification and are worried I didn’t understand.

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You should be playing the mode to play the mode. Arcade players are the ONLY ONES who play their desired mode and then get extra loot boxes for it.

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The arcade is for people who want to stay away from the toxicity of QP and competitive. Loot boxes in arcade are good. If you main has a Christmas skin, you need to grind in arcade. (3 loot boxes)

Ugh. I love you.

That was not my initial phrase. Normally I use something else than bludgeoning myself; however, that is forum banned. I just tried to think of the most unpleasant thing not involving cactus and what I do before bed to express my disdain for the mode. I was not using whatevery phrase you are into until afterwards, for the sake of irony.

Me in a nutshell.

Nah, I changed my mind. I am enjoying your questionable interpretation of my words.

Because your post was “this is stupid. This isn’t fun” and that’s subjective.

It matters because I enjoy the extra couple boxes for playing the mode. It’s a little boost for someone who can’t put in 40 hours a week of gaming. The boxes are there for people who value boxes and the varied game modes are appealing to many different playstyles. You value the boxes? Play the arcades. You don’t have enough fun? Sounds like you don’t value them enough.

The “why” people play the game doesn’t really seem to matter to you, it’s that they’re joining your arcade mode and actually trying… I think? I really didn’t get a better explanation and I’m not reading a bunch of other threads to understand what you should put in your first post anyway.


I do both. Guess it means I have twice the fun?

Questionable interpretation of a mistaken word?

“Brake wall” , there is no possible interpretation of this that makes sense.

Sometimes people make spelling mistakes or try to use phrases they’re not actually familiar with. I’m pretty sure one or the other of those two was the case.

Out of the two of us I have a feeling that I have a better grasp of English than you. But hey… it is U.S. english so if you’re using U.K then maybe I just have never heard of a “brake wall”.

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You’re refusing to understand the part where people are playing competitively in a arcade gamemode. It’s not right and it’s frustrating.

That it is not fun is obviously my own opinion, it’s to boost my argument from my perspective. But what are you trying to get out of commenting like you do?

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OK so it is people “trying” that bothers you. I’m assuming a little this is what you mean by “playing competitively”. Please correct me if I’m wrong. The objective is to win. In all modes there is a “win” condition. What’s your problem with people coming in and trying to win?
If you’re a “I just wanna play around” person, you can do that just the same, you’ll just die a bit more. If you want a room where people play as you say, make a custom mode. Don’t complain about a system in place to encourage players into a mode so that people can actually play events.

Why do I reply like I do? Because it seemed about the same tone as “Lootbox reward in Arcade is stupid”.