Why has console ruined pharah?

Exactly. While a mouse may be better for aiming, unless you’re an A-D spammer, a thumbstick or trackball for movement is far superior, allowing way more precise positioning than a keyboard could ever allow.

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Guess you haven’t seen the neglect we console players have when it comes to updates for the game then. We had no report system until waaay later, we didn’t have binded commands until waaay later, we have no chat box, no lootbox gifting and all balances revolve around PC players ASIDE from this one for Pharah. PC is not “catered” too? In comparison to console they are.

We don’t have half of the things you guys have on PC.

pharah wasn’t ruined, they just increased her skill floor and skill ceiling

just made her a harder hero and move viable in higher ranks

Exactly, which is why I’ve always argued that there really is no advantage to mkb over controller. The reason people feel that way is because a majority of people have an easier time with large gross muscle movements, then the acute muscle movements required by a controller.

More people are used to controlling a mouse, then they are practicing muscle memory for a controller analog sticks.

But those that are really good with a controller and have set up their controller sensitivity well, can aim and control just as well as a mkb.

Where mkb has an advantage is in making fast sweeping 180 turns (like pharah’s concussive movements) Controllers are limited by a max sense… whereas mkb users are limited by the size of their mousepad.

Mkb on console (xim) has NO advantage because the mkb is still restricted by the confines of the controller input because the mkb adapters just fake high sense controller input. Xim users are just lazy to set up their perfect sense or put in the practice for fine muscle movements and instead use their gross motor movements to do the aiming.

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Really? I had no idea.
That’s so odd.

Xbox users had LFG before PC. We’ve had a system wide report system.

The only thing console players can really complain about is the fact we still don’t have in game text chat despite having chatpads that could be enabled on the system.

That’s one thing. One. How can you compare one thing to the masses at which PC receives things over console? You’d have to be entitled to not see how console gets neglected on a constant basis. We had to complain about many things in order to get them.

You have to look at the overall facts to see how long it took for everything to even reach console when in reality, shouldn’t have. We didn’t get the important things that SHOULD have been imported to the game mandatory since day one, like PC did, but didn’t. We had to suffer without a report system, which should have been there. What I listed was only SOME of the things we needed for console and we still are missing more.

Console and PC have two entirely different ways of playing and they rather, of course, cater to PC because that is the “main platform” for Blizzard and for the OWL. Doesn’t make it right in any way though.

I just don’t understand how anybody can say that PC isn’t “catered” to when Eternity made a whole thread about what console lacks with well over 1k views and many console players voicing their concerns.

I am soely an xbox player. I’m well aware of the things that console players are lacking. I’ve been playing sense s4 and honestly I am not as butt hurt as you are about it.

You keep complaining about the report system, yet consoles have ALWAYS had a report system. I don’t know how well Sony does on their platform, but Microsoft always has done a good job of policing their console.

The only thing that bliz needs to do for console is to enable chatpad support. I dunno, maybe ps4 doesn’t have a chatpad? But then you enable usb keyboard support.

But again, that is a specific problem to consoles, not the game as a whole.

In fact, the game has always been restricted on PC largly because of console’s lack of default inputs. So in a way the console experience has always been catered to in a way over that of PC.

Most of what you describe are unique things that the PC version needed because the console version already had it. They were only added later (and pretty much worthless because of multiple free accounts) because of console players whining.

The LFG system that xbox has is pretty much the same one OW as a whole got… and now 3 months in has the same issues as we’ve always had on the xbox. It is worthless because of the way the whole SR system is designed to penalizes grouping up.

Key bindings are important for communication and we didn’t get those until way, waaay later. It’s crucial because on console (specifically PS4) nobody really uses mic. I would have loved to say “come to me for healing” or “I’m with you” as an optional way of communication. No toggle crouching either.

We have balancing issues that were never settled until waaay later while PC has had updates 24/7 to their roster. This is literally the game we play and they couldn’t really find a way to also help balance for us? They do this one thing for us, and everyone whines when we have been dealing with all of the PC catering for years.

To be honest? The issue is that regardless, we should have everything that is possible to have in console, that PC has, big or small. We pay for the game just as much. It doesn’t make sense to make us wait months and months in advance to give us what they had. Chatbox is easy to do. MHW on console has a chatbox, many games do.

I just think that if they gave us anything big or small, it shows that they care. They try to give Pharah a nerf because console need it, but then everyone jumps on it. It’s like “hello?” ya know? They really need to have two different groups here work on OW, one for PC the other for console when it comes to balancing. I know they aren’t a big group, but this shows they need to jump on this fast and start sorting out different teams for balancing. Hiring needs to be done.

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people lied and spam that pharah is invincible on console so blizzard got trolled and made bad decisions OH WELL

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Thats the thing, I think you are pushing issues that are not unique to console players, or simple are faux problems on consoles.

I would guess that there is the same percentage of people on console without mics as there are on pc. The difference is txt chat support. Which, tbh won’t help console that much with communication because the same people that have chat pads also have mics (they are often bundled together). Whereas all pc players have a keyboard, but not all have purchased mics.

The problem with mics, is that people don’t want to use them. Especially prepubescent boys that often get mocked and face discrimination based on being a “squeeker” or are mistaken for a teenage girl (like my son) instead of their ability to play the game. (Which is wrong, many of those boys are better then these adults that often play high or drunk)

Balance is balance. Console players do not have unique balancing issues. They have playerbase issues. The problem with aiming is not a balance issue, but a default controller input issue. It is exponentially more difficult to set up proper controller settings for an FPS. But once you have it set up, the game is just as balanced.

However, whereas you can’t really get out of gold with bad sensitivity on pc, you can on console because the number of players make the bell curve or the “avg” player higher on accuracy.

If you look at overbuff’s hero stats… you will see that heroes such as widowmaker and mccree have the same avg accuracy on xbl and pc. Heck, the avg accuracy on mccree is actually higher on xbl then pc (46% compared to 44%)

The argument that console players can’t aim is the greatest fallacy there is. Which means all the balance changes because of aim is false.

Also consider that you have more casual players on console, yet the pc playerbase is actually more “hardcore” and have an easier time setting up their sensitivity… this pc vs console argument is only created and perpetuated by pc people who want to justify the cost of buying their overpriced machines to play games.

Almost certain PC players will challenge you on that.

Also, you are just reiterating everything I am saying but from different context and further proving why everything I said was needed. You said mic is a problem. Yes, obviously, hence why binded controls were needed way earlier. It doesn’t matter why mics aren’t used, the issue is that they aren’t and that binded controls should have been set in the beginning, not way later.

Yes, they do in ways. Pharah for instance is one of them even said by Jeff himself. While I understand you are saying it’s because of bad controls, and I also partially agree at the same time, unless they issue M&KB, then balance changes will be needed sadly. This further proves that you aren’t understanding the difference here between console and PC.

I see what you are saying here, however, because of the way we use our controls, there will be regardless, balance issues between PC and console, still further proving how we are different.

That’s a matter of opinion I’d say. There are plenty of console players who take the game seriously but Blizzard won’t invest in an OWL for us, so why really truly bother? The game looks “casual” because, again, these are two entirely different games here despite it being “one game” You are just proving why console and PC are vastly different.

Also, I am sorry if I am sounding like a you-know-what. I apologize. I am very high strung at the moment. Nothing against you hun.

My brain can’t really put up a proper argument lol Eh, not “argument” discussion moreso c:

I’m getting at that they are not uniquely different. PC players have it easier to get their controls correct for the player, but despite that, accuracy is still the same between versions.

Everything people claim is the difference in balancing between the two platforms always come down to “console players can’t aim”. It is just not true. The player base that has allowed themselves to be visible with overbuff on both platforms has shown that accuracy is not different.

They can if they want to… it doesn’t change the data that is available to us. Only personal anecdotal evidence by people that don’t have the fine motor skills to handle controller input.

The problem with it is that binding controls (I take it you mean things like highlighting the payload or point) is the limited number of buttons on the controller. I’ve had to get rid of sprays and other functions just to set up a controls for interact now that Symm’s TP is in the game. Adding more functionality or options like that is suck a low priority and will hardly be used because it will be more important to have those buttons available and in a good place for each hero. Mic on console is just something that is necessary to have to communicate. Until they get chatpad support. Which like I’ve said… is the only thing I’ll complain about that pc has over console.

No worries, I don’t read things in a hostile way usually. I usually give the author the benefit of the doubt and try to read in a tone that is the least confrontational in a debate as long as it is not absolutely clear they are intentionally trying to be hostile. Its a good debate and we have differing views. No reason to apologize.

No it’s cool, I am just feeling guilty if I am sounding like a butt lol

I also do see your points of view. I know what you mean with the controls c:

Maybe it has something to do with Hanzo being a sniper hero, having no splash…and not flying.

Except that argument still doesn’t account the fact that Pharah isn’t “rewarded” for scoring direct hits, she’s simply punished for missing.

Flying has nothing to do with it either. Every projectile attack works better with angle, not just linear explosive ones.

Longtime console gamer here. I can’t speak for the Xbone’s controller, but the 360’s controller was definitely the best I’ve ever used for shooters.

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PC had a Widow problem. PC players got Widow nerfed, despite the fact that she wasn’t dominant on PS4. In fact, there was never a double sniper meta as far as my console is concerned. Shortly before the last sniper nerfs, Pharah had an 8% pick rate in GM. For a DPS, that’s utterly absurd, especially with her outrageously high win rate. For reference, at the peak of his power, Hanzo’s pick rate and win rate in GM on PC were much lower than Pharah’s were in GM on PS4.

From Urban Dictionary:

“A squeaker […] will talk in an extremely loud voice, to the point of the audio level needing to be turned down for the comfort of the listener.”

Boys often lack proper volume control, which can be abolutely excruciating when combined with the shrillness of their voices. I’ve left voice chat numerous times when I’ve heard multiple kids shrieking into their mics. Unfortunately, I can’t adjust individual voice level, so all I can do is ask the offending party to lower either a) their voice, or b) their mic volume. Like most people, I’d rather not cause a fuss, so I just mute them, or leave voice chat if there are too many squeakers.

I agree that a lot of kids seem to be more mechanically skilled than many adults. Were it not for the unfortunate necessity of voice chat, I’d be more willing to play with them. However, they also seem to tilt faster than adults, which, combined with their pain-inducing voices leaves little doubt as to the primary cause(s) for the prevalence of of 18+ groups in LFG.

Now if only I could hear more callouts from adults than devil’s herb glassware hits… :roll_eyes: or vape sounds

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Yes, as a console Widowmaker, I was pretty salty. I did not blame PC players though, I blamed the actual problem, Blizzard.

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I don’t actually blame PC players; my accusatory tone simply matched that of the person to whom I was replying. There just isn’t a good way to indicate that one is being deliberately inflammatory without lessening the punch of one’s statement, and doing so would diminish the impact of its highlighting of the absurdity of the claim to which one’s statement is meant to run counter.