Why has console ruined pharah?

Wasn’t torb nerfed on console only? is it me or does that mean that console has been catered to more than pc… :thinking:

Yeah, torbs turret is actually weaker on console then on PC. Symm’s turrets used to be, but I think they are the same after the 3.0 changes.

It’s because its harder to aim with a controller on console.
It also ties into mouse and keyboards used on console being considered a reportable act. MKD Users get faster, more precise aiming, and thats deadly when there’s heroes like Tracer and Hanzo in play.
Pharah is the worst on PC, but the Top 10 Players on console main her.

Because her counter is hitscan, and people on console can’t aim as well.

Don’t know because Torb was after launch.


FYI, her projectile speed isn’t faster, just the rate of fire. Two different things.

GrandMaster: PSN
Pharah- 6.91 percent pick rate
McCree- 5.35 percent pick rate
S86- 2.42 percent pick rate


If it’s true or not from Overbuff.

I know that everyone already answered you, but I’ll just say that Top 1, 2,3 ,5,6,9 and 10 EU PS4 are Pharah Mains, even sometimes Pharah OTP.

people aren’t rioting lmao. they’re upset bc the devs said console specific balancing would be happening, but now balancing meant for consoles is coming to PC too when we don’t need it at all.

Her attack speed (speed of the projectile or maybe the time from button press to fire) and her fire recovery speed (time between shots) has increased. So yes, it has increased which will help increase her accuracy, just like Hanzo

As pharah mains told low levels when they said pharmacy was unfair. Git Gud and learn to aim. :slight_smile: The changes are actually a buff if you can aim your rockets.

Keep reading the patch maybe…

How does that make using a hero that needs complete accuracy viable on console then?

consoles have a harder time aiming than pc players do.

2nd question. Exactly what the problem is

and a lot of good pharahs are rather excited for this change btw. It rewards skill a lot more.

this thing called splash damage and flying. she does like 80 damage on splash. Now imagine how that is on console on a flying character and console have a way harder time aiming

I’m on Xbox.

Pharah is a struggle. The majority of players that I’ve met have struggled with her.

Gotchu! Nah you right

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you realize, her direct shot dmg is the same right

the only difference is her SPLASH dmg (which is why she is so strong in low elo) was nerfed

she even got a buff to her boop, which ofc improves mobility

this is a BUFF in terms of skillful play and a nerf to the bad pharahs who rely on splash dmg

this is a good thing, a very good thing

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Console is a different battlefield.

On ps4 pharah had like x6 more pickrate on gm and master than pc.

On xbox is like x2 more pickrate…

Yes on ps4 is a big problem but on xbox she is stronger than pc to.

Anyway, they buffed pharah, now she will be a lot more stronger on console xd

Pharah will be a bigger problem on console…

Because the new pharah changes are a nerf only on low ranks. But the pharahmercy problem only exist on higher ranks, where pharah players can hit a lot of bodyshots

You’re correct that Torb was only nerfed on Console. But PC has, or has had, way more compared to Console overall.

We have/had:

  • 15 months without a report system
  • No PTR
  • No official ESports rep. from Blizzard
  • Not much transparency from Blizzard (way less than that of PC that is. Only recently have we been getting just a little more transparency from them.)
  • And more.

^ I could go on and on, but that’s for another thread. That, and I’d rather not spend 3 hours typing this whole thing up.

Sym turrets still deal less damage on Console compared to PC. I would know since I have a copy for both PC and Console and have tested this myself. It’s around 15-20% weaker on Console, give or take.

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