Why has console ruined pharah?

Oh, yes, I understand. I was agreeing with you. I was just piggy backing off of the sentiment.

She’s not dominating on console and never has. It was simply that lower tiers on console hated her because idk moving the controller stick up was hard for them. I actually stopped maining Pharah on console because as you go up, unless you have a pocket, you will always be obliterated. Aim assist is a thing.

Anyways, these compensation “buffs” to Pharah because her splash was nerfed won’t help her damage. Being able to shoot 20% faster isn’t going to help with any of her problems, which was survivability. I would rather have had a ground pound on crouch or 50 armor or SOMETHING. The reduction in her Concussive Blast was nice, but let’s be real. It should have never been on a 12 second cooldown for the utility it provided. It was ludicrous from the start.

Gotcha. Poe’s Law strikes again. :laughing:

Aim assist made it HARDER to kill a Pharah, that was actually part of the problem and the main reason why they fixed aim assist on console. Aerial characters are insanely evasive because of the nature of aim assist. Lucio, Genji, Pharah. Those guys. They are still relatively mobile on PC, but using a controller, it has less to do with not being able to move the stick up and more to do with trying to track targets that are moving fast while they are also moving along the Y-Axis and the aim assist only accounting for the fact that they are a certain distance from your cross-hair and slowing or speeding up accordingly.

My theory on that is cuz uz xbox players are accustomed to shooting down aerial targets.
I mean… in Halo multiplayer you have people flying through the air quick scoping with sniper rifles. Its WAY scarier than a Pharah.

Either that or the shape of PS4 controllers give a disadvantage. Or the joysticks on them suck, so it’s harder to aim.

Not really both her pickrate and winrate are lower on console vs pc. So she’s not better on console

Bingo. This was discussed early last year, I think, when it was revealed that aim assist was pretty bad at helping against heroes with vertical mobility.

They’re small and not very ergonomic. I’ve routinely found my hands cramping when playing aim-intensive heroes. Near the end of last season, I remapped my buttons so certain heroes don’t require both aiming and firing to be performed by the same hand. I can finally play Tracer and Widow for extended periods of time without significant discomfort!

They do, and it is. Not by a lot, but it’s noticeably harder to aim with a DualShock 4 than an Xbox 360 controller. The Xbone’s controller is pretty similar to the 360’s, so I imagine it’s equally good.

I honestly think the whole issue with Pharah was Pharmercy that dominated console for the longest while., and now that Mercy is nerfed, well, Pharah is by herself and she is pretty easy to get, especially with Moira nowadays.

interesting is that pharah was ONLY dominating on ps4…

seems like ps4 players cannot aim…

she wasnt really dominating on xbox . Players there have a lot more history with fps games like halo and cod as xbox was the place to go for cod for many years. It was mainly ps4 that she was incredibly powerful. Im on xbox and never had issues with her and im in gold

The ps4 controller is terrible for a game like overwatch.

I’ve honestly thought that these changes were a net buff to Pharah players who actually made more direct hits more than anything.

Pharah wasn’t nerfed she was changed. She is more skilled now and it’s natural people will complain.

If you were the spam pharah then it’s gonna be a bad time indeed. But if you can aim then you be very pleased.

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