Why false flagging should be punishable


And this one? What’s the problem with this response to Doom?

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The classic “So you’re saying” and then a misrepresentation

I’ve already posted my solution to this problem

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Not every opinion is reasonable. And false flagging is already stated to be against the rules. You yourself state that you know it’s a problem. So why do you want to act like all of these false flags are innocent opinions? Why shouldn’t people being blatantly unreasonable be undeserving of punishment?

It’s this. Of course false flagging should be punishable, but there is no objective and concrete way to prove any particular individual is false flagging outside of them flat out admitting it.

There are rules on the forum but the code of conduct is open to interpretation in a lot of cases. I’ve seen on more than one occasion bans happen that got reversed upon review.

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I don’t know. Maybe it is happening more than it used to.

Also. I have no idea if it has any relevance to this issue, but don’t forget you have almost complete freedom to edit posts. So something that looks innocuous might not have been when it got flagged.

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You literally insulted the entire forums many times

Want quotes?

Telling us that we all were crying is an insult.

Think how foolish you’d have to be to assume that what you’re saying doesn’t deserve to be flagged by the community when you are literally insulting most of the community

It’s madness


It’s happening a lot more than it used to, that’s why the threads about it have increased. You can see a pencil icon next to their post if they edited it. If you don’t but they did, it’s because they edited it within one minute. Which is not enough time to collect enough flags to be hidden.

So then what do we do about the guy who went on a trolling fiasco on here?

I wrote the post that Venus linked to. It was not edited, although I appreciate that you only have my word for that.

cry. as in a cry for help. as in crying out in pain. as in the boy who cried wolf

that is not an insult. it is what was done.

did the forums not cry out about how they thought the heros were overpowered?

did the forums not cry out about how the hero was too strong?

if i was trying to insult. i would have said whined

A generic complaint about the forums isn’t the same thing as targeting a specific group of users.

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Nah. They’re right about the pencil icon, I had forgotten about that. You can tell.

You’re being overly pedantic now and making arbitrary distinctions between words. Either accept it or don’t. I don’t really care

The forums are a specific group of users


or youre trying to make something mean something it doesn’t in an attempt to defend falsely flagging me.

a colorless vocabulary doesn’t make me a bad person.

i am notorious on these forums for speaking my mid and not being afraid to insult when i want to.

No, you just don’t want to accept responsibility for your actions so you think you can arbitrarily redefine words.

A bad vocabulary makes you a terrible communicator, as evidenced by your threads.

Yet you’re surprised when you’re flagged


No. They are not. It’s the entire group of people here as a whole. And is no different than statements about “this playerbase” or whatever. You are allowed to say that your opinion is different than the popular opinion. What you aren’t allowed to do is target a specific user or a more specific group.

“So Venusarmani ( me) is trash” is not allowed. But “the forum opinion about doomfist is trash” is allowed.

I think you get a grace period of about thirty seconds or so, where the pencil icon doesn’t appear if you edit. I do usually have to edit typos out of my posts. :pensive:


We’re done

Here’s the thing.

If it’s demonstrable that someone knowingly flagged a post with the knowledge that the post didn’t actually violate forum CoC, then I am 100% on board with you. That should be punishable.

BUT! A lot of the times, what people call “false flags” aren’t really false flags. The folks flagging do truly believe that the post in question should be flagged and that it is a violation of CoC. I’ve seen this multiple times with known trolls who get flagged, then have folks come screeching in their defense with cries of “false flagging” and accusations of silencing dissent, when really the people who flagged that person are justified in doing so. It’s then up to the mod at that point what to do.

I totally agree the automated system totally sucks. especially since i see a group of people with 1 mind set never using the flag system and then you have the commies that flag anything that does not share their mindset and then yell free Hong Kong.