Why false flagging should be punishable

False flagging is an abuse of the tools you have on the forums to silence others who have differing thoughts and opinions.

It waste dev time, causes players to have to go through the day long process of writing a ticket, and reinforces the “hive mind” mentality.

there are some common sense practices we should all understand. and that should be the basis for punishment based on false flagging.

was the post obviously flagged because the person holds a controversial opinion? yes? punish the flaggers.

was this an obvious attempt to silence? punish the flaggers.

until you action the abuse of the feature, people will use it.

much like in game until you suspend someone for exploiting bugs they will use it.

Moderation note: false flagging IS punishable, please do not do it.


Isn’t it an opinion that someone deserves a flag?

What someone thinks is a troll someone else may not think is a troll


What might be false flagging for you may not be to them.

mods allowing people to use flagging as a downvote ruined this forum. lots of people left including me on my main lvl3 forum account. i just use this account and visit very occasionally because i dont mind it getting actioned for no reason.


not really. there are clear cut definitions of what is and is not reportable.


I don’t think it’s as simple as you’re making it out to be


and i don’t think it is as complex as you are making it out to be.

people getting flagged for saying “buff hanzo” or “the hanzo nerfs weren’t about balance” are obvious false flags.

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…the devs arent involved with moderating i am sure of that


Show me a thread that literally has “buff hanzo” and is flagged or “hanzo nerfs weren’t about balance” that were flagged.

And, no, your flagged Hanzo thread was not as simple as your quote in this post.

Just make it so flagged posts are not automatically hidden. Make it so that a moderator has to action the post


You have alt accounts for the forums?

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it was though. it had an explanation of things i said would happen that happened, it had a statement saying “the hanzo nerfs were never about balance”

and i was falsely flagged.

nothing i said in the post was actionable. nothing i said could be thought to be against coc.


The line between “controversial” and “not allowed on the forums” isn’t always clear cut, so bans for flagging something you think is borderline should not be a thing.

But, there are definitely some flags out there that are blatantly not about the content of the post itself. Those should absolutely be banned.


Literally false. Your posts title was very provocative.

Some could argue you are trolling. I don’t necessarily agree, but that would be their opinion


i have a few accounts, i had 2 that were trust lvl3 because i put the effort into contributing a decent discussion. but when mods started actioning you because some brigading mob simply disagreed with you, then i quit. i dont care if if this account gets actioned and i’m not really going to bother putting any effort into what i post.


I use a lot of satire, hyperbole and sarcasm in my posts and I think often times the Mmericans don’t get it no matter how blatant you try and be with it. They are a very literal people. :yum:

why? what was provocative about it? a *controversial opinion? a controversial statement? so im just not allowed to say controversial things anymore?

it was obvious false flagging. being provocative is not a reason to flag.

nothing. nothing i said could be taken as trolling. the only people that would say that, are those that want the hero useless.

And the issue in this opening post?

No. He has some sass in his title sure. But trolling. Absolutely not. Trolling was the guy using the n word across this forum and much more the other day. Not having some frustrations about hanzo’s state in the game. Stop playing devils advocate. You know damn well his post isn’t deserving g if a flag while posts like “dps always get what they want” posts exist too.


thanks. im tired of people defending bad actions because they disagree.

i disagree with a lot of people but not once have i flagged someone for it

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That’s your opinion

Probably no issue. I never said false flagging isn’t a problem. It is

Again, that’s an opinion

I want to say that I haven’t flagged you btw

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