Why false flagging should be punishable

I read flagged posts sometimes and I can comfortably say 99% of them completely deserved it.


If you haven’t flagged then you agree that it shouldn’t be flagged correct?

Well then can we stop with it’s probably just an opinion thing? Even if we allow that OP’s personal flag isn’t false because his title is inflammatory (I do not agree, but whatever) there is a clearly falsely flagged post in that same thread that’s basically telling him that he thinks it’s overboard to call Hanzo trashed because his pickrate is fine in many ranks.

Like…it’s clearly a problem. I agree that we shouldn’t be actioning controversial statement flags because many of those are borderline and may be incorrect innocently. But there is so many false flags going on right now on things that are not borderline at all.

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It’s just a bunch of sheep that think they are funny.

I could’ve said that too. Until this past week.


I did flat out state that too until this past week.

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There has been an absolute mountain of spam and trolling on the forums this week.

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Like what? I don’t think I’ve flagged an OP for some time.

Wait, you’re the one from that Spamzo nerf thread?

The one where you were calling everyone else “dumb” and “dense” and so on?

And you think you were falsely flagged? Lol

You just don’t want accountability. Explains both the Hanzo and this.

Anyway, gotta mute this real quick before you start your hysterics again. Sigh, the state of GM players…


Oh, there were loads of posts that were obviously racist/sexist/etc. just trying to get banned.

There were also some that werent, but they were basically treated the same way, with a flag and inevitably hidden

Could be the troll accounts were flagging people.

Yeah, I mentioned him already. That was one poster that went on a rampage with the n word, f word, c word, and some other real life threats. That one guy deserved it. Not the opinions on balance though.

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the initial post that is flagged is not something actionable.

and nothing i said in the conversations afterwards was actionable.

Go look at the post I link and tell me what is the problem with it?

I also had a post restored by the community. The topic title was not inflammatory neither was the opening post.

Seraph had one that was basically like “Brig is fine” or something like that, that got flagged and restored.

Go look at the OP of this thread’s topic and tell me all of the flagged posts are trolling.

That looks like an post that would attract flags from troll accounts.

The problem is that dealing with this stuff takes forum admins and $$$ and I don’t think they’re going to want to spend it.

You were literally and bluntly insulting everyone.

I mean I know you main Doomfist and Hanzo, but even you should understand that’s actionable.

Anyway, muting your hysterics now.


It’s my opinion it shouldn’t, but other people’s opinions are different than mine.

Sorry, but I will state and back up facts when necessary. Different people define these terms in different ways. The only way to fix it, to me, is to not automatically hide posts. Make it so a moderator has to action the posts.

You don’t agree, but others may disagree

That’s the whole point and problem with this entire system

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So how do we flag their opinion? Since you’re saying that fair now?

no i wasn’t. not once did i insult anyone.