Make false flagging punishable

(This is kinda a part 2 of my other post)

(Also I expect this to be flagged as well)

I STILL see cases of false flagging, and I know of no punishments

People are flagging things they disagree on, which makes it hidden and held for review. Although most of the time it is repealed, something needs to be done about the flaggers

So here are my proposals (can be changed):

1st strike: A warning

2nd: 1 hour of no flagging and a written message

3rd: 3 hours of no flagging

4th: 1 hour silence and 3 no flag

5th: 2 silence and 3 no flag

6th and beyond punishment increase until a possible forum ban

A moderator can decide whether a flag can be regarded as false or justified.

(also this is just my opinion)


Agreed and we don’t need a down vote system back to stop people from abusing the flag system because it reinforces a hive mind like attitude.

We don’t need more mod powercreep in the forums.


Where even did this trend come from? The past week the forums have been flooded with false flagging


I hope you’re joking, since they technically have almost unlimited power. :rofl:

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What just happened to my post?!?!

These forums right now: :clown_face: :white_flag: :clown_face: :white_flag: :clown_face: :white_flag: :clown_face: :white_flag: :clown_face: :white_flag: :clown_face: :white_flag:


Well I believe it became more evident after Jeff started using the forum more. New accounts joined then and false flagging became more prevelant…(?)

False flagging is a non-issue, don’t break the rules and it will be overturned.
Break the rules (say by making a post about disciplinary action) and the flag is valid.

No it is not. The last one this guy made about this did get overturned. Stop false flagging people. It’s getting old.


Your thread about false flagging got false flagged

That’s pretty meta


people shouldn’t be able to just flag something as an issue because they don’t like it.

false flagging should be as punishable as any other offense on these forums.

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Well I will be offline for a while, so I will see if I get silenced when I get back.

Also this was marked as “spam”

ah i was wondering why every topic’s beginning posts were flagged

People probably flagged it as spam since I made a topic like this recently.

Which is a false report. It’s not spam if their are 2 threads made by two people.

lol, OPs post marked as spam PROVES falseflagging is competely out of control. mods allowed it to happen tho.


It is an issue because if your post receives enough flags before it is overturned, your post will get removed and you account will get suspended.

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Yes yes it is.
The very definition of spam on the forums is creating another post where a post already exists.

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