Why even release BRIGITTE next week

Pretty weak argument.

Often made by people who tried their level best to think of something and couldn’t even compete.

It is about as equal to classics such as

  1. Nuh Hu
  2. I can’t tell you because its a secret
  3. I don’t need reasons, Ok?
  4. I just know it ok? I don’t need evidence.

Turns out there are other modes besides competitive.

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That they’re making sure she’s balanced and ready for comp play? Yeah that speaks volumes. Also considering we have SHORT comp seasons now, this just speaks to the impatience of some players, not any issue with Blizz’s dev team.

In fact this is an incredible change for the release of heroes, and they shouldn’t have that changed to satisfy an impatient group of players.

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You wanna play and practice the new hero asap?
Gotta hit the blue or Green buttons, not the purple one.
Practise where it doesn’t matter…
Everytime a new hero gets released there is the two hypes…
Gonna take Doomfist as the example here:
The people who know that Quick Play exists are trying to instalock there all the time… When DF launched every match you played had a doomfist instalock because people wanted to play him… wether or not they did good with them or not. And after a few days we had the people that realized he isn’t their playstyle and those who know they could play DF well enough.
But after the week the same happened again in comp because some people refuse to ever play Quick Play… even to try out new heroes…
But then those who wanted to try out doomfist and aren’t doing well enough with him were just a liability for their team most cases, basically throwing their matches and getting their team a loss because they were just trying out something new.
With this new way, people may actually practise in QP or just plainly forget when a new hero is avaiable in comp… or we have the people who’re already able to play them that get to play them in the comp team.

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Because people need to practice a hero before using it in comp. It’s a bit like how in Overwatch League, they don’t include any hero buffs that happen mid-stage. Nobody has practiced with those changes, and so the matches would be of poor quality. The exact same principle applies to competitive.

In short, it’s to preserve the quality of the games.

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I thought you’d think that sometimes you might want to learn a hero before being flooded with people that have no idea what she does in comp. Not everyone has had access to the ptr due to different reasons, and trying out a brand new hero fresh out of the box in comp for the first time is probably not the best idea.

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I think it’s because Brigitte is really weak in a lot of situation.

I still find this funny, OWL doesn’t even have current Sombra and yet they’re nerfing her because the streamers cried, hell we might not even see if Sombra was ever going to be as much of a problem as the all the “umg Sombra meta” drama queens made her out to be.

You know full well why smurfs are frowned upon, they screw up matchmaking for everyone else and throws the already dodgy MM system out of wack.

Not allowing you to pick a new hero right off the bat in comp for a week or two makes sense, but locking them off for an entire season is absurd.

To be fair as others and I keep point out there are TONS of post about wanting to lock out everyone until level 100. Whines about players playing heroes with little time on them. Players one tricking heroes.

All of that would happen right away with a new hero in comp.
What a lot of this sounds like to me is people wasted a chunk of time on the PTR thinking it would gain them a huge advantage in comp, only to find out that’s not going to happen. So now they are annoyed about it.


I know I am late to this thread, but yes it is speaking. It’s saying, “there is a lot more to the game than comp”. This game is for lots of people, not just you.


Comp is not the only way to play Overwatch, in fact, some people don’t even play comp.

So why should they restrict our gameplay because you comp heads can only think about your rank?

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Simple… make sure she’s balanced out, and to make sure people know how to play her and not use Comp as their practice ground.


Is this a response to my comment? If so, how do you plan to balance her?

Live play is really the only good testing ground for balancing a hero in a realistic environment.

Blizzard has stated why they are doing this, it is to delineate the seasons from each other.

Personally I always thought that making changes to comp mid-season was not good for anyone.

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As someone who usually ends up healing in Ranked, I’m fine with this. I don’t want some half-assed attempt at playing a new hero in my ranked games. I wouldn’t want to do that to my teammates by doing that myself.

I’m looking forward to practicing her in QP and arcade until season 10.


I agree to some degree. I usually don’t agree with stylosa but one thing he got right is this: brigitte’s hype is dead before it can even start. Esoecially for people like me: console players. I almost forgot about her already and she’s not even out there. Until yesterday I had forgotten about DF. I thought the first spot on offense was the “choose random character” button.

Same with brigitte. I will play her for sure once she’s out but not with the same excitement I did for Sombra, Ana, Orisa, Moira (I exclude DF because again, he already got nerfed to the ground before he hit console, and then got nerfed barely a week after, I didn’t even get to play that “OP” DF because I was on vacation at the time.)
Brigitte to me feels already like she’s an old character.

I would also undertand 2 weeks of comp block. I mean you can do scrims with friends or discord groups to play her in a serious environment and learn her mehanics in QP.

putting her 1+month in Qp will only instigate one thing: misuse of the character. Leaving moira 1 week out of comp already created enough DPS moiras, imagine what would have happened if she would have stayed 1+ month out of comp? Same thing will happen with brigitte. Guaranteed


This is one of the reasons why Blizzard reduced the length of competitive seasons.

The problem you speak of does not exist, as it has already been accounted for.

I never understood why you need a wait time on a new release. why use a hero you do not know in competitive, and why not spend a little time using a hero before face them too. These things always confuse me when people get a competitive mind set, lol.

Well thats lame. Its not like the ‘uber competitive Plat rank’ should matter…

I don’t think it has anything to do with the amount of time away from comp. How much they are misused lies in the design. The most damage focused a character is the more DPS types you get. That’s why you get a lot of D.Va and Roadhog tanks in Quickplay.

Uhm yes and no. Moira is a terrible DPS. She’s just good for low ranked people who are extremely bad at aiming. Yet up to high plat, everybody plays her mostly as a DPS and don’t notice how much more impact she can have as a real committed healer.

Moira should only deal damage to peel for her other supports and fill her heal. Yet most people will rather deal damage in a teamfight even though the bar is filled up rather than heal their teammates. Even if the fight is won, often there’s going to be deaths of teammates that could have been avoided and fights eventually even lost because she was more dps oriented.

Where does that come from? That’s a habit you get from QP. Because you often need to rely on yourself in QP of you want that W. I often said QP is not a comp practice environment. If you want to practice ranked, you need to go in ranked. QP eill only get you to learn bad habits.

That’s what will happen with brigitte.

I have a nice analogy if you play fighting games. Play with default settings for a few hours. Then change the button layout and play another match. You will utterly and miserably fail at doing the most basic stuff because you need to relearn everything from scratch. The longer time you waited to change the button layout, the linger it will take you to relearn the mechanics.

-> Brigitte