Why even release BRIGITTE next week

Are you really complaining about FREE new content? Lol grow up


So OWL is slowing down new content releases, is what you’re saying?

Yet another nail in the coffin for OWL. FMD.

Wow, talk about a selfish mentality! Hey buddy, there are people who play only or mostly QP! ughh kids these days :frowning:

Holding off new maps/heroes in comp until a new season starts is a good thing. These kinds of things turn matches into a dumpster fire when they just toss them in mid season and barely anyone knows squat about them.

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You can still use her in every other game mode, QP, Arcade, Custom games etc. Is comp really the only mode you can play?

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QP is the most popular mode in the game. Most players don’t play comp all that much.

Maybe the point is to get the balance right and let team comps/meta’s form organically around her.

Now I know what you’re thinking… “how is a meta supposed to form around her if she’s not allowed in comp?” I hear you… but for the first month… no one is going to know quite where Brigitte fits in. As such, there’re going to be a lot of “this person chose brigitte, they’re throwing!”.

And I, for one, don’t blame Blizz in the slightest for not wanting to deal with that and doing whatever they can to cut down.

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given that the moment she comes out every player and their cat is gonna wanna play her, it’s plenty of time for players to try her out in QP. Not everyone plays or can play on the PTR (Console players for instance) so it provides some wiggle room to get comfortable playing with, as and against her.

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Do you even play competitive?

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Yeah no kidding, whenever I check profiles quite a few are unranked or only did their placements. So with that considered I’m not sure why it’s such a big deal that she’s not available in comp for a bit. If she was only available in comp and not QP/Arcade then yeah it would be understandable if ppl were upset.

Do you guys think that in 4-5 months, there’ll be anyone who looks back on this decision and says, “yeah that was cool. We get to refer to season 10 as the brigitte season” ?

Because I don’t.

Remember, this isn’t a 1-2 week delay, but 6

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What’s wrong with Smurfs? Honestly?
What’s the argument about it or did some moron a long time ago get butthurt about a lower level character killing him and it just stuck???

Your level makes no difference, a player is just as good as he is and that’s it.

People complained when new heroes were available in comp on day 1, and people complained they were available after a week. I got nothing but hate on Moira my first week picking her in comp because people thought I wasn’t ready (and proceeded to outperform most of them).

Now people complain they have to wait. Yes, you can learn to play a hero in quickplay just fine. If anything it’ll teach you how to play Brigitte in a much wider variety of comps than in comp where it’s the same thing game after game. People who think you can’t because “it’s just qp” well, then you’re part of the problem then by thinking “it’s just QP.” If less people thought that the games would be higher quality all around.

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Waiting to let more people learn her and get a feel for how comps could work is a far better decision than to toss her in early because people are impatient to play her.

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People who are interested in playing her seriously, like me, will have enough with a week (maybe another week to be sure) and have most likely practiced her on the PTR while they could but a month and a half? just doesn’t make sense.

Problem is, most people don’t do that, they just go in ranked right away because they don’t care, QP is not great to practice, they don’t have friends to practice with or whatever the reason is, doesn’t matter. I’m pretty sure, just like the previously released characters, we’ll see people day 1 in ranked with no idea how to play her and it’s fine and perfectly normal for a title with so many casual players.

I don’t know why people are so upset, Iv’e NEVER EVER seen a game make balance changes/map addition/hero addition/etc MID COMPETITIVE SEASON… until now.

I was mind blown the first time it happened, where I had to avoid competitive because we have players thinking they could ( example ) use Ana day 1 when she was released in competitive.

It should have been like this since day 1.
And to those who complain that content release is slow for “competitive” only players. That is a personal choice you have made as a player. Competitive isn’t supposed to have crazy balance changes every other week during the season.
Just like everyone else, play another game mode if you want to use the character or wait.

One theory is that Blizzard is doing this to put Overwatch more in line with OWL. The reasons posted were excuses that were believed to be better received then the “truth”.

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You do not even play competitive. You have no say on it.

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So I can try her out!!! Some of us haven’t gotten a chance to play her yet.

They screw up the matchmaking for everyone else.
Don’t act like you don’t know why ppl do it.

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