Why even release BRIGITTE next week

Blizzard isn’t worried about balance lol why tf would they care about the comp ladder which by the way is overrun with smurfs eating the weak left and right. OWL more precious to them than we are. So many things are going unfixed in this game and this is just the latest annoyance. The BS wall is too high atm.


Its a smart decision, most players do not want to download 50GB’s to play the new characters early. Which will make all of them at a severe disadvantage against Brigitte or any new hero for that matter. Now, you can sit here and say “Well, that’s their fault for not practicing on PTR.” In which i’ll say yes, sure. Maybe it is their fault, but the entire comp seen shouldnt be run by 1 new hero, if you couldn’t tell she’s quite powerful. Her winrate would be insane for any player who practiced with her on PTR if she was slapped into comp. They want the characters to integrate before they just drop them in. Its the only way to fairly do it for all players. The release is basically a practice, aswell as more bug-finding.

People would complain either way.

The same people that are upset with the month wait would also complain if they lose because their Brigitte isn’t good.

It’s better for toxicity reasons that they have a delay before new heroes are played in Comp


With your skills and expertise based on your highly intellect game analysis, i highly recommend that you join Jeff and the Overwatch team in the development of the game. The Overwatch community would benefit tremendously from your valuable input !

Even the mouth breathers of the overwatch community know the game is in disarray.

she was already in ptr for 2 weeks and will spend another 2 weeks in qp arcade, the reason major bugs aren’t found before then is because a large portion of overwatch players only care about comp so even if she is in qp for a full month its unlikely more problems will be found until she ACTUALLY hits comp where people actually care about winning. if they actually wanted the players to test her we need rewards for playing game modes outside of comp, like maybe unique sprays or player icons for winning set numbers of qp games, hell even unique character skins could work, anything better then just EXP or 3 weekly lootboxes

This is good. Less fake Bridget mains messing up comp because they want to play the new hero with little practice.
By the time she’s out, people will get it out their system.
You play to win in comp, not practice.

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So we can weed out the people who practice in comp and ruin the game.
Now they can get it out their system in QP.

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This is really annoying. Sure, if they added in a new mode that was essentially “practice for Competitive”, then this would probably work fine (since you can practice her in a practical setting instead of having to try and monitor so many people trying to get a hang of the basics of a Hero). There is only so much you can learn in Quick Play (pretty much only the basics; not really anything else you can do) or Arcade, and I doubt too many people want to hunt through the Custom Games to try and find a suitable mode. This also shows a flaw with the PTR; it lacks incentive to properly practice a Hero (partly their restrictions with it, partly no rewards for doing anything on the PTR). Without an easy-to-access place to practice her in a decent setting, delaying her achieves very little (although reading that dev post MoonFrost quoted, it does seem like a weird way of giving each season its own identity when they could try and do more to actually FIX THE MODE!!!).

Oh so you’re that teammate that doesn’t know how to play a hero but just doesn’t switch in competitive:joy:


What’s difference between playing Brigitte in comp next week or next month?

I’m not going to touch QP in either case.

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Because there are already enough throwers in Comp, you don’t need people playing a hero for the first time when you want a good game.


Maybe if we bought more lootboxes they would shorten the time frame. Sort of like an early access thing?

I imagine it has something to do with season. I actually surprised they did balance patches during a season.

I don’t honestly see the big deal. They’re just holding her from comp til the beginning of Season 10. It’s honestly a good thing to do as you get the time to learn at least her kit. This isn’t something new that Blizzard does either. They did this in Diablo 3 when the Necromancer came out, they waited til the next season to make him available for Season Play which is pretty smart IMHO.


No kidding, right? If only we had a select number of servers where people could test and try her out to get her ready for the live servers.


This is not always the case. And she’ll only be out of the Comp for 1 week, not a month. But the reason I say it’s not the case is cause not all bugs are reported nor is the broken abilities on a new character. Take Buffed Ana for example. She became a must-pick cause she was broken. A week is enough time to find any last minute hidden bugs or balance out the new character.

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Less people playing her in comp with ZERO over all play time on her. I mean sure some bad team players will duck QP practice with her under some misguided view that they don’t need work on fundamentals (even when most of the comp player base is gold or lower). Yet by locking her out of comp for a while the odds of getting players with at least some working knowledge goes up, a ton.

Post after post on the forums here about higher comp level requirement, players need a more serious view of comp, whines about support mains playing DPS heroes they have no time on and anyone picking any hero in comp if they only have 30min of time played etc etc etc…

Yet as soon as a new hero comes out everyone tries to spin how it’s 100% fine to play a hero with zero practice time in comp!! /rolleyes/

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The real reason they are doing it because of all the crying on the forums. People cry because nothing changes between seasons and people cry when a map or hero is released in the middle of a season. How new to the game are you guys?

It means that she’ll be basically unplayable for a month and a half for people who only like competitive.