Why even release BRIGITTE next week

Just solo heal in QP for 5 dps as Brigitte dude LOOOOOOL. Doesn’t that sound like an enjoyable learning experience


They are doing this because they know she isn’t in a good spot and they need to test her to a wider audience but not negatively effecting competitive.

I’m pretty sure they are also doing it because they don’t want her in Stage 3 in a negative state even if it’s weak or OP.

Trust me you don’t want Day 1 Brigette competitive, they are giving people plenty of time to actually practice so when the next season comes buffs/nerfs will be made.


I would rather have someone flexing to a support that clicks well with them and their playstyle with a week of practice than going a whole season with players less likely to flex.

Brigitte is a support that is accessible and an easy transition for melee dps and tank players. Even with Moira, who needs a balance of dps and healing, the support players who picked her up in comp were not horribly bad. It was better to duo heal than solo heal even if it was rudimentary gameplay. I’d much rather run the risk of unskilled flexing than no flexing at all.


There is no way they know what kind of spot she is in yet because she has yet to be played at even a remotely decent level, and she still won’t be played at that level until she is released in comp.

If they don’t want her in stage 3 they can simply disable her for stage 3… shouldn’t be a problem, though I don’t see why they wouldn’t want her in stage 3 because it adds some hype. If balance is the reason for her not being in stage 3 they still have 2 months until then, and it would be more valid for them to judge her balance if she were playable in comp (they could simply look at her stats at high ranks).

I’m not asking for day 1 brigittes, but day 7-14 sounds good to me :slight_smile:

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It’s almost like there are other modes in the game.

It’s also a way for players to practice a hero before going into competitive, which I would have thought would be embraced by comp players. You won’t have “noobs” insta-locking her who don’t know how to play her at all, and you won’t have people complaining that “only the nerds on PTR” have any experience with her.

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I would think you know why given how clear their reasoning is. Throwing a new map or hero in the middle of a season completely throws a wrench in the currently running season. Having it at the start of a season is far better for not only that reason, but also because players need time to learn how to use the hero effectively.

If you want to practice with her in a competitive environment, then that’s where Custom Games are useful. PUGs are practically built for comp practice.

Still people are going to wait and play her in competitive instead.


She’ll be usable in OWL starting April 4th. That’s well before the rest of us get her in comp. I doubt they need data for Brigitte. If they did then why not request more people go to the PTR and play her?

People complain about not knowing how to play Blizzworld but the map had its own exclusive mode in arcade for weeks. Players who don’t prepare are the worst but Blizzard handicapping everyone else to spare dumb players doesn’t help anything.


And you think it’s any better letting her loose one week after release? A week is nowhere near enough of a time frame to ensure people are ready for a new hero or map. This isn’t to spare dumb players; this is to spare the community from dealing with those kinds of players in the middle of a season.

Hell, it’s been a long established meme where people talk about “players thinking that they’re X or Y mains”. It’s a friggin joke to allow heroes and maps be in the middle of a season.

They want to fix more bugs i guess since not enough people use the ptr. You can still play her in the other modes. They are not the best for training a new character but you can get used to her in them and not be a total failure in your next comp match.

One week is fine. It has been fine since they started adding new heroes. The only time new heroes hurt the game is because of poor balance or one-tricks picking them regardless of map/game mode.

We need a meta shakeup and haven’t gotten one in several seasons. Even Moira failed to make an impact because of Mercy meta. Comp has become very stale and new heroes and balance shifts are all that help freshen up comp.

Waiting this long to add a hero to the competitive mode is a joke. Overwatch is becoming a spectator sport because comp is so bad. I’d prefer to have a new hero sooner rather than later to revive competitive and hype people going into the next season.


So people can get used to her before getting her on comp??

And ppl stop complaining when she’s chosen on comp cuz “she’s a new character and you’re probably not good with her”

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Just to point out that once Brigitte is live in comp we’ll be getting teasers for the next hero the following month. Mid season new hero and map drops is good. You get half a season to get a feel for them and put what you learned into the incoming season.

Because i want to play her in game and I don’t give a wet slap about competitive. There are more like me. I promise.


Big thanks to Moonfrost for posting the dev quote! This is the literal exact reason they decided to block her from comp till season 10. Exactly the same reason they didn’t add Blizzard World into the map pool till season 9. This is just how they do things.

Besides, could you imagine the flood of crappy threads complaining about their SR dropping mid season cause “players with 0 time on X character bring them into comp, essentially throwing”? No thanks.

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I don’t play comp anymore. What is the point of not letting me play her in qp just because you can’t use her in comp?


the community is so flip floppy on these sort of issue. We can’t have it both ways. Either comp is meant to be a more serious game mode of try hard like game play or it’s a barely +1 over QP and no one really cares.

If players want comp to be more serious that’s fine, but why would anyone want midseason changes in a serious game mode?
If players want comp to be more casual, that too is fine. Yet don’t whine about one tricks, smurfs and so on if you’re fine with other more casual like game play changes in comp mid season.


Are you planning on playing with those specific players in QP in Comp? What aren’t you? How can you practice coordination with one team and expect it to rub off on completely different players?
Are we all part of a Hive mind I am not aware of? Where one random group of players experiences gets transfered to another random group of players?

They way you practice in QP is learning what areas you can utilize hyperjump.
How to time your combo attacks against heroes. How effective your shield is against various forms of damage.

There are quite a few things to learn. Coordination on the otherhand is not one of them. As I hate to break it to you we are not part of a hive mind, whether it be the borg, the Ceylons or the Kilicks.

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Comp is overrated anyway. Just as bad, if not more so than quick play.


A game like league of legends has fairly meta-changing updates every 2 weeks within a season that lasts almost a full year. Blizzards own HOTS does something similar too. There’s nothing wrong with shaking up the meta mid-season. Part of being competitive is the ability to adapt.

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