Why don't we go back to the first MM system?

That’s assuming she could get EMP charged up. Even then the bunker would be back up shortly after.

No, because if you were to use coordination, Reaper melts the Bastion’s AND Orisa’s because of not only his passive, but because of their massive hit boxes.

Tracer is hard to hit, because Bastion would have a hard time aiming at her. Same with Orisa.

It doesn’t require Sombra to kill them. All she needs is to hit them and charge her ult. EMP, and BOOM! They’re dead.

Before you ask, Sombra can flank as well using her translocation.

This is quick play you’re talking about here… coordination will happen once in a blue moon.

Like others have said, there is a mode for this already… the new QP is designed to mirror competitive just without the SR.

Coordination doesn’t happen right now because of role queue, and limits. Combine these both and players are moderately restricted on who they want to play, causing toxicity.

Toxicity can chain to disorganization.

And don’t give me that Arcade crud. Its only there temporary. I usually play this cursed game if Total Mayhem is up. Unfortunately its not. NO FUN ALLOWED.

More hero’s only makes no limits a worse idea. The reason for hero limits was because the ideal strategy without limits is to find what works best or is most overpowered and double down on it. No limits means you can take what works and DO MORE OF IT. More heroes means you have more options, but it ALSO means there is more chance for overtuned heroes to exist and be abused.

No it doesn’t, because there are 31 heroes with six slots and role queue restricts on what players choose.

The ideal strategy is obsolete, because it dates back over one and a half year ago. Heck, the strategy was supposed to be for Comp only.

Which is what we’re going for, because 90% of the game is gone.

No, because role queue exists. If your hero is being abused, then obviously you’re not playing the right one, or you’re playing incorrectly.

No. Because I don’t want to face double sigmas or double Doomfists.

Double Sigmas can be countered by, again, Sombra or Reaper. Doomfist is the same way, along with his big hit box.

It takes coordination to kill a tank. The likelihood for six players to all be a tank is minuscule, because of, once again, role queue.

As a matter of fact, Bastion is usually one one to counter Doomfist because of Bastion’s passive. And he’s dive material. Bastion melts dive heroes.

I didn’t say it wasn’t counterable. I said I don’t want to play against it. And right now, I do not have to do that.

Then get out of my thread. I’m proving a point here.

2 orisa 2 bastion 2 baptiste

More bunker material?

Ring ring… hold on I gotta take this call.

Oh hi Sombra! Is your EMP ready? Goooooooooooooood.

2 sigma 2 reaper 2 mercy

Oh yeah, go two doomfists. Great team comp. Totally won’t be useless.

Sombra for Sigma, because she can disable shields. It’s also been confirmed:

Tracer for Reaper, because of Reaper’s moderate hit box, and it requires him to be close to her with well placed shots.

Winston can get both Sigma and Mercy, because he’s dive material… but countered by Reaper…

Hmm… I’d say go Ana, to prevent healing, and nano boost either Winston, or Tracer.

I’m allowed to voice my displeasure at your suggestion and why. I don’t only have to bring up points that are convenient for your argument.

No Limits is very unfun to play into even if there is available counterplay to any particular comp.

The reason that it’s barely in the arcade is because it has a low population. And it has a low population because it isn’t fun. Unlike some of the other modes whose rulesets make them frustrating to play, there isn’t any tweaks the devs can make to it that wouldn’t totally destroy most of what gives this game mode any of the luster it currently does possess. This isn’t like low gravity or capture the flag where some small tweaks could be made to make those modes rulesets more enjoyable to the overall playerbase.

No hero limits was one of the most celebrated game changes the devs ever made. And it was fantastic not just for the overall balance of that game, but also in keeping this game fun.

Orisa DVa Mei Sym Moira Moira

Which makes your “voice of displeasure” a rather pathetic one, because it doesn’t display relevancy to my topic. Heck I can call it a troll post and say you’re QQ’ing at the thought, because, oh joy, its “unfun”, while the game as a whole is already unfun.

Well, look at what’s available to play in today’s QP. Oh that’s right…
You can’t play them, because you choose a role, restricting most heroes.
Ergo, you can’t counter properly. Sure, you can switch up heroes within a certain role, but that really becomes a roll of the dice, because your enemy can do the same thing.

The same goes with most other modes. Like CTF, TDM, and Mirror matches.
The most popular one is Total Mayhem.

So… you say its unfun, but you include this in your post?

Which, right now in QP, there could be A LOT more.

Considering you’re asking for a change to QP, it is relevant. You not agreeing with it doesn’t make it pathetic or off-topic. Sorry not sorry that not everyone agrees on you about what is fun and good for the game.

I personally think role lock has made the game more fun than it has been in ages.

Your enemy will always be able to do the same as you with any of the rulesets. You can swap to counter within your role in most scenarios.

The most popular is Mystery Heroes, which is permanent. People would rather roll the dice than play No Limits in straightforward way. Constantly facing off against stacks of the same hero just isn’t fun to many people.

Obvious missed word error is obvious. Removal should be there.

No Limits would make the balance harder.

Total amount of comps is different from total viable comps. Lacks of limits allows players to simply use more of whatever is most effective reducing the overall viability of most heroes. Less limits on options makes for more permutations which leads to more chance for something to be brokenly strong. It’s an issue with many games. Players will optimize the fun out of a game and take the easiest path. No limits gives them more chance to do so.

I am talking in general here. No limits leads to players just using multiple of whatever is strong reducing the viable hero pool. This is common in many games with choice of characters, units, upgrade paths, etc. If you can use multiple of the same thing, and one choice is near optimal, then players will simply use multiple of that choice.

Yes just quote me out of context and ignore how I was pointing out that the more options actually leads to less viable ones. You are completely missing the point. Number of options =/= number of viable options. Increasing number of options increases chance of one option being too strong and reduces the viability of other options. This is why no limits generally lead to multiple of the same character being used. Winston landing on someone is 50 damage, two of them doing so is 100 damage, that ability for both tanks to leap on someone made double winston huge. But even without hero limits people started stacking roles. Tanks and healers in this game can do decent damage, so rather then run dps heroes we had multple instances of dropping them and just running more healers and tanks as they offered more sustain. Why run dps when you can simply sustain, maintain point presence and deal good damage without them? People will figure out what is strongest and abuse that strength. No limits simply allows them to do that even more.

Re-read that. I’m saying people will use whatever is strongest. I’m not saying “I’m getting abused” I’m saying the community will figure out whatever is the most consistent heroes to win and simply use those heroes over everything else. It happens both with and without limits, but limits reduce the ability to use one thing to the exclusion of all else.

Once again number of comps =/= number of viable comps. Reducing limits increases number of comps, but that increases the ability of players to double down on what’s best reducing overall viability of everything else. Increasing the number of options often leads to reducing number of viable options.