Why doesn't Reaper have any Spanish line?

All of his brain cells that stored his knowledge of the Spanish language were co-opted by his regenerative angst.

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Because he’s an international DJ.

Next up, Zen speaking Nepali?

Because if its not in his backstory it shouldn’t be a thing, dont assume just because he has similarities to it doesnt mean reaper’s backstory is the same

Sebastian Ingrosso is a real life international DJ, should he stop speaking Swedish then?

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If that’s the case, then why do skins like Witch Mercy exist? I didn’t know that Mercy was a sorceress who invaded a village with an army of Zomnics. The more you know. And why does that skin even have witch-themed lines?

I’m sure in future each hero will get a unique voiceline that emphasis their origin. Reinhardt, Hanzo, Pharah etc etc.

That’s the issue with hiring (albeit very talented) voice actors who can’t speak the language their character has connections to. An example would be Zarya’s interesting Russian.

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Its called Halloween, you know dressing up is a thing

Then why does Witch Mercy suddenly start talking like an arrogant and malicious witch?

Couldn’t have said it better myself. My father didn’t want me to learn Spanish. He said I was an American and to be proud of being that. Spanish wasn’t spoken in my household since my mother didn’t understand it and my father purposely didn’t speak it.

I still studied it in school but I don’t speak it well since I didn’t speak it often. Either way, just because the way you look or your surname doesn’t mean much. We are all individuals after all.

I love how you are trying to prove a point from an event skin, that also has nothing to the point you are trying to prove


You said that Witch Mercy skin is just cosplaying, then why does he also starts acting in a malicious way? If we follow your logic, the Junker D.Va skin is just D.Va cosplaying as a denizen of Junkertown, then why does she start talking like them?

But… they’re just skins.
And afaik, skins don’t necessarily have to have a connection with lore, or need a complete package where skins, voicelines, emotes, highlights, etc. are all connected.

That being said though, who knows, he might get spanish voicelines in the future. But it really isn’t that big of a deal really, especially since English is his first language.

Characters don’t have to speak their native language in-game just because they aren’t white.

D.va doesnt start talking like them so idk where you are getting your info from, and i am a d.va main i know every skin specific voice line and junker skins dont have one

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That’s because Ana’s voice actress is a native Egyptian.

Yes, exactly, so even if Reaper didn’t know what Spanish is, what would be the problem with El Blanco and Mariachi having a few brief Spanish lines since they are Mexican-themed? They don’t need to have a connection with the lore anyway.

D.va doesnt start talking like them so idk where you are getting your info from

‘(Respawn) You hear me, baby? Hold together!’

^ Unique line of Junker/Scavenger D.Va’s skin that doesn’t fit her usual personality.

Which everybody does. Since he has so little.

Stop whining when you have answers. You clearly only want to hear what you want to hear


Nothing in Lucio’s voice say’s he speaks anything but English, and I’ve heard enough Brazilian’s to know they dont speak English without an accent.

Its simply not in his character, but whatever.

I had grandparents who almost exclusively spoke Spanish, have a Spanish last name, listen to music in Spanish , AND took two years of Spanish in high school.

I pretty much can’t speak it. I can understand maybe one out of every 10 words I hear someone say in Spanish.

Though it would be pretty awesome if they put in a voice line for Reaper saying “Donde está la biblioteca?”

¿Dónde está la biblioteca?*

But why tho? Don’t get the joke ;-;

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