Why does valkerie give mercy infinite ammo?

thats the thing though, alot of people are happy that jeff said that they would ban people “not playing they’re roles properly” because “it will get rid of those stupid battle mercys”

Not sure, I saw one thread where one guy was acting so smug and self rightous about 2/2/2 so I decided to wind him up by saying I was gonna play battle mercy in 2/2/2 and he got pretty mad about it.

Ban hammer is ready this is the forum i’m talking about, watch the video.

You cannot be banned for playing a hero in a way you think is optimal. It is one thing to whip out your pistol during an ultimate and score some free kills, especially when damage boost would be wasted or healing is unneeded, and it’s an entirely different thing to ignore your team the entire match and focus only on dealing damage as Mercy. It can work on Live so long as you have a healer picking up the slack, but ignoring Mercy’s pistol because she’s a healer is like ignoring Sym’s Teleporter or Soldier’s healing station because they’re DPS. It is part of her kit, and you can’t be punished for using it. That is the rule on the report page.

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Does he specifically mention QP in that stream though? I can’t see them caring much about QP and will be probably too busy dealing with comp throwers to care.

i dunno i haven’t seen the full stream, but considering they decided to add 2/2/2 to quickplay, i wouldn’t be surprised if the same rules applied.

TBH I would be surprised if they did. It goes against everything QP is about until now.

I swear people are now looking for things to complain about when it comes to Mercy.

Is her gun broken or OP at all? Is it ruining games? Does it actually affect you in any meaningful way?

My guess is “no” to all of those, so why complain about it?

yeah but like they added 2/2/2 to QUICKplay. like thats anything but quick

i don’t have a problem with her gun personally. i don’t think think its needs to be removed or nerf,
i’m “complaining” because according to jeff not playing your “role properly” will get you ban, and alot of people are interpreting this as meaning that playing battle mercy is a bannable offense, which i think is weird since the reason she was given infinte ammo was to encourage battle mercy/make it viable (i believe jeff specifally said this in the mercy update video)
so i’m asking why should she have infinte ammo if using it can get you in trouble

The should just change the name to practice mode and stick it in the practice tab.

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There are times when it’s not ideal to use Mercy’s pistol, and then there’s times when it is. For example, nobody is going to report a Valk Mercy who flies up to deal with a Pharah hovering at the skybox. Nobody is going to report a Valk Mercy that goes to deal with that Widow on high ground that nobody else can seem to deal with. You are in fact playing your role properly in those circumstances. You have to use better judgement as to when it’s appropriate, but to say it’s never okay to do is a wrong way of looking at this.

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Damage is a resource and yes there are times where damage is more valuable than buffing or healing the team, it’s part of mercy’s decision making and up to the mercy to make that choice depending on the skill of the mercy it may not be the right one but that’s what will separate poorer mercy players from good ones

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i’m just saying where does the line cross when it comes the time people reporting you. is the team of people responsible for banning people gonna know the difference between a mercy purposely throwing the game, and a mercy who genuinely thinks that dealing damage is more important at the moment?

If their healer isn’t healing or their widow can’t one shot you anymore it’s a good time :smiley:

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You realize sometimes when you valk, your team gets healed up and you don’t need to continue healing, yes? And that since you are valked and have infinite ammo, it’s the perfect time to shoot Pharah in the face?

Or you know, attack helicopter right to their spawn and laugh as you shoot them and they lose the point?

I have never been reported for using my gun on Mercy, and I average 10-15 blaster kills per game.

Any 40k orc can readily understand why… its obvious!


Because Valk rework is a dumb change that never should have happened in the first place.


what are you talking about ? when she uses valkerie you don’t automatically heal everyone in a radius, it just increases the range and healing of her staff. you still have to use her staff to heal allies, unless their was a change i missed?


Read, maybe?

When you valk.
Sometimes, you heal your team up and they don’t need more.
But you’re still valked.
So you shoot people in the face.

Can you comprehend it now?

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