Why does valkerie give mercy infinite ammo?

More so the way you go about it, I don’t hear screaming though. I hear whining.

Let me put it this way, you did give your opinion, but you also asked the community a question. If you want to know what was aggravating us all is it feels like you won’t take anyone else’s say so when you asked us. Read back through your posts and try to see it from our perspective. Sometimes when you are reading messages instead of talking face to face with people, things can get lost in translation and come off quite different then you meant it to.

It was not right for those few people to be like “Oh you just don’t know how to play right.” but even the people who gave you a regular answer to your question, you seemed to have an issue with.

Yeah i know we both dragged it on, but reaper mentioned the length of this one so i mentioned ours.


Just read what Twist said about her boyfriend or whatever and you’ll probably grasp how Reap feels here

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it just seriously feels like you guys have the image of what i’m like so whenever i write a long paragraph you barely read and just use what you already assume of me to estimate its meaning.

like i tried to making me arguments clearer but it seems like you won’t spend the time to read it.

i know that. thats why i wrote

even after you told me to “cry a river” i’m still trying to be civil at least.

what happened?

Bud, we don’t know what your like in real life. We only have your messages to go off of. Thus why we feel the way we do. No one can judge you if they don’t know you. But to be honest, we can see how you type, how you take things, and all of that.

I am not sure if you have been dealing with something in real life that is screwing your mood over making you more irritable, but I would suggest to attempt to not argue so much. And if something is bothering you unrelated to the online community, work on it. Everything can be fixed except death.

When I see stuff like this go on, sometimes it takes me a while to realized these people could be dealing with something completely unrelated to what they are going on about and are taking to online communities for an outlet.

Not going to get nosy or anything and ask you what your issue is if you even have one. But just calm down. Apologies if I insulted you, but it is difficult in some cases to have patience with certain things.

Ok again, tho it feels because of the way i wrote a few of my messages you assume that every message is gonna be the same thing. i’ve been seriously trying to improve my last few arguments, but you responded to me trying to improve with

it seriously felt like you assumed that everything i wrote down was insulting you even though if you actual read you would understand the points i was trying to make.

like you said earlier

so i answered

i’m trying to give you answers and reasoning as well as re-phrasing some of my questions, but you just responded with “cry me a river, stop ranting” like you didn’t even bother reading it.

Takes my hellfire shot gun and shoots myself in the head. I regret nothing. GOODNIGHT EVERYONE! XD

Again, don’t get insulted, I get tired of dealing with stuff. We answered your questions. So I guess it is up for you to debate stuff on your own.

Also I never seen that news. Did some kid tell you this in game or did you see a report about it yourself on the forums? Also did you see it and just immediately take to the forums to talk about it or did you already ask the Devs to clarify what they meant?

I keep coming back here for the drama :popcorn:

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We have much drama here… Sometimes I hate myself for wanting to help people… I don’t even know why I am here anymore…

We are not the Devs bud, if you are questioning why they are banning Battle Mercy players, we can’t really give you the true answers. It would of been better to contact the devs and ask these questions.

Wow. so much for me trying to improve my arguments.

you literally ignored everything i said, and made a joke about shooting yourself in the head. i’m not sure how thats not insulting. no offense

Ban hammer is ready read it here. it includes the quote from jeff kaplan, i also saw some videos on youtube but this is a much easier source

ask the devs? how am i exactly suppose to do that? your not allowed to call out developers in the title of forums (that can get you banned) and i don’t think there’s a q&a feature. if you have any suggestions on how to contact the developers i’m all ears.

There should be a customer service email. Look in the fine print of the site. There is a contact us button right below this page thing.

Also if your goal was to tell the Devs off, that won’t do you any good. I am sorry this bothers you so much, but you just have to put up with that kind of stuff with Blizzard. Overwatch would be a pretty miserable game if they nerfed/buffed every character that people complained about (That is an example, don’t act like I am accusing you of complaining, kid.).

He still doesn’t get it :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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first off which site? blizzard.com? playoverwatch? battle.net?
secondly most customer service emails don’t go to the developers.
nintendo customer service doesn’t go to doug bowser or shigeru miyamoto it goes to people specially hired to do that. and it usally deals with bugs and errors and stuff.

Try to remember you don’t own the game and you are not in charge of it. Telling off Devs for their choices won’t do anything. They made the game, you did not. And if you mean you are not allowed to call out the devs in a way that you just mean you can’t ask devs specifically, try Contact Us.

Ultimate Facepalm. Scroll down, you troll. All the way to the bottom of the page. “Contact Us” is what you want to look at and click.

They have a facebook, a twitter, a youtube channel, and even an Instagram. Take your pick. I have to try and get some sleep now though, because you have thoroughly drained my Insomnia straight out of my system. Congrats, at least I feel like I can sleep now.

Also bud I just looked at the thing you linked… That person who posted it is not even a staff member. Also that is a YouTube channel. Don’t believe everything you see on the internet bud. People spread rumors all the damn time on the internet for more gullible people to fall for.

Don’t worry about it until actually happens. Ban Hammer is not a legit Blizzard ran Overwatch channel and the person who posted that is not even a staff member.

first off i don’t know why your assuming i’m trying to force devs to change things. the tile of this thread is “why does valkerie give mercy infintie ammo” not “get rid of infinite ammo now or i will steal your dog”

i genuinally didn’t know that. i was confused because you said “the site” which could of meant several things. “below this page thing” is a bit confusing

when you click “contact us” it shows you how to contact customer support which i have done before and it doesn’t take you to the developers. it takes you to customer support people.

again the people running those sites aren’t the developers, they’re people who are paid specfically to run the site.

listen if you don’t want to respond to me, if you don’t want to. noones making you do it. its not like your gonna explode if you don’t answer me. the main reason i’m still awake is because i sleep alot during the day but if you just want to sleep you can do that. don’t feel the need to have the last word is.

jeff kaplan is IN the video. did you watch it? (also its twich not youtube but i guess that doesn’t matter much)

Long over dramatic sigh. Now I am done for real… I hope you get the help you need.

why? because you couldn’t bother watching the literal first second of a video?
if want to go to bed, go to bed, don’t feel the need to have the last word is.

During Valkyrie Mercy can go to places most other heroes can’t (high ground, enemy backline etc.). There are times where using the gun to take down a key target that your teammates might not be able to kill is more important than healing or damage boosting. The infinite ammo is supposed to give her a small advantage in this situation.

Did I answer your question?

i guess. honestly i’m just regretting making this thread in the first place. but your answer wasn’t bad.

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