Remove Valkyrie Infinite Ammo, Role Que makes Battle Mercy irrelevant and bannable

In the Mercy rework video, the developers said they added infinite ammo to Valkyrie because they were thinking of the battle mercy playstyle which isnt optimal but was allowed.

Well now with role que, if someone plays battle mercy they arent playing support, and intentionally throwing since someone cant swap to support if they are dps. Battle Mercy is therefore bannable since it would not be a 222, but rather a 321. so Valkyrie doesnt need infinite ammo anymore, so remove it eh?

Battle Mercy is a bannable thing now since by role queue rules u cant, since a dps cant swap to a support to heal for the battle mercy.

Valkyrie doesnt need infinite ammo anymore since even then, trying to kill someone in valkyrie is wasting the rest of your ultimate which is way stronger.

But lets assume using your pistol in valkyrie was viable, Battle Mercy is technically not a playstyle that is endorsed anymore so infinite ammo isnt needed to appeal to battle mercy’s since they arent allowed anymore.


Battle Mercy is good for dealing with Pharmacy and Widowmaker.


This is the weirdest thing I’ve heard regarding mercy

But I mean… if someone goes battlemercy in 2-2-2 and refuses to heal… then they should get banned? Unless that’s how you like playing her and if it is, I suggest FFA :relaxed:


Every other choice you can take is better at dealing with them, but even if that were true, strictly playing battle mercy means u are not playing your role.

If u queue as support u are expected to play healer and heal. If you play battle mercy u arent and thus should be banned.

Thus, there isnt a need for infinite ammo since it was done to cater to a niche audience that is not supported by the games upcoming ruleset.


There’s a little bit of a difference between Mercy using Valk to hound a Widow or something like that, and someone seriously just running Battle Mercy

What Jeff said was more if you neglect her primary role as a healer entirely and just play her as DPS.


Weird to see this random thread a second time


Support doesn’t mean healer. It means they support the team, which can be done in numerous ways. Similiar to Sym, how she could provide shields to her team. So, if Mercy can kill targets with Valk, she is still supporting the team by taking out another enemy.

Besides, Battle Mercy is not healing anyone at all. If Mercy uses Valk as an offensive tool, that doesn’t mean she’s being a battle Mercy.


I agree, and thats why she doessnt need the infinite ammo since it incentivizes her to keep going with the pistol.

Now that battle mercy will not be supported, she doesnt need the infinite ammo, maybe buff her somewhere else in exchange idk, but in valk only, like maybe increase her flight speed back to what it was, shes already pretty hard to hit

I feel like I’m seeing the thread multiple times just here on this thread.

The principle argument is that battle Mercy isn’t allowed anymore, and therefore doesn’t need infinite ammo, but the justification for this claim comes a few lines later when op points out that battle Mercy isn’t allowed, and therefore doesn’t need infinite ammo.

The circular logic is dizzying. And also quite wrong, in my opinion, but that has little to do with how repetitive it is.


omg, hi lias

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Actually, in this game it does, thats why Symmetra was finally put back into her proper role, and when Sombra was released she was put into the dps category instead of being a “support” like how they wanted her to be.

By that logic all dps heroes are supports.

This is not Heroes of the Storm. Support in this game means healer, adding a non-healing support would be relegated to the dps category.

Zarya, who is in heroes of the storm was changed from a warrior to be classified as a support (a non healer support) with no changes to her kit, only reason being her shields. SHe still works as a tank and is run like one.

Support and healer are synonymous in this game. And it is understood that you mean healer when u say support in almost every other game.


Idk maybe they just keep getting battle mercys on their team and want to stop them



By this logic

I best NEVER see Moira throw a damage orb. If it’s not all healz all the time, report report REPORT.


It’s a valid complaint, but still a large leap to claiming that 222 prohibits the use of battle Mercy. And an even larger leap to suggest that 222 calls for nerfing Valk.

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If an Ana shoots at a teammate but misses and hits the enemy instead

that’s a paddlin


Its never been a problem. I mainly play qp and if i have a mercy on my team at all I just leave.

My biggest issue is Mercy’s that keep healing tanks instead of just pocketing a dps or even worse Mercy’s that want to Resurrect like its 2017.

I know they said they wanted to discourage hiding and didnt like a main healer to stop healing for a time, but the way resurrect is balanced you have to and you are highly encouraged to take cover.

I think we use “Battle Mercy” too liberally. Pulling out a pistol to shoot at something isn’t “going Battle Mercy”; It’s just using part of her kit. To me, someone playing Battle Mercy is someone who is intentionally only using her pistol and refusing to heal.

Valkyrie needs to keep infinite ammo because sometimes shooting things is legitimately the best use of that ult. It’s a fifteen-second ult so there’s usually time to do several things. It’s rare that you’d have to spend it all healing. I don’t want people properly using the flexibility of Valkyrie to suffer just because of others who are refusing to do Mercy’s job.


No, theres no problem with that. The problem would be if she only threw damage orbs and never healed at all.

A battle moira i guess that does no healing and only dps report. It doesnt have to be heals all the time especially since moira had a downtime on it, but if damage is the only thing you do its a problem. Healing is your primary role.

Agreed, I have no problem with that at all. But when I say battle mercy i mean a mercy who only uses her pistol and does not heal or damage boost at all.

If the enemy team has an oppressive Widow and nobody is taking care of her or are failing to do it and I am capable of doing it as Mercy during Valkyrie then u bet your backside I’m going to do it

And by saying what I did b4 I just proved you wrong because there’s a choice that would lead to a better outcome overall.