Why does Sombra remove passives?

So how can he still melee…

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It’s because some heroes were pointless to hack

Before they changed it, Hacking Lucio did literally nothing other than stopping him swapping songs or booping.

Genji/ Hanzo could just climb away

Mercy could float around until it was over

It made it so hack was more viable against pretty much everyone in some way.

Like hack totally craps on Zen, Doomfist, and Hammond; but did pretty much nothing of value to Lucio, Genji, Hanzo, or Mercy so they changed it to have more effect across the board

Yea I agree. Worst is dying, though since every character can apply dying to you ! I think they should remove dying from the game. It’s such unfun thing to play against. When you’re done dying, you’re dead and then you can’t do anything, not even climb, run, roll, etc … and it has way longer duration than sombras hack.

Supposedly they want to make it remove every ability that requires a button press to activate. So passives tied to jump like wallclimb, wallride and Hover Jets are disabled while passives like Opportunist (Sombraro’s wallhack) and Guardian Angel’s healing aren’t since they’re true passives, and The Reaping, Moira’s Lifesucc and Cancer’s Inspire, while tied to a button press, are functions of their weapons and not actually passive abilities.

Lucio’s songs are actually tied to his ability Crossfade; pressing the button switches which one is active but is still considered part of the ability. Soldier’s sprint isn’t a passive either, just an ability with no cooldown like Zen’s orbs.

That being said it’s stupid and should be undone.

Sprint isn’t a passive.

The only passive you listed was wall climb. The other two are abilities

“Soldier’s legs are bionic” is the lamest excuse I’ve ever heard.

you must have not heard many excuse than if this one is the lamest. lets see a Hacker general takes over techinology. If soliders legs were Bionic which is a techinology makes sense hacker could you know stop them from function. :sunglasses:

I hate to be that guy buuuut… Sprint is his shift ability.

Fun Fact: The Reapening is actually a true passive like Opportunist not a weapon passive like Inspire. It’s activated by all damage he does not just his weapon. So even a melee returns some health.

Because otherwise EMP might mean your opponents could possibly fight back.

Brigitte’s melee button does the same thing as her left click, technically inspire also falls under this rule as well.

It’s tied to her Rocker Flail though. Shield Bash doesn’t proc it. Which makes it weapon based, I think, rather than a true passive.

Not that it really matters how it is viewed as neither of those are hackable. So it’s more so useless semantics lol.

Well Genji’s legs are robotic so at least that makes sense. It actually makes less sense that he doesn’t just go limp rather than him being unable to climb.

wasnt it like that at some point
i remember getting hacked and still being able to double jump etc

One of the funnier ones for Brig: “Oh no, my team mates’ inspiration upon seeing me charge into battle is suddenly gone, they no longer believe in me for 6 more seconds”

D.va’s mech should start a self destruct sequence that could hit both teams!
It would be pretty funny.

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I also thought Sombra’s buffs on hacking Lucio was too much at first (as he still kept his passive before hack buff).

Not being able to swich sounds and amp it up was enough to me but at the same, Sombra’s hacking buffs made me become a better Lucio player. Now I’m doing my very best to play with the environment even more so I don’t get hacked so it’s all for the best in the end.

If I fail, then it’s on me. My job is to avoid Sombra as much as possible (play with walls and other decorative objects) or if I get frontal, I need to land my shots to cancel her hack.

Overwatch is all about adapting to hero changes, buffs and nerfs. If you’re unhappy about it, let’s just say it’s the community’s fault for turning Overwatch into a buff and nerf fiesta and also the devs for actually listening to some of those sometimes very crazy demands.

We only have ourselves to blame for this.

It shouldn’t, the decision to make hack remove passives was a bad one. She makes the game so frustrating to play and needs a rework

never got why people complain about this

the passives it affects that it didn’t beforehand are like a grand total of 5 abilities in the game lol

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where was it said soldier ever had bionic legs?