Why does Sombra remove passives?

Brig doesn’t lose inspire when hacked, in the same way Moira and Reaper don’t lose their life-steal.

Sombra main here (feel free to hate me :smile:) what I don’t get of her hack is that I can hack Reaper death blossom… (guess hack make him forget on how to spin around) …

But I can’t interrupt soldier visor that is a hardware piece… :joy:

but guess we can’t search logic when I a game there is a Monkey … sorry scientist (wich I like as a hero) or a undead man … or a hamster… or someone flying witch punch… ok better stop here , this is gonna be too long.

I mean not necessarily that much? Assuming genji is like 170kilos with the metal on him? im gonna say this but this is an arbitrary number.

The amount of force require would really be the same amount of downward thrust as when he first jumped however with a different medium since theres no solid object to work with the third law.

I mean yeah its still an insane amount that would require a god damn jet engine to work but im more questioning the girl who can teleport by using time? but thats assuming she goes there in the future? or is it saying she overlays her atoms? or is it saying she deatomises herself and then moves, if thats the case her clothes and items wouldnt come with her.

*Except the point, the payload, the map, the sr system or her win rate :joy:

I was mainly just being dramatic for comical effect. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m also pretty sure Tracer deatomizes and that is why she seemed to be “between two worlds”? Can’t remember, sadly.

Sprint is an ability exclusive to 76 only.
It would be a passive if everyone could Sprint.

If wall climbing can be done automatically so you don’t have to press a button, why is it hackable?

I will admit that I don’t really understand the canon reason for some of Sombra’s disables, but it would be crazy if she couldn’t disable extremely useful passives.

Wallclime is activaed the same way as double jump, Lucio’s wallride, Mercys glide and Pharah’s Jetpack per spacebar.
Its active aka Hackable.
Also you did not checkmate anyone but moved you king into check which is against the rules lol

We had that at one point.

Hacked a Lucio? He’d just wallride while on speed boost away.

Hacked a Genji? Double jump/wallclimb away to safety.

Hacked a Pharah? Made no difference.

Made hacking these heroes absolutely useless.


Damn time lesbians always breaking physics.

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