Why does Mercy have help voice lines and Zenyatta doesn't?

And thus we must ask the question, will Symmetra get these lines too? Range is still kind of an issue for herl

He should say " I have become one with the flanker" LUL

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Yayyyy that would be great for us support players haha

But there are a lot of cases when Mercy saying that she needs help but no one is shooting her, and the opposite too (getting shot at but no voice line trigger). Even if its spamable or abused I think a ping is kinda better, tho I’m not against the VL idea.

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the best way is to literally just say through team chat ‘im getting attacked [hero you’re healing]’ in the end

will said “Help me!” voice lines play over the intercom between teammates in the same way that the “Hello” voice lines do? that would be immensely helpful!

That’s true but a lot of the times u can or cant use comms. Its just more convenient to have it as key.

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automatic voice lines wont help much. Pls give us an option like the “I need healing” for that

Other than Symmetra I hope :wink:

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You act like the voiceline even helps lol. Almost Nobody ever notices or even hears Mercy asking for help

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I would pull my pistol out but the team would call me a stupid boosted Mercy player and demand me that I heal them…

Yes expecially his low mobility needs this.

Would be nice for sym too, she is amazing when she has tanks fighting alongside her while she beams distracted enemies

“True strength is knowing when to ask for help. that said… HELP!!!”


I don’t know how you see it but when I hear that my Mercy is under attack I know where a target is and jump to rescue her so she can use Guardian Angel to escape while she Boosts/heals me or fights along side with me.


Maybe he can LITERALLY defend himself?

His orbs do 60 damage a hit and 120 headshots?

While mercy has a pistol that does 20 damage?

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Personally, I wish it had a text callout like the Group Up and I Need Healing buttons. It should likely be on a button, mind, but as noted repeatedly the voice line alone is often missed. Further, I’m sure there are those who rely on the text due to bad hearing or language barriers anyway.

Please do this! As someone who has played a lot of Medic in TF2 a simple call for help button would do wonders.

Can you add a line to Moira saying “I’m out of biotic energy”?

Pretty please?


Because zenyata is a big boy

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