Why does Mercy have help voice lines and Zenyatta doesn't?

This better make the cut


a good one for ana is ‘’ ENEMY Sleeping here’’


Please add for ana a voice line when she sleep an enemy closer to her.

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I really would like a HUD indicator for enemies slept…and while we are at it, a discord symbol for discorded enemies like Zen already has.

Any plans to add a voice line for Moira when she’s out of juice?

Please give this demoman one to some hero, what a classic :joy::joy::joy:


But they need to be noticeable. They need to give teammates a marker like other callouts and they need to not activate when you take 1 damage from a D.Va across the map. Otherwise it won’t be good enough.

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Plz let Moira insult her teammates.

While this is a cool idea, manual “help me!” commands would be better… Mercy’s is completely useless because 1: it triggers even when you take chip damage from a D.Va on the other end of the map, so everyone assumes you’re just crying wolf again and ignores it, 2: I’m assuming it goes on cooldown because it often doesn’t happen when you’re taking serious burst damage…

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Mercy doesn’t attack for 95% of the match because she’s healing and can’t defend herself

Zenyatta has methods to attack whoever is attacking him

Don’t necessarily agree or disagree with your suggestion, but I imagine that’s why this is the case atm.

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Takes a second, and by the time she’s switched and started shooting, whoever is shooting at her has already done more damage than what she can do with her dinky little pea-shooter, unless they have atrocious aim or have to reload.

That said, I also play Zenyatta and I approve of the idea of him (of all supports) getting help lines. Pretty sure you only hear Mercy’s lines if she’s tethered to you though, and she definitely needs them more than any of the other healers.

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Why would Mercy need help voice lines even more than Zenyatta?

Gotta be honest, when I play as Mercy, and she is getting attacked, and says “they’re all over me” or "get them off me, or I’m in need of assistance, my teams never do anything about it, but when I am in the spawn room, they spam “need healing” and curse me out over the mic for even picking mercy because she is a “throw pick” now.


“I totally got this, but if you really wanna help I’ll let you”

Zenyatta can defend himself easier. He’s not completely reliant on the team in order to function. He’s primarily a damage dealer with a debuff that can melt targets. When Mercy chooses to switch to her pistol, the enemy still has an advantage because of the time discrepancy. Zenyatta can fight back instantly. It’s much easier and “more reliable” (in a perfect world) for Mercy to get the attention of teammates so they can help her out. Yeah, she can GA away, but that doesn’t always mean getting away.

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with enemy tracers, genjis, Moira, D.va, I can never just ga away, because they laugh at it and follow right behind me.

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Yeah it’s pretty miserable. I especially hate being chased by Winston. That awful zapping and electrocution noise as he jumps after me no matter where I go and slowly whittles away my health while no one does a thing to help. :pensive:


zen is chill af. And it’s possible to kill anybody 1 v 1 as zen.
not help me voice lines, more like “you dare challenge me” voice line

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I wouldn’t mind a waypoint and a voice line for a slept target with Ana also.

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To be honest, I don’t think you can hear them even if you’re an ally for Mercy. I noticed this whenever I play someone other than Mercy. I’m a Mercy main so I notice the voice lines all the time while I’m playing her but when I’m trying to support her I never hear those lines even when I’m trying to help her.