Why Does Everyone Hate Double Shield?

I’d understand why DPS mains might be disappointed by the GOATS era, but why do people hate the Double Shield meta so much? I honestly found it lots of fun to play, especially since cycling cooldowns and shields was so important.

Keep in mind that I am a Sigma main (since release), and loved to play Orisa before Sigma was released. I was also new to the game and hovered around low plat, so I don’t exactly represent High ELO. I guess I’m the only one who really enjoyed that meta?

What are your personal experiences with Double Shield (as a DPS, Tank, or even support)?


I, too, am biased as I play nothing but tank.

With the health of shields being so significantly reduced… I can’t see how double shield would even be worth mentioning now.

It’s always been about removing the enemies advantage, and a shield is a huge advantage, so if you’re not shooting the shield it’s only hurting you in the long run.


There’s brig on it
Of course the playerbase won’t enjoy it 🤷

(I love bap tho so I really enjoy double shield as well)


Double shield is boring to play, and play against.

It is that simple.


It’s more like they “dislike high sustain comps”.

  • GOATs, DoubleBarrier, Mei/Reaper/Lucio/2Tank

Vs low sustain comps

  • Dive, Hog comps, or Rein/Zarya w/ 200hp DPS

Non-stop shooting shields isn’t fun after a while. Might as well just shoot at walls. Even the so called “shield buster” heroes are useless at doing that job.



Being a Widow main, I hated it. There was very little openings to get a pick most of the time, and Widow’s attacks are just slow enough to not be very effective at busting shields. It was painful for me.
When playing Support though? Nobody took damage and my ult charged SO SLOWWWW.
Oof. I hated it from all angles. I ended up playing Reaper most of the time. And I never play reaper.

It’s slow paced and fights take forever. Nothing dies and if you don’t mirror the comp you are at a huge disadvantage becouse your team will get ults much slower.

I played Orisa and I hated double barrier.

As a character with an unreliable, but decently damaging, gun I’m always going to turn it on whatever I can hit easily. In double barrier, that meant I was shooting big red rectangles the entire time. Zzz.


i get thinking about your cooldowns a bit more and when to use them but nobody wants to play shoot the red box all the time it just gets boring when team fights are essentially teams kiting the other around the map rather than killing them at all and honestly we dont have mmany shield busting tanks and support like what bap zen roadhog orisa and maybe sigma so like 2 or 3 out of 7 for each of those roles are decent at breaking shields and two of those shield busters have shields themselves so it just perpetuates this meta where if they play two shields so do you because you need that shield break and so there will be downtime and kills can actually maybe happen. not trying to disregard your opinion just saying this is why double shield is annoying and boring to alot of players including myself

Bad players love high sustains comp like Goats and Double Shields, because the skill gaps between players are dismissal (compared to every other Meta.) and more often than not, the heroes win the game’s, not the players.

Aside from high sustain comp, every other comp is run on the back of each invidual players, their invidual skills and their teamwork. Mistakes are severely punished, but only if the enemy also has the skills to capitalize on it as well. Ect, it’s much more competitive as the outcome is dependent on the players and not their heroes.


Coincidentally, this is the reason I didn’t mind double shield. However, other hit scan heroes became obsolete as well. If it was just Widow though, all hail double shield!!!


There’s no need to throw mud at the OP. Anyway, I’m the worst player you’ll ever meet and I hate shooting at barriers non-stop. I don’t even like fighting Rein+Zar that much, and that only has a 1.6k barrier to chew through.


This. If I play support, I can stand in one place for a while before the shields on our team are finally down. Kind of like waiting room music before the action finally starts.

On tank I loved double barrier because of its reliance on the synergy between the two tanks. It was very teamwork oriented and getting cross map rocks with sigma was the most satisfying thing in the game.

However on Ana I wasn’t too fond of it

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Cause hitscan players are mad that they can’t hit anybody


As a D.Va main, I hated Double Shield. I literally could not do anything if their Sigma had a brain.

1: You spend 70% of the match shooting at blue rectangles doing nothing instead of shooting and killing actual people, you dont get to exhibit the mechanics you’ve worked for

2: double shield enables the most boring heroes in the game in the most boring playstyle

3: its too easy, so many players got boosted by double shield meta in every role in different respective phases of it

3.2: people want a meta they can constantly see improvement in multiple fields in, double shield doesn’t enable that whatsoever

4: OW was marketed as a fast paced shooter, double shield even existing in the first place is contrary to the OW that was sold to us

so… every single meta in overwatch history??? got it!


True, I was going overboard there, apologize to the OP. Those 2 Metas killed the game for me, so I always got inpatient whenever “double shield” and “Goats” show up.


When you have only 4 minutes to push, who wants to spend their 3 minutes and 59 seconds just shooting at shields?

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