Why does Blizzard program MMR to give losing streaks?

You know, for bad players also winning.

Why dont you share something usefull instead of this personal stuff about me? I certainly dont know everything. I am still learning and I changed my mind about few things in past. I believe my opinions are right thats why I might talk about them as facts, I am sure about certain things 100%, some other stuff is just only opinions, because it cannot be proven with evidence. If anyone will present evidence which would go against my opinions, I have no troubles to admit how wrong I was.

You aren’t capable of having normal conversations about MMR/SR. You are unreasonable and have shown this in the past.

If system is designed to reward time spent playing/grinding and not performace why is there so many people with high levels in low ranks, If I check the masters games, its usualy a lot of lower levels. How they could go that high if system doesnt reward performance? I know many people who were higher on lower ranked accounts than on their mains. Why they were able to be higher if system doesnt reward performance? They were grinding game on their mains a lot longer.

Can you please post here from your other account with open profile? I am curious to see it.

You can play 15 hours per day and you will still not climb if your perfomance is bad. Its true that you need to grind the game to climb, I agree with that, but its not enough, one thing is practice and another thing is getting better at other aspect of the game.

Your account is probably stuck in gold because you mostly play DPS role on that other account. Dont tell me you wont climb from gold with mid diamond performace, by smurfing basicly.

Dude, I feel this! Plat is really rough. I think I had it in my mind that when I improved enough to be above average the game quality would go up significantly… I like that the enemy players are a lot more fun to play against, but the teams just get more toxic. I’ve lost some SR going back to big stack play (our coordination is… let’s just say clumsy), but it’s worth climbing with teammates I enjoy.

You should invest in a mirror.

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I haven’t interacted with you. So I will explain this why I’m somewhat hostile towards Xion.

I(and others) already know what I’m getting into with Xion in regards to discussions of MMR/SR matchmaking. He states opinions as fact and belittles most opinions that don’t jive with his reality and basically says everyone is bad at the game that doesn’t agree with him. He shows up in EVERY one of these threads, and now I do as well to point out his BS.

You’re out of your element Donny

Because the accounts aren’t wrecked by MMR yet, 4hed

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This is a public forum. If you want to have 1-on-1 confrontations then I’d suggest something like Discord.

Not really. I read a lot more than I post on this forum and in general you’ve been dismissive of logic. I’m familiar with the same 6 or so arguments yall get into and your toxic attitude annoys me. I just felt like pointing it out today. Xion doesn’t have a way with words but he’s usually got a point.

So you are wrong Walter, and your an *******.

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I’ve never thought about ip actually, I understand them wanting to patent that hard work but surely you could explain what aspects are valued (getting a good k/d ratio or healing % is more valuable than the actual number healed etc) withiut giving away codes?

Finally, rulesets are abuseable. To quote my buddy who does security: When you have something significantly complicated then you will have people gaming the system.

I just… Really want to treat this as a sport? There are SO many sports out there qwith complex ranking and point system, both single and team sports, where you as a participant can know every single piece of information there is to know without being able to abuse it.

I don’t think blizzard has done a thorough job explaining why they keep it a secret. All I’ve heard is “it would be too complicated to explain” and that’s REEKS like they’re hiding something (for example a system set in place to keep players grinding somehow).

I don’t know man. I want to know why so many people feel like they’re being held down and why so many matches are wildly inbalanced.


The MMR system is weird for sure. Like the OP says they handycap you with a teammate that is very bad to pretty much force you to lose. It’s not that the enemy team is much better, but that you get much worse teammates that help you lose. This is why solo queuing is a nightmare you have no say in your teammates.

Also MMR should be ranked on personal performance fully, and not have so much to do with if your team wins or loses. Personal performance should come first. Why should 5 strangers affect my personal skill rating? Thats bogus.

What do you mean by that? Because you said time spent playing/grinding is rewarded. So if that lower level will keep playing, he should go up, not down, because it would go against what you said. So how will system wreck the MMR or that acc? How is MMR even important, why did you say that? MMR is changing based on your pefromance. But you said time spent is rewarded, not performing.

Can you post from your other account please as I asked before? I am curious to see that acc and stats.

uhmm, what? If you play well, and you play with your team and not just “I WaNnA PlAy HoG InTo ReApER MeI”, You’ll win more games. I climbed on my main account from 3800-4200 playing zarya and I had a 92% win rate or something like that back in goats meta. I climbed from where I placed on a DPS account at 3100 to 3900 playing hanzo cree genji and had a 70%+ WR on them as well. The game doesn’t just force you to lose because of some magical hidden MMR system. Play well, counter the enemy, don’t play trash characters in the current meta like hog zen ball into double shield reaper mei, and you’ll win games.

Yeah, complete transparency is harder than people think and could lead to gaming of the system. But that doesn’t mean we couldn’t have a bit more very high level info. I’d love it if Blizzard was a bit more clear on what we should think is “good” performance. Things like “Dying generally matters more than Damage” or “Defensive assist do count as much as Elims for Supports”. It’d also be nice if we had average stats for our rank in-game to compare to.

As far as wildly unbalanced matches… I feel like I used to think that was random chance, but after the issues I’ve had in six stacks I’m more inclined to think it’s playstyles clashing. At least from Bronze to Plat, I’ve rarely seen players recognize that they needed to change how they played their hero to match their team. Like if we have no naturally aggressive players then maybe stepping up would help. So then you are at the mercy of chance to give you teammates who play in a way that compliments you.

Edit to clarify: I used to think I was a solid player and it was random chance if I got horrible teammates. But in retrospect I think my passiveness was a bit of a liability. It was just hard to see because I did such a great job when I was supporting an aggressive player.

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Yes it is, I think your true skill already have to be like 3300 to actualy break 3000 line. I was told by several people tha its harder to climb from plat to low dia than actualy keep mid diamond.

But if system will handycap you with someone bad, isnt system handicapping the bad player with someone good(you) so he can win the game? :smiley: It should go both ways. In that case, it should be fair match in the end.

Impressive stats. Btw I play hog into reaper all the time and I usualy win :smiley:

It is rewarded. It’s also punished nearly as equally to mitigate the gains/losses a player would otherwise accrue on natural progress. This is why you see higher levels hovering the lower brackets, and lower levels taking advantage of their lack of MMR history, allowing them to progress more aggressively. The idea is to keep your gains and losses to minimal that you want to keep grinding and playing. If the system accurately placed people at their playing level and ushered them there more quickly, their playerbase would likely see a dropoff for the same reason that many casual players departed other competitive environments.

MMR will eventually lift up lesser skilled players, pull down higher skilled players, and it solves all of their concerns as a business. They do not care if their competitive mode is actually fair or accurate as long as you keep clicking play

2900-3100 is the hardest SR to break through IMO. Because everyone thinks they’re the best cree since cree launched and they die 15 times trying to flanknoon for the big 6k instead of just using it to reload and get kills or break a shield. Or the best widow into winston dva etc.

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Seriously? Are you really saying that system is keeping better players lower and worse players higher? I have no words.

And btw you completely ignored my request for the second time. So I will ask one more time. Can you please post here from your mid diamond dps account?

I was on an 8 game winning streak yesterday :man_shrugging:t2: