Why does Blizzard program MMR to give losing streaks?

They are not subjective, i included experience from many others which is supporting what i know. If you want to know sonething, ask and i will try to give you explenation if i have knowledge about it.

Except there are billions of posts about people saying how they are getting free wins and can basically AFK coz their team is so superior so, no sorry trying to spread some untrue disinformation wont really work. Unless your objective is to look uniformed.

That’s not how knowledge work, my friend. You claim to know something (which you don’t since it’s not public knowledge BY BLIZZARDS OWN ACCOUNT) and you don’t back it up but you assure me you COULD back it up because you’ve made some studies which are empirical and therefore BY DEFINITION subjective, non-partial.

You don’t know the formula the matchmaker uses. You’re just posing.

i included experience from many others which is supporting what i know.

Quintessential nonsense-talk. You and your circle of yes-men agree that the “system” works a certain way. The OP claims it works another way. Neither of you know for sure.

Peace, poser.

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It’s really weird that they keep the specifics of their matchmaker secret. Almost like it’s a complex piece of code that’s not easy to explain in small details at a high level. Suspiciously like they are trying to compete in some kind of industry that values IP and competes with other similar match making systems. Why isn’t everything just explained to us all the time? Every single person on the forums 100% would understand it and I’m sure Blizz’s legal department would be down with that.

In all seriousness though, it’s easy to dwell on the loosing streaks and not notice the winning steaks. If you think this is an issue for you I’d strongly suggest writing your wins/loses down. A piece of paper and a pen next to your keyboard isn’t hard to set up. Look at the trends over a larger amount of games than you can hold in your short term memory.

If you still feel like there is something going on then test if the streaks are random (there’s some kind of equation for this… but I didn’t go that far in math, so look up determining randomness on wiki). Your win/loss streaks are not entirely random because you still influence them, but looking into what actual randomness looks like could help. Humans are remarkably bad at understanding randomness because we are very good at recognizing patterns. A true random sequence doesn’t have a random enough pattern for us…

Sarcasm is SO FUNNY! Let me try it:
it’s not like professional sports is a thing that has existed since ancient Greek and one of the cornerstones of anything competitive is that the ruleset and scoring/ranking-system is clearly understood by all participants.

I don’t know why I’m sometimes awarded 26 Sr and sometimes 24. I don’t know why I get placed 3.4k with three placement losses and 3.6 with 4 placement losses. I see only the most rudimentary patterns (win = climb).

Transperancy, please.

I do not know exact formula how the system calculate things, of course only blizzard know it. But i can interpret a lot of things from sr gain for example. I dont need to know my exact calculation for mmr or exact formula to know where my mmr is.

I dont know how better i can explain it to you. My english skill is limited, its not my main language so i trying to explain things best i can.

I will try to give you example. We dont have official info where new accounts starts or if your initial placement on ladder is affected by qp stats. Maybe devs shared something about it but lets say they didnt.

Now, if you take different aproach on two or more account, one account with terrible stats, one with god like stats from qp and start playing comp you can check where you are in first game. After several runs like this you can include another runs from others with video evidence and you can pretty much safely say that starting place for new accounts is at 2350 ± and qp stats are not important. So you can discover certain things about system just by playing and testing things, you dont need official info about it.

I do not know exact formula how the system calculate things

Yea, that’s my point. Not really reading the rest.


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Yeah thanks really i wasted like 15 minutes to write it on my phone, trying to explain it to you so you understand how i mean it, it only shows how ignorant individual are you. Welcome to my ignore list.

Oh thanks! Your inability to have an actual discussion is adorable too!

It’s frustrating as someone who does have knowledge in software to hear complaints like this all the time. I work with significantly less complex algorithms than an in-house game engine would have and I honestly can’t explain half of them to people outside of my team. It’s not as simple as it seems to make a computer do things and 50k lines of code are not going to be something that can be easily explained. I don’t know that much about the size or complexity of matchmaking code, but in an interview Kaplan said that they were migrating 8 million lines of code from a previous project. Then they worked on that base for around 2 years before starting beta. Devs have also shared multiple times that it’s more complicated to make changes than people think.

Not being transparent about their algorithms doesn’t mean they are hiding some plot. There are many valid reasons for them to not share how their matchmaking and skill rating systems work!

Nah dude. You simply misunderstood me from the beginning. I’ve already told you I won’t treat your empirical studies as facts and that I’m talking about objective truth regarding the mmr and matchmaking system here.

There was and still is literally no reason for you to type up a small novel about above mentioned research.
You felt the need to explain yourself where there was none. That’s on you, not me.


Dude. I know nothing about coding. You got me. If you’re a seven footer with no long or mid range game focus on rebounds per match and keep your turnover down. Boardman gets paid.

I’m talking sports, my dude. Does gold medals play a part in pbsr? Why is one win worth more Sr than another?

These are not coding or software program questions. What are the rules to this secret point scoring system? You were on my team last game and you got 3 more Sr than me.

I want to know EXACTLY why. I don’t need amateur researchers buying more alt accounts.

The mmr and matchmaking formula is secret and I think that’s wack.



I understand that you are relating this to sports, but this is a video game. Understanding how it makes decisions and moves people around on a ladder requires some knowledge of programming and would also require specific knowledge of this matchmaker. Sports fully explain rules because they have no legal backlash for doing so and because the rules are simple enough to be easily explained.

The “formula” your referring to is a bunch of algorithms. I don’t do a lot of work with data collection and interpretation but that’s probably a lot of what you are looking for. For reference, the layman “rule set” for the simpler project I currently work on is hundreds of pages long. Bunch of boring things like “X shall be collected in Y way as long as Z has previously been recorded for more than 12 mintues”. Programs don’t have same ability to understand patterns intuitively so you need to explicitly give them definitions of “good” and “bad”. You also need to define what “fair” is so that people are put in matches that they have a chance in. Kind of like how in wrestling there are weight categories. At some point people decided that it wasn’t fair to put people against opponents that were larger than them. So the matchmaking in wrestling uses something that is easily measurable to ensure that each person has a fair shot at winning.

I agree that we don’t really need amateur researchers buying more accounts. We also don’t need people coming in with no data at all claiming to have uncovered a massive conspiracy. If you want to play something that has fully transparent rules then I would strongly suggest sports. It’s good for your health anyway (though maybe not during the pandemic).

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Yea theres no doubt a lot I don’t get about coding but

you need to explicitly give them definitions of “good” and “bad”. You also need to define what “fair” is so that people are put in matches that they have a chance in.

How about you (blizzard) tell me (us), what these goods and bads are? What could possibly happen? Me abusing Tha t knowledge by PLAYING BETTER?

If the competition is FAIR IN NATURE then theres no reason to hide these definitons. Blizzard needs people to come back for more (see: daily quests and timegated content). My good will is non existant and if you don’t have anything to hide then show us, since in a fair comp it wouldn’t be abuseable.

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There are at least two reasons I can think of that there is reason to hide these definitions.

The first one is Intellectual Property (IP). Getting a patent for code is really hard because it doesn’t nicely fit into the categories or definitions of an “invention”. It’s a big issue for software companies, because IP is really important in keeping a competitive edge. If you do successfully get a patent then it’s even harder to enforce it. So the best course of action is to try and get patents and not make your code or algorithms publicly available. If you are interested in transparent code then I’d encourage you to look into Open Source projects.

The second reason is that the layman (simplest terms) explanation of the rule-set is most likely really, really long. As I said in the last post, I work on something much simpler and ours is hundreds of pages long. The most common approach is that companies give simple explanations of what their program does and also post change logs.

Finally, rulesets are abuseable. To quote my buddy who does security: When you have something significantly complicated then you will have people gaming the system. It’s arrogant to think you’re more creative than every single person who will come into contact with your system.

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Just do what most people do to have fun. Let yourself drop and then smurf in lower elo with genji. It’s way more fun that way. Since the developers don’t care about the issues, why should I care about them?

Back in the day where we had more OW streamers, you had ppl like XQC, IDDQD, Barcode, etc. And they all, would go into some kind of losing streak where even XQC got to 3.7-3.8k from top 500…

Barcode, one of the most amazing hitscans in the game, would lose 300 pts sometimes. Was she suddenly getting bad?

Sorry to break it to you, but it was the mediocrity of their team that caused them to lose so many points. Some people got boosted and are still in a rank where they do not belong sadly.

Heck I have found GM players with 32% and 45% winrate that are still in GM because they play 10-15 games per season. How is that supposed to be fair?

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Player retention. Their idea is to keep you grinding, so they try to tailor MM to be as close to 50/50 as possible regardless of player proficiency. It’s why I play at 3400 DPS on another account and this one is stuck sub-gold. It’s designed to reward time spent playing/grinding, not performance. OW is not a competitive ladder.

I got into a 10 win-streaks these days, climb from 2600 to 2920, then a 9 loss-streak, then managed to climb again with some win-streak, to 2911, then loss-streak again, currently holding in 2700. Always winning ~30 sr and losing ~23.

It is very frustrating, when i was in the 2900ish the matches were hard, but balanced, and even fun, however in 2700, we got leavers, golds, throwing, smurfs, boosteds and etcetera.

I put in my mind the following thing, “if i get near to 3000sr again and start another loss-streak, i gonna quit”

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Because its not only about winrate. Your MMR is adjusting in placement games and result from placement can get you higher to get your SR closer to your MMR and it doesnt matter if you won or lost these games.

There’s Xion, creater of the MMR system and matchmaker for OW. He knows everything about the system because…oh wait he doesn’t and bases everything off of his own opinions that he states as fact.