No because it is easier to get dragged down than it is to carry. I have seen claimed grand master smurfs try to carry and lose in gold/plat because the team is so messy and unorganized even as a gm skilled player couldn’t do it got mad and yelled at everyone and left.
This is proof that it is easier to get dragged down vs carried.
Where as a team of equal skilled players can win a game together easier vs have a bad player feed and make bad decisions and cause your team to fall apart because each players actions are so valuable in overwatch
Maybe take a look at some unranked to GM videos. I think they nicely illustrate the point that while you can’t carry every game, you will go up in rank if you are skilled. I particularly like ML7’s because he’s creating those series as educational content and he tries to show viewers how to climb while being a team player. A lot of it is solid advice on how to climb without relying on god tier mechanics.
Don’t let individual games that you tried your best on slow down your momentum. Your performance in the long term matters a lot more. Like that weird chant thing: Grace to accept what you can not change, courage to change the things you can, and wisdom to know the difference.
But that was one game, majority of games that GM will hardcarry even bad team mates. I mean I lost bronze games too as high plat/low dia player. But rest of them was piece of cake and gaining like 50+ SR. Even that game I lost, I lost only like 12 SR. Some games are unwinnable because its stil dice roll on your team mates and sometimes its not about skill at all but about attitude.
I find it quite intriguing that you are talking about yourself smurfing in bronze as a plat/diamond here on this thread, but you have another thread complaining about smurfs and saying people who smurf on bronze accounts should get banned.
No it’s even better, because they basically say, that a bronze is only worth to be a silver player, if they can beat them (as a plat/diamond). It’s this hilarious “git gut” meme.
“Git gut” like be at masters skill level to beat the diamond smurfs, no matter if you play in bronze/silver/gold…
I didnt say I was smurfing, I dont see it that way. Its something different for me. I know it would not matter for majority of player base and they would say its smurfing and I would not blame them. People are doing bronze to GM runs publicly, streaming the whole damn thing. Tesla did it for example and blizzard didnt do anything so I guess they are fine with it. I use new accounts for experiements or for learning purpose, to learn or get better at heroes I didnt play before. And I found out that its best to learn by climbing the ladder and not do it from your elo. Because you have more space to do mistakes lower than your main elo.
Do it think its good for community and experience of everyone on the ladder? No its not good and if blizzard will be strict about it and go against players who do it publicly without problems thousands of SR to go up to top500 I will be only glad and start using only one main account. Until then, I dont care that much about it. I lost interest into playing on lower ranked accounts anyway, I was thinkig about starting playing new dps hero but nah, I am not leveling new account for it. I basicly use only two accounts, main for solo and second account for playing with friends. I try to win on both 100% of the time btw.
While I agree, these players are already GM level players. Like, if you put me in Bronze, of course, I’ll bully those players there. Even with ML7, he was still struggling in gold because he just can’t rely on his team (especially when he was doing Mercy unranked to GM).
Most players aren’t complaining because they think they deserve to be GM (some probably does), most players are complaining because matches are being handicapped against them so much that they can’t climb at all unless if they have the skill two ranks above their current rank.
I’ve said this before, matchmaking shouldn’t handicap matches. If a player plays well, let the player climb up to a point where the player doesn’t play well anymore. Afterwards, the player will drop to their rightful rank. Instead, with the MMR system, the good players will get stuck because they’re not playing above a certain threshold to be able to break MMR while bad players are carried to remain in the rank and to be used to ruin other matches as well. MMR keeps people stagnant.
That being said, thanks MMR for keeping my tank in gold. LMAO. I’m probably the worst tank in the world and every time I lose enough on tank, I get blessed with good DPS who’ll make space and carry me lol. My tank SR stays in gold when it should’ve been bronze like a long time ago.
The fact remains that the MMR/Matchmaking system is a complete secret (for some reason) and all our collective evidence/knowledge is anecdotal at best. So proceed with the discussion with that understanding.
Xion has consistently been rude about how he phrases his opinion based arguments.
Sorry you don’t like my opinion on him. I’m just the counter balance to his opinion that the matchmaker isn’t flawed. I’m not interested in arguing with Xion any longer.
Call me names if it helps you feel better but you are still out of your element here.
He was able to leave gold/plat elo only because he was still gaining a lot of bonus SR after placement. If he would start on already placed gold account with MMR in gold without the SR bonus, he would be stuck in gold/plat with mercy for a long time, because mercy is hardest hero to carry with. He carried a lot with coms too, it would be even worse in EU.
Yes players who are already higher will have easy life usualy in lower ranks, its always harder to climb from your true elo, because you have to be better than your elo and learn more and practice more than people in your elo. And simply grind the game. Climbing is not easy if you are not on lower alt account.
I am not saying its perfect, but it still does its job well tho, considering a lot of people is out of their ranks on purpose. But even I do criticise the initial placement system on new accounts for a long time.
Maybe sometimes it might seem like it, but I am honestly not doing it on purpose. I dont think I am rude, I am just brutaly honest Usualy when certain people are having dumb claims, lying or stuff like that.
I have seen these videos, I am subscribed to all of my favorite Overwatch streamers and watch their tips and tricks and unranked to gm videos.
The thing is we are literally talking about the best players in the world. The only ones capable of doing unranked to gm quickly are top 500 players who are needles in a hay stack.
the rest of the 99% of the players base that needs to grind to get better can’t carry unranked to GM in their wildest dreams & that’s where having bad teammates can really have a negative impact on your SR.
Also there are groups of players that play together and coordinate and peel and dive together with good communication. So if you are solo queuing you will pretty much automatically lose because of the lack of all mentioned things needed to have a strong team.
This is why the MMR system is completely bogus. It doesn’t reflect my personal performance, but rather the performance of how the entire team plays together as it is a team game. But this is not a game compromised of teams, it is a cluster what of random players queueing together randomly, ending up with a random MMR result doesn’t reflect your individual performance.
Well of course, its only logical. plat player wont be able to do bronze to gm because he is missing a lot of skill to be GM, way of getting to gm from plat will take seasons of grinding and getting better.
I appreciate you walking back you stances a bit. My opinion is that the game doesn’t force streaks but the algo makes it feel like that’s what is happening. And functionally it creates it unintentionally (or intentionally it doesn’t matter which)
My observation is that if I’m having a really ON day where I’m playing better than average is that the game will put me in harder and harder matches until you start losing. The game isn’t intentionally trying to make you specifically lose.
I call it a “carry test”.
The game will match say a high performing DPS with say a badly under-performing DPS as the algo is primarily designed to learn as well as match-make. Another example I have noticed is when I’m on a good win streak/playing hot as DPS I’ll get paired with really bad tanks. Like I’m level 800 something and these are literal noobs that are like level 15 and play like it.
The frustration comes for people because they aren’t able to perceive these things happening to the enemy as well. They think it’s solely them that is being affected, but the match maker is just trying to balance a VERY difficult set of variables to balance, and in many instances it leads to very strange matches that don’t feel balanced.
Earlier in QP the entire enemy team was trying to counter my Pharah by the end of it. I had gold damage, gold elims, gold obj elims, and was on fire most of the match. My team didn’t want me to switch on the last point, I switched to S76 and continued to play very well. We still lost that game even though I played my a$s off.
In this instance the MM very well may have been carry testing me. I didn’t pay much attention to my teams performance I just played hard. Sometimes this isn’t possible, when tanks for instance perform so poorly your team loses every team fight for whatever reason and it pisses people off.
My opinion is that the MM is effective in making reasonably balanced matches but the process by which is does this breeds toxicity in it’s own right.
Well as I said many times, its a dice roll, many things can affect the outcome, if you have good day and feeling well, you are well rested and will have luck on good team mates who cooperate and comunicate, you can easily have winning streak of 10 game. Then next day youl will have bad dice roll and luck is gone and you will get the morons who wont cooperate or someone who will tilt, or someone who will leave, on top of that you had bad day in work so your mood is already down… and you will lose everything up because after 10 won game you are at your peak and you cant even perfrom well at tha elo. I think that is what is happening. Every game has way too many variables, so matchmaker could not force streaks even when he would want it
I honestly dont know. I think matchmaker is really trying his best but with so many players playing different heroes, counter heroes, meta, attitudes, different goals of players, different hardware, different play time, language barries and with so many people who play outside of their proper elo, its a big mess and virtualy impossible to make majority of games to be very well balanced.
But I still think like 50-70% of games can be influenced by you as individual by your skilll to climb.
I won’t argue that patents and trademark are intended to protect intellectual property but too often fail in their intent.
If you’ve ever had any intellectual property stolen from you then you know getting someone to stop using it is harder than it sounds.
The profit to be made far exceeds any punishment available so anyone who lacks morals and wants to make a quick buck can do so with your product get fined change names and do it again and again.
That is why it is important to protect yourself. No one is going to do it for you, patents, trademarks or otherwise.
Not for the legal team at Blizz/Activision. Turth is likely their match maker is using existing theory and really isn’t all that special. Other games don’t use it because it doesn’t facilitate competition, it facilitates grinding/player activity which is tracked. These player activity stats are actually referenced in quarterly/yearly earnings calls.
companies like activision dont actually care about having the ‘best’ competitive games. they care about how active the players are because that translates into DLC/micro transactions per hour.
That I would agree with, it’s the biggest reason I don’t think it matters. Like you said it is likely nothing special just designed to keep people grinding like every other game made since gaming companies discovered micro transactions.
I don’t understand people doing micro transactions in games like these however. There is literally nothing to be gained but aesthetics.
No in game advantage in anyway, it may just be me but I could give a hoot what my player character looks like when I only see their hands 90+ percent of the time