Why does Blizzard program MMR to give losing streaks?

Seriously, you never hear of people going on 9 game winning streaks, but you always hear of daily 9 game losing streaks. I’m on a 5 game losing streak, and yesterday I lost 8. Why does Jeff Kaplan personally want everyone EXCEPT Top-500 players to constantly, repeatedly have to grind up with intentionally programmed losing streaks?

So those at the very top Top-500 can look more “pro” and that’s where Blizzard really gets its money, from the OWL.

It’s quite frustrating to the point where this game is not fun anymore, it’s just a constant “oh here’s another losing streak, thanks Jeff Kaplan, again, for not allowing me to climb rank, now I have to climb from an even deeper hole.”

Again, MMR MUST be programmed to configure teams with players who are all on losing streaks and stack them against players on short winning streaks. I’m being dead serious.

Jeff Kaplan is proud of the “bell curve” of player ranks, because he designed the MMR to get and keep 99% of everyone there.

If you think I’m making this up, how often do you go on 5+ game winning streaks?
Then ask how many losing streaks have you been on just this week?

There’s something going on with the Developers that they’re not telling us.

P.S. “It’s cause you’re not good” or any other toxic replies can stay out of this topic and you’ll be reported.


Because MMR is what they use to “balance” games in the ranks instead of letting people who excel… you know, excel. They keep them in the same class as lesser skilled players for some reason, which is why anywhere between 6-10 people in the game are actually potatoes while you have 2-6 people either carrying or playing competently. The skill variance per match is ridiculous.


Your initial question in title is wrong. MMR doesnt care about you streaks. And its not giving you anything. Matchmaker is creating games and even matchmaker doest care aboit your winrate or if you are on streak.

You do realize that t500 have to grind the game a lot more than any of us right? To be at their level. + not just play comp but do scrims, coaching sessions, constantly trying to learn new things… Unless they are very naturaly gifted so they can carry top500 games. Pros usualy play multiple hours per day to achieve and keep their rank.

I had streaks like that and shared it even here i have seen many pictures from friends with won 10+ games in row too, maybe read something on forum before you start claiming stuff?

Is Jeff Kaplan playing for you? Is he using you mouse and keyboard? No he isnt, if you lose 8 games, you most likely didnt perform very well and thats why you lost them.

You are the reason why you dont climb, not Jeff Kaplan, stop using these lame excuses.

MMR is going up and down based on your skill. If you cant climb, its because you are not good as you think.

There is nothing going on, you just dont understand how system works and think you are better than you really are.

Learn something about game and its system next time before you start complaining…


MMR shouldn’t even be a thing. The better you play, the less likely you are to get competent team mates because of MMR averaging. Likewise, the worse you play, the better team mates you get.


The better you play the higher your mmr will be so you will play with better team mates in general.

No, if you play worse, you will play with worse team mates as you decline in ranks. You can see it all the time here, when people who drop like 700 Sr cant climb back, because they have worse team mates and they are not used to it. And thats why they have troubles to climb, unless they adapt on lower elo to climb again.

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You are either arrogant or ignorant, or most likely both. You immediately go straight to “it’s because you suck” toxic response, and you’re the reason why this game is dying because toxic people like you get a kick and laugh by bashing them instead of contributing to the topic.

Yes, there actually IS a designed system in place by Blizzard to intentionally make losing streaks regular and repeating.

Otherwise, how is it that statistically you’re supposed to win 50% of games, but you can lose 8-9-10 games in a row more than once a week? Shouldn’t you EVENTUALLY win 1 game? THE ODDS OF LOSING 10 STRAIGHT GAMES IN A ROW IN A 50/50 SYSTEM IS ASTRONOMICALLY LOW, and yet it happens regularly. This IS a BUILT IN system by Blizzard and Jeff Kaplan.


The chances of losing 10 games in a row in a system where you’re statistically 50% likely to win/lose are low, you’re right. It doesn’t happen to the vast majority of people. If it’s happening to you, either you’re incredibly unlucky, or you’re the cause of the streak.


But I’m not the only one who gets this, practically, literally everyone outside of the Top-500 gets losing streaks. Losing streaks are designed part of the game because Jeff Kaplan so desperately tries to keep 99% of people between 1500-2500SR so his precious Top-500 OWL players don’t get too upset when people come from the lower ranks and screw up their perfect games.

I have gotten to Masters rank once in my years playing OW, but then immediately lost it and ended the season at 27xx, apparently I was pushing Jeff Kaplan too much and the game decided to take me down. This is how the game is designed and if you don’t believe that, you’re a part of the problem.

I’m currently waiting in queue with 10 losses in a row. Yesterday I had 8 losses in a row. That’s 18 games in a row. Statistically that’s impossible. That simply means there is a system in place designed to make you lose games repeatedly and regularly.


You were the first one who was toxic and blamed developers for your bad ingame skill. Not me.

Actualy game is dying because of people like you who constantly blame others for own bad skill.

No there is not, if you claim something like that etraordinary, show evidence to prove it. Its easy with replay codes. Show your loss streak and provide replay codes.

Its normal to have losing streaks because most people is negatively affected by lost game and it getting progresively worse as you lose more. And even when system is trying to make balanced teams, its still kind of dice roll on team mates so losing and winning streaks are normal. Its nothing designed by system.

Stop blaming Jeff Kaplan for your losses lmao. You are just making up excuses.

I think somewhere here I should have 9 or 10 win streak screenshot from comp. From like 2 years ago

Im pretty sure it was doing Torb unranked to GM type thingy.

I don’t get 10 game losing streaks on a regular basis. I think I’ve had one 10 game losing streak in my career of playing Overwatch, and I was the reason for it. I’ve had win streaks and loss streaks in the past that didn’t stretch out to 10 games, but that happens. I had an 8 game win streak earlier this week. It goes both ways. Jeff doesn’t have some conspiracy against you to keep you down.

He personally doesn’t, but Jeff Kaplan did design this game to have a Matchmaking system that calculates your win chances and if it chooses you to have a losing streak, places you on the lower percentage team. The Matchmaker also looks at other players to put on your team, most often players who one trick and never switch, or who also are on losing streaks, also gold ranks, or against teams with 2-300 SR more than your team.

That is how it’s designed.


Bell curve will exist anyway. It just how everything dispersed, rare low, majority, rare high.

Be it OW rank, our income comparison, or amount of civilizations with eyes count in the galaxy.

Jeff Kaplan personally only wants to keep OWL players and streamers in the Top-500 so he can use them to promote the game. Instead of naturally letting people rise to those levels, he artificially places those players and keeps them there by not giving them losing streaks. They actually do get a real better than 50% win streak across the board, statistically Top-500 players have no characters that win less than 70% over all hours played. That is also statistically impossible.

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Why would he do that? Why would they design a game that forces you to lose? What’s the goal? For you to make this post complaining about your loss streak? It’s not a conspiracy, you lost a bunch of games. Watch the replays and figure out why. If you don’t want to watch the replays, send them to someone else and have them tell you why you lost.

It’s not designed to make you lose. You just lost. Maybe you got mega unlucky and had a bunch of unwinnable games in a row, but I suspect, especially given that you’re tilted enough to make this post, you were tilted during the games and that might’ve caused you to play worse. Maybe not, but I bet you could’ve done something else to win.

How else youd be a T500 lol

Unless you maintain very high winrate, you will be replaced by a better players. It has only 500 players in there.

Nobody looks at the top500 leaderboards to decide whether or not to buy Overwatch. That makes 0 sense.

You realize a lot of these players became streamers and pros BECAUSE they were constantly top500, right? Not the other way around.

They win 70% of the time because there aren’t people better than them to beat them. Genuinely. Statistically, they ought to win more often than everyone else. It’s the same in Bronze. Bronze players typically have a winrate of 40% or less. People in the <500SR bracket have winrates of less than 30%. It isn’t statistically impossible, it’s practically guaranteed to happen.

But that’s the thing, being Top-500 with across the board 70%+ WR and all Top-500 players have that same 70%+ across the board is actually not possible, otherwise how do they all have 70%+? Who among them loses and still keeps those statistics?

They do see streamers and pro players and they’ll buy the game because they see those players play the game and like playing it and they want to be a part of it. That’s how marketing works. You promote things that give notoriety or attention to your game, that’s the players, but only the best ones, famous ones, or pro ones. It’s actually Jeff Kaplan’s best interest to keep those players on top. Think like WWE, they promote the best wrestlers not just because they’re the best but because they’re the most popular, or famous, and that’s what sells tickets, merchandise and loyalty.


With current absence of SR decay, some of current T500 players have 100% winrate most likely. 70% winrate is for noobs.

Top500 players very very commonly get into games with Masters players after 15 minute queues. It’s not a science. There aren’t that many good players in the game, and it’s hard to find an even match when only a dozen or so top500 players are queuing at the same time. It expands the criteria for a good match until it manages to find 12 people that can form an even match. Turns out the Top500 players, in that instance, are very likely to win those games.

They didn’t get easy wins because the game GAVE them easy wins. It’s the opposite. The game literally can’t find fair games for them. The game literally can’t STOP them from winning. Because they’re good at the game. That’s what it means to be Top500.

You’re mistaken. Jeff isn’t incentivized to make people APPEAR good at the game when they aren’t. There are genuinely good players in the game. Jeff doesn’t have to create players that appear good. They’ll naturally appear because it’s a competitive game. People who are good at APEX don’t have to be given free wins either. They just win a lot. People who are good at Rocket League don’t have to be given free wins. They just win a lot.

You’re creating a conspiracy with no evidence in order to avoid dealing with the fact that you’re the reason you’re losing your games. If you don’t believe me, go post your replay to /r/OverwatchUniversity and say “why did I lose this game” or something. I guarantee someone will be able to point out how you could’ve won.