Why does Blizzard program MMR to give losing streaks?

The skill variance is borderline stupid. Honestly they should apply the same metrics to OWL, mix the teams before every game. That be great fun, oh wait…

There is literally a pattern by Activision entailing this phenomenon, in detail no less, and how it will create more engagement with the product. It is very much real and is used in both the latest CoD games were most players even if they are playing casual MM matches will have a 50% winrate quite quickly when solo queuing. Most hilarious thing about it in CoD bops 4 was the fact it soft rested when not playing for a while so all of a sudden I found myself at the bottom of the pit for one game and racked up like a 30k score or something. Neddless to say next game I was instantly down to 10k and the other team definitely aimed 100% better. You really should read up upon it and the skillbased matchmaking system -SBMM.

It is not a conspiracy it is a reality. While it is true you can effect the outcome of games and win more than you lose it is no easy task, and it is way harder than it should be, especially for good players that are not top 0.01% but only top 0,1% and can not hard carry 5 potatoes but only 3.


Yes, they have a patent on something resembling what you’re talking about. There’s no evidence that they’ve implemented anything like this in Overwatch. There wouldn’t be incentive for them to do so, anyways.

Okay, show me evidence. Prove it.

Because the other team is LITERALLY supposed to be AS GOOD AS YOU. If you’re climbing, it means you’re improving significantly faster than the overall community. That’s hard. That’s what it means for a game to be competitive. You’re not supposed to just climb because “I’ve been here longer.” It’s not meant to be easy.

If they are the same rank as me yes. But I cant even win games with ez on a 3k smurf when my highest rank on my main account is 4k+ something is wrong. It can not be that every single game I play despite getting 50+ kills topping the damage the other team magically have players that are so good and deserver to climb that I can not win the game. It is de facto not a realistic outcome, especially not by any statistical metrics available to us. But still that is what happens. I can not win a game that is proven to be so far below my level, that I personally and exclusively and dominantly by all metrics possible is the best player. I still can not win the game, even if I get kill after kill. Why? Cause I did not get 6 kills every per fight, only 2-3 in a game were I have 5 teammates all with the same tools available to them and all with the same chance of scoring kills. Not same skills(obviously) but still the same opportunity. Yet magically they flop, time after time, after time. It is almost like they are worse players than the opponents? And somehow they are magically on my team, time after time after time after time again. So somehow those that deserver to lose are always on my team and those that deserver to win always on the other team, and despite me dominating in the game, we still can not overcome that overwhelming disadvantage of having worse players and yet these players are supposedly belonging to the same skill level. You would think my presence would overwhelmingly tilt that game in my teams favour but nope, I guess the players on the other team has another 400-1000 SR in them still to climb, they must be just that good, coz that is why I can easily kill 2-3 of them every fight…

No you are supposed to climb cause you are better, yet that is is not entirely true with overwatch due to the MM.


Look, I’ve got multiple accounts that sit in multiple places on the rating system, so I get it. That said, I’m still unconvinced that Blizzard would design a system that forces players to lose games. Unless the game devs genuinely wanted players to dislike the game, there wouldn’t be any incentive to do that. Why would they spend more time and money developing a system that causes players to lose rather than to let the games play out normally using a simpler system? If it were a casual environment, sure, I’d understand, but for a competitive environment, there would be no incentive.

It’s more likely that something else is causing games to be lopsided. Personally, I think the games are mainly lopsided because practically everyone seems to have multiple alt accounts that they flip between constantly (all of which sit at different places on the ladder). Beyond that, players are generally inconsistent game to game and don’t adapt to different playstyles or comps at all. I’m sure you’ve had games where it felt like your friendo DPS on your team was feeding, then played against the same guy a few games later and he popped off. I’m sure you’ve had games where you fed and then popped off a few games later. I’m unconvinced that ANY system could account for that level of inconsistency well enough to consistently produce the lopsided games that people think are caused by some busted matchmaking algorithm. It’s more likely that everyone just kinda sucks and it’s way more obvious when they’re on your team.

To be clear, I don’t think there’s nothing wrong with the ladder right now, I just don’t think it’s the result of some malicious algorithm the devs designed to bully players out of the game. It just doesn’t make sense.

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Is Jeff Kaplan playing for you? Is he using you mouse and keyboard?

Is Jeff using your mouse and keyboard or is he forcing you to be this apologetic?

There is nothing going on, you just dont understand how system works

Do YOU know how the system works? Because blizzard is extremely hush hush about it. So they refuse to properly explain how the mmr system works to the public but Xion, you know, from the forums, knows it.

Show us the formula my dude, go ahead.

No he is not, nobody is forcing me to do anything. I am not influenced by anyone. If i cant climb, i blame primarily myself if i am stuck for longer period of time.

Blizzard is keeping certain things secret. I am curious person, i have several alt accounts and did few experiments to learn more about system and i climbed many times on these accounts so i think i have pretty good knowledge how it works.

Not sure what do you mean by formula? What would you like to know exactly about the system? Be specific, maybe i will help you :slight_smile: some of my opinions are based on my experience with the comp system, i belive i know how everything works ± because i was able to test a lot of it.

But i would like to say that i am not all knowing and i dont have problem to change my opinion or admit i am wrong if enough evidence for certain claim will be provided.

Well, the fact alone that MMR is kept secret already tells everything.
If there was nothing special about it and it works well, there is no reason to hide it from the players, who are directly affected by it.

Of course it’s good for Blizzard if everybody feels he needs to grind and play more and more and more, to keep people at playing this game.


They said its not simple number so players would be only confused with it. You have SR as visible easy to understand representation of your skill.

Yeah, right. “It’s too complicated for you, kid. We hide it from you only for your best!”
It could be true that it’s a conglomerate of numbers, but until they actually show us an example what such a “non-simple” MMR could look like, based on their history we have to assume they’re bsing us.


There is no such thing as forced losing streaks. The problem right now is that you have people in ranks they dont belong to. If you have a diamond badge but your skill is closer to 2500, you will get into games that are hard for you to keep up with. If you have multiple losng streaks it means you are playing in ELO you dont belong to. Once your winrate sits around 50% you will be in your correct rating and then its time to work on improving.

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Are you kidding me? I can guarantee you people would not understand it. Just look at this forum, people have no clue about simple basic things in comp. I mean people with gold frames and they still dont know basics. So yeah, people would be confused by checking two numbers for their rank, or one number and one formula…

You dont need to see it, there is no reason for it really. You can easily guess it tho under diamond by watching your sr gain/loss, pbsr.

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Usually when a company develops a program, MMR in this case the reason for keeping it secret is so people don’t steal their work and use it without permission.

I don’t have any knowledge of what the MMR program is or isn’t but if it is something they made from scratch that a good enough reason to keep it secret.

The old egging them to show it to show they prove they aren’t cheating, or to get rid of conspiracy theories is usually just a way for other lazy game designers to steal proprietary information and integrate it into their games without have to develop their own systems.

My only personal thought is this game is fun win or lose, I like the characters and the people I’ve played with in my limited time playing have been overall decent so who cares about the rank.

I’m not going pro and any rank under that is basically the same, wouldn’t you say? Remember to have fun at the end of the day and everything becomes more enjoyable.

You certainly don’t need to be stressing over a game in these times, they are meant for an escape not to get you more wound up.


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Very well said. You are absolutly right with everything you wrote. Too bad many others dont realize this.

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I feel like people just want something to blame. Blame leaver, cheater, matchmaking, trolls, one tricks. There are games where your team doesn’t click and you can’t do anything to win, but thats minimal amount of matches. How many times did you lose and could tell yourself I did everything absolutely right, wouldnt change a thing, I played the best I can and we still lost? Go back to replay and you will find out that you recklessly used your cooldowns, focused the wrong target, took unfavourable 1v1 etc. Blame yourself first if you want to improve.

And if you want to talk about forced losses, you should see what the matchmaking looks like in highest ranks. When you are 4400 and get a 3800 Roadhog OTP on your team. Do you give up and potentionally lose several ranks on the ladder and go cry to forums about it? No you focus on yourself and try giving it your best.


Gonna stop you right there.

This is because no one ever complains about winning a lot. It’s always “their pure skill” that have them the wins, not the matchmaker. Things are only “rigged” when you lose around here.

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This is because no one ever complains about winning a lot. It’s always “their pure skill” that have them the wins, not the matchmaker. Things are only “rigged” when you lose around here.

Also because going on a 9 game losing streak is pure player’s fault. We are only humans and by the time you lose your 4th match in a row, you should take a break because you are guaranteed to have tilted already.


I actually just got a 10 win streak yesterday so I don’t know what you’re talking about.


Oh absolutely.

I just think its funny how people believe loss streaks, and only loss streaks are due to games being rigged. Either the matchmaker is for some reason rigged to keep specifically you in one specific arbitrary spot, so you get free wins as well. Or it isn’t rigged and you just had a rough day. You can’t pick and choose here, its one or the other.

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Yeah exactly. Look, i blame these thing for loss too sometimes, its reality, you will have it in your game, nobody is denying that. But enemy team have it too and its still minority if your games. If you play enough and you are stuck, you can blame only yourself.

What would you like to know exactly about the system? Be specific, maybe i will help you :slight_smile:

So you’ve made some empirical observation that are entirely subjective and now you want ME to explain to YOU what I mean by the “formula”?

Dude, cringe. Blizzard has themselfs said that they’ve chosen to keep the formula which with the matchmaking system operates with a secret.

You know nothing, you have anecdotal “proof” that holds no water.

To me, you and OP are doing the exact same thing, the only differnce being you trying to high horse him with #knowledge.
