Why does Blizzard program MMR to give losing streaks?

Yes and do you know what they have common? False claims, not sharing whole truth how people dropped and most importantly any of these people refused to showed their games, to show how their games lookd like, to show their own performace. Why? Probably because they know deep inside that they were losing a of lot of these game because of them, but they dont want to accept it.

I am talking about these rigged matchmaking and forced loss streak topic of course. Everyone has normal win or loss streaks.

If you think you are skilled and belong into 3300-3800 and dropped to 2700 in few days, sorry but you are delusional. Its clearly not your skill anymore, you cant say you belong ther if you cant keep even 3000… idk what you were 3300 before, maybe you played with group, mabye you abused heroes they nerfed… only you know this, but 3300-3800 player wont drop to 2700 because of others or because of system lol.

And btw, no, I am not basing everything I know just on my personal experience but basing it on data shared by many others, and on recorded evidence.