Exceptions are not the rule
Try this next time
After 2 losses monitor yourself perhaps you are in AUTO PILOT TILTED and taking risks , could be u are tired or you have other worries in your head than stupid video games … thus u make wrong decisions in game … take a brake and revisit after 30 minutes
Monitor your time zones when u have this losing streaks , perhaps playerbase is low so the mmr is mixing bronze with plats ( happens in consoles non stop)
Wrong, you as part of the team are 20%, but it doesnt mean you cant effective do work for 40% or 60%. Some games is 20% enough, even doing only 10% can be enough, some games you have to do 30%. And some games even 40% wont be enough. But you have power to influence and win majority of your games with your skill.
Bunch of excused, enemy teams have this too, your teams are not chosen ones to have this.
Ok, post your last 10 replay codes as you played these game, dont just pick the bad one, post codes from 10 games in row and we will see if you tell the truth.
Then you dont belong into diamond anymore.
Your MMR has nothing to do with you winning or losing game the games. MMR is adjusting by your performance. If you belong in bronze and join GM on smurf acc and he will carry you 20 games, your MMR will go up only slighty and you will be gaining less sr for wins, because you still play as bronze player.
Of course there is difference, not that visible but there is.
Absolutely they can. You can see a couple dozen different stats on the game itself about your play. Overbuff shows even more including trends, game history with your W/L, and more. Blizzard can absolutely program it to analyze all those stats and coordinate placing people on teams designed to lose based on stats. It’s not that complicated.
Since Blizzard’s main goal (from Jeff Kaplan himself) is to keep 99% of players within the bell curve between 2500-3000, one programming highlight the MMR can do is that if it sees a player grinding and progressing and gaining SR and getting above a certain point, the MMR can start “stacking” against the player to bring them back into the curve.
Looks like you have nothing to contribute, just personal attacks. I am trying to explain how the system works to people who dont know how it works.
Yeah, I agree with this, you have general truth how climbing and system works, but certain experience can be different, because system is quite random with giving you team mates. As I always say, its a dice roll, I had runs on alts where i skipped gold in few games and I had alts where I was stuck there for weeks. But not because of system, because of RNG and bad luck.
I cant say I agree with this. System is trying to create games around teams, not around you as individual.
But its not exactly how the system works, lets say you and your friend are both 2000 SR players with 2000 MMR. You belong there. You will go play the game with your friends and you will have good day, you both will perform pretty well and have luck on team mates and win 10 games. But your skill didnt truly jump 250 SR(lets say you gained 25 for every game), you might get slighty better at the game tho, but lets say you didnt. Lets say you effectively raised your SR by 250 and MMR by 250 too because you played well. Keep in mind that even when you raised both SR and MMR by 250 points, it doesnt mean you truly have skill of a 2250 player.
Now you will both go together another 3 games and lose all of them. Your SR will go down by 75 SR, your MMR too(you played normaly. But what about your feelings? You feel like games were too hard and your team mates bad. Why? Because you played 250 above your normal ELO. Your mistakes will be punished harder and you might not even be aware of doing these mistakes as player from lower ELO. If matchmaker will do his job well, everyone in that game would be just as you 2250, but these people actualy belong in ther elo. For them is not 2250 their peak, for them its their normal elo and they have peak higher so they are effective better than you even with having same MMR and SR. And thats why you lose your SR again, not because system will give you worse player. You will lose because you two can be only people in your match who are worse players than everyone else in same match, and it will give your team disadvantage and you will lose.
Only way ho to stay in higher elo or on your peak is actualy get better at the game, climbing effectively do nothing.
Its not exception, its normal, and I have seen it many many times from other players.
It effects the matchmaking, if it didn’t MMR wouldn’t be implemented and matchmaking would be performed purely on SR which isn’t the case.
Blizzard do not make public the ins and outs of the ranking/matchmaking system we can only go off personal experience, you’re not explaining anything other than your own opinion which doesn’t seem to be shared on this thread and many other OW threads of this kind. You’re dismissing others opinions and expecting them to take yours on so its no wonder people are getting pissy at the responses.
You don’t know how the system works, either. You are basing it purely on experience, just like I admit I don’t actually know myself, either. However, I do notice trends, and I do know how to analyze statistics. I know that I am skilled to “belong” between 3300-3800. I’ve averaged in the middle of that for most seasons on other accounts and I got up to 3200 this season, but now I am down to 2700 in 3 days.
3 days to drop 500 SR, there’s no statistical way to lose that much and not have something in place that makes it that way. Eventually I’m supposed to win enough to balance it out, but that’s not how Jeff Kaplan and Blizzard want it.
Since you’re obviously friends of Jeff Kaplan since you so vigorously defend him at every turn, I assume that you never have had a losing streak, and you can’t possibly understand what many players like myself go through trying to grind and get to where we actually belong.
And it doesn’t help that there are jerks like you to bring people you consider lesser than you down. You’re so out of touch with the game and players around you. Why not look up “losing streak” on this forum and see the literally thousands of other topics just like this one.
At some point, if enough people are affected by a system designed to make people drop rank more than they rise, but the developers don’t make it public, then you can make an educated guess that’s the system in place, and there cannot be any other explanation.
Yes and do you know what they have common? False claims, not sharing whole truth how people dropped and most importantly any of these people refused to showed their games, to show how their games lookd like, to show their own performace. Why? Probably because they know deep inside that they were losing a of lot of these game because of them, but they dont want to accept it.
I am talking about these rigged matchmaking and forced loss streak topic of course. Everyone has normal win or loss streaks.
If you think you are skilled and belong into 3300-3800 and dropped to 2700 in few days, sorry but you are delusional. Its clearly not your skill anymore, you cant say you belong ther if you cant keep even 3000… idk what you were 3300 before, maybe you played with group, mabye you abused heroes they nerfed… only you know this, but 3300-3800 player wont drop to 2700 because of others or because of system lol.
And btw, no, I am not basing everything I know just on my personal experience but basing it on data shared by many others, and on recorded evidence.
My tank hit plat today! Yeay, I’m actually playing with a friend tomorrow. Let’s see how it goes, my experience is that it’ll be losing streak because I just had winning streak today.
I’ll tell you more, it even gives you winning streaks you totally not deserve. The problem is that you never improve by just playing. That’s why everyone below masters should not grind the game, at all. Being a good shot in generally any other fps will fix your habits in overwatch. Just play something else, expand your gaming experience and then come back stronger to overwatch.
If you have so much proof of this link to it and stop being so hypocritical. You’re upset that others make posts with no proof but thatg is exactly what you’re doing here.
You, just like them, do not want to accept someone elses opinion or provide proof of your own, it’s just personal opinion vs personal opinion and many more people are of the opinion that the OP is correct, if they’re so wrong prove it - you seem to be the only person on this thread pushing that opinion.
Proof of what exactly, be specific please? I posted many recorded games and runs in past showing how climbing is done and how PBSR works if you play well.
They aren’t scared people wouldn’t understand MMR. If they publish a number, and nobody understands it, they are no worse off.
They know that some of their playerbase knows game design. Some of their playerbase knows statistics. Some of their playerbase will put the pieces together and be able to conclusively prove whatever questionable things are going on if they reveal it. They’re scared that people will understand it.
A reminder that I wrote a thorough hypothesis on how and why we see the results we do, if you’re interested you can read it here:
Proof of the arguments you’re making and that the OP is incorrect across the board. You say you have the proof, and have it linked elsewhere prove it and link it here. Although I don’t see how a couple of recorded games could prove anything, (it would be simple to tank your SR and then make clips “climbing”) it would be interesting to see all of this data and proof that you have. Maybe that will change someone’s opinion.
He has no proof. Posting single games and talking anecdotes about them is every bit as unsubstantiated as the other side claiming it’s rigged because they got a bad streak.
I ask again, what is is it you want to me to link? You need to be specific. I really dont understand what you want from me? You think people dont have winning streaks? or what is it?
What is your rank btw?
Update: Lost another 7 games in a row today. Now at 2660.
Blizzard actually does want me to drop completely away from getting back to Master. Why is Jeff Kaplan personally punishing me? Why don’t they want me to actually go up in rank? Why me in particular? Hey Xion since you’re best friends with Jeff Kaplan can you ask him why he wants me to lose all the time?
I have never lost this much this often. There is an actual conspiracy here.
Out of 30 games in the past 4 days I have lost 27 of them.
I concur!
They claim they have proof, in the form of data, match recordings… and then ask what proof they should supply, and fail to provide anything at all - if they don’t understand what proof to supply for their own argument that they have claimed to have, they’re full of it, and just trolling and flaming.
How can you have proof of a certain point if you don’t even understand what
would prove it?